| - Ein Fragment ist ein Teil eines Ganzen. 2371 steuert ein Komet im Gamma-Quadrant auf das bajoranische Wurmloch zu und droht dieses zu zerstören. Als die Defiant diesen beschießt, zerfällt der Komet in drei Teile. Diese Fragmente fliegen weiter auf das Wurmloch zu. Später generiert Commander Sisko ein Subraumfeld um die drei Fragmente und bringt diese so sicher durch das Wurmloch. (DS9: )
- right|160px Fragmente sind in Final Fantasy XIII-2 ein zentrales Element der Spielmechanik. Sie entstehen, wenn zeitverschränkte Paradoxa aufgelöst werden. Äußerlich werden Fragmente als kleine Splitter dargestellt, die Zeit, persönliche Erinnerungen und sonstige geschichtliche Ereignisse im Inneren speichern und so als Instrumente verwendet werden können, um Wissen an kommende Generationen zu überliefern. Insgesamt gibt es an der Zahl 160, welche es auf die verschiedensten Weisen zu sammeln gilt. Teils bringen sie den Spieler in der Haupthandlung weiter, aber andererseits sind sie auch nur eine Herausforderung im Spiel. Sie benötigen viel Zeit, Geduld und auch in manchen Fällen Glück.
- fragment is a mini album by maya and Kanae Fujishiro, consisting of 4 songs and a bonus track with a PV.
- A strange object with metal pieces attached to it. It could be a piece of a very large machine.
- Show-Off. Sinister. Deep. Dark. Risk-Taker. Crazy.
- "Fragment" is an instrumental by Duran Duran, released on the album Pop Trash by Hollywood Records on 19 June 2000.
- Fragments are a special type of subunit created by a progenitor unit. They are generally similar to the original unit, but roughly a third as strong in health and attack power. What makes them different from most subunits is their lack of a set lifespan. Despite being divided from a larger being, Fragments function like any other standard unit. There are limitations to how many fragments can be made from a unit and once fragmented the pieces cannot be reintegrated.
- Fragments are a resource that a player can expend to create an orb. File:Fragment.jpg The number of fragments that a player possesses appears in the status bar.
- A sucker for getting stuck with the dirty work other Decepticons would rather not do, Fragment keeps a stiff upper lip when he'd rather be gaining the glory of a warrior. But even a race of soldiers needs other occupations filled. Fragment specializes in mining and zero gravity operations. Solitary space duties have left him a little rough around the edges. As a triple-changer, he remains a versatile asset to the ranks despite his shortcomings in a fight. In robot mode, he carries a pair of nunchaku he hasn't quite mastered yet. His hovercar mode serves best as a disguise, blending in with everyday earth traffic. In spacecraft mode, his Phase Cannon is better used for reducing asteroids to space dust than engaging in large scale warfare.
- With Voyager back in the Alpha Quadrant and the crew breaking up, Seven of Nine struggles with the new realities of her life.
- Fragments are organized two ways, each with a set of sub-categories. Locations is a set organized by location, and thereby listing the missions in that location, which is more of an organization by a game mechanic. The Categories set is organized either by the source of the fragment texts, as with Great Mog Wisdom and the diaries from Lenora's Garage, or by their subject, as with the paradox ending texts. When specific sets of fragments are collected, Fragment Skills, such as Paradox Scope, can be unlocked by the Mystic in Serendipity.
- Fragment is the beta version of The World. Only 1024 players were selected to test it and all were offered a free upgrade to The World. Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow. Fragment was programmed and designed by Harald Hoerwick, who based it off of the epic poem Epitaph of Twilight by Emma Wielant. After finishing the game, which he did completely on his own, he sold it to CC Corporation for practically nothing. CC Corp beta tested the game using a mixture of their own employees and testers brought in from outside the company. Though the test was considered a success, the beta was ended early for unknown reasons and the game was upgraded to the retail version The World. It is said that some of the players died from the game, and that the early end to the test was to cover t