Ponera, known as the Monotone Princess, was the witch princess that headed the organization, Paraponera and appeared in the non-canonical video-game, Soul Eater: Monotone Princess. She is the last surviving member of her clan.
Ponera, known as the Monotone Princess, was the witch princess that headed the organization, Paraponera and appeared in the non-canonical video-game, Soul Eater: Monotone Princess. She is the last surviving member of her clan.
Ponera (ポネラ, Ponera) ist eine Hexe und die Hauptantagonistin von dem nur in Japan erschienen Wii Spiels Soul Eater: Monotone Princess. Ihr Magiethema ist die Ameise und ihr Lehrer war Grimoire.
Ponera, known as the Monotone Princess, was the witch princess that headed the organization, Paraponera and appeared in the non-canonical video-game, Soul Eater: Monotone Princess. She is the last surviving member of her clan.
Ponera (ポネラ, Ponera) ist eine Hexe und die Hauptantagonistin von dem nur in Japan erschienen Wii Spiels Soul Eater: Monotone Princess. Ihr Magiethema ist die Ameise und ihr Lehrer war Grimoire.