| - Her Royal Highness' Privy Council (referred simply as the Privy Council) is a committee in the Kingdom of Sierra composed of the monarch's closest personal advisers. The Council is composed of the top-ranking officials of Parliament including the Prime Minister. The Privy Council is responsible for advising the exercise of the monarch's royal prerogative, the management of the purse including assets and properties owned by the royal family, and forwarding all of the monarch's decisions and concerns to the civil government. Other roles of the council include coordinating, recognizing, and bestowing individuals or entities with heraldic honors, decorations, and letters patent. It is often viewed as the royal counterpart to the Cabinet which serves as the civil advisory body to the Prime Minister. Unlike the Cabinet however, the Privy Council itself has no legally defined responsibilities nor powers. Much of its functions rely solely on precedent and tradition whereas the Cabinet is legally sanctioned and officially carries out the monarch's duties through its ministries. By tradition, the Privy Council possesses the power of authority and therefore represents the monarchy whenever a tort or a grievance is filed against the Crown. Likewise, the Privy Council represents the Crown should the monarch be tried in an impeachment trial.