- The Vampire Bat attacked the Ghostbusters and Jessica Wray when they were trapped in Limbo Land after entering a Haunted Painting. The bat fired yellow laser beams and made the Ghostbusters and Jessica run away from him. It was Tracy the Gorilla who turned the tables on the Vampire Bat by reflecgint one of the bat's beams with a tennis racket. The Bet got hit and retreated, charred and sad looking.
- The Vampire Bat is an enemy in the Sploder Platformer Games, and is the first to be listed in the Enemies and Hazards Game Creator Category. The Vampire Bat is an original game enemy.
- The Vampire Bat is a seasonal eStore-only virtual Webkinz pet. It is only available for purchase in the eStore during the month of October. It was first introduced on October 8th of 2011. It comes with a treetop room and flies when walking just like the Bat. Its pet specific item is the Creepy Bat Cave and its pet specific food is the Cursed Cherry Soda.
- Vampire bat (formerly Vampire Bat) is a monster who appears in IV.
- The Vampire Bat is an anime-exclusive Box Weapon that is used by the White Spell division of the Millefiore. It was used to destroy the Japan Vongola's Base's sensors. Iris of the White Spell states that the Vampire Bat and the Electric Firefly, another White Spell Box Weapon, are the only Boxes that can destroy the sensors, a feat that the Black Spell cannot achieve.
- A vampire bat is a type of bat possibly involved with Dark Magic. During the infamous final of the first Quidditch World Cup in 1473, Transylvania released one-hundred vampire bats on to the Flanders team. Vampire bats were studied by fifth years in Defence Against the Dark Arts in the 1991-1992 school year, which was taught by Professor Quirinus Quirrell at the time. As Dolores Umbridge said in 1995 that Quirrell's classes were the only ones which would pass a Ministry inspection, vampire bats were likely part of the curriculum approved by the Ministry of Magic.
- Appears at Level 9-13 (Health 650-1,050). They can be found:
* Port Royal in Wicked Thicket
* Tortuga in Rat's Nest
- Crystal Mine 1
- Om een vampire bat te maken heb je nodig:
* 81 Spirit shards
* Crimson charm
* Vampire dust
* Pouch
- Its corpse is poisonous, but does not stun the player.
- Vampire Bat is a monster in AdventureQuest Worlds.
- Vampire Bat (also refered to as Vampbat) is an recurring enemy on the series.
- Vampire bats are mid-level enemies that can use the drain blood in order to deal nether damage and drain your health. They have the same sprite as a regular bat, but are tinted red. They can be deadly for low-leveled characters as they usually spawn in groups. One way of dealing with vampire bats is to use spells like magic dart or special actions like touch of sleep as these moves never miss and can usually kill them instantly due to their low life score.
- The Vampire Bat is an enemy that first appears in the Magic Cave in 600 AD
- The Vampire bat is a standard enemy that can be found in and. __TOC__ __NOEDITSECTION__
- A vampire bat was a type of bat from Earth known for biting larger animals and ingesting their blood for nourishment. Harry Kim imagined that a class J nebula USS Voyager encountered in 2377 resembled a vampire bat. (VOY: "The Haunting of Deck Twelve")
- Low level and non-combat characters who need to raise their karma may want to consider killing Vampire Bats as they are: easy to kill; have an evil alignment.
- Vampire Bats are stronger versions of the Bat. They begin to appear on Level 10 and down. Not only do they have a larger amount of HP and defense points, but they can also poison you if they bite you. Vampire Bats are black and have glowing red eyes. They can also be summoned by Vampires.
- Vampire bat (Suom. vamppyyrilepakko) on 40 levuinen Runescapen hirviö. Sen voi kutsua käyttämällä Vampire bat pouchia, joka antaa sinulle 1.6 Summoning XP. Sen hyökkäys nopeus on nopeampi kuin muilla Summoning hirviöillä, mutta sen suurin vahinko on suhteellisen pieni verrattuna muihin Summoning hirviöihin. vampire batin kutsumiseen tarvii 31summoning sitä boi käytää 29minuuttia kompat on 41 ja jUOKksu 59 Luokka:Hirviöt Luokka:Summoning hirviöt Luokka:Summoning en:Vampire bat
- The Vampire Bat is an enemy from Grandia. They can be found outside the entrance to the Dom Ruins. Vampire Bats may appear alongside Red Slime, Dom Orcs and Vengeful Spirits and have the ability to cast Suck Blood.
- Vampire Bats are enemies in Shining Force II: Ancient Sealing.
- Like their Southern Kalimdor siblings, the magical beasts called vampire bats of Zul'Aman have always savored the frenzied turmoil of battle. This chaotic disposition has naturally aligned them with the Forsaken, who continue their struggle against the Lich King's Scourge while maintaining a tense alliance with the Horde. In addition to ferrying those who pay for their service throughout Lordaeron, the vampire bats also act as scouts for the Dark Lady.
- Because of differences between the three species, they have each been placed within a different genus, each consisting of one species. In the older literature, these three genera were placed within a family of their own, Desmodontidae, but taxonomists have now grouped them as a subfamily, the Desmodontinae, in the American leaf-nosed bat family, Phyllostomidae.
- __NOEDITSECTION__ [[English name::| ]][[English name (linked)::| ]][[Card image::| ]] [[Card type:: Card| ]][[Card type (short)::[[ Card|]]| ]][[Attribute::| ]][[Type::| ]] [[Lore::All face-up Zombie-Type monsters you control gain 200 ATK. If this face-up card on the field would be destroyed, you can send 1 "Vampire Bat" from your Deck to the Graveyard instead.| ]] [[?::| ]][[ string::| ]][[?Stars::| ]][[Stars string::| ]][[?ATK::| ]][[ATK string::| ]][[?DEF::| ]][[DEF string::| ]] Main card page: "[[Main card page::|]]"
- Vampire Bats closely resemble more normal bats in general outline, but they are far larger, with wingspans of up to fifteen feet and bodies the size of large dogs. A Vampire Bat is further distinguished from a mere bat by its obviously Undead nature. Although its body is usually in far better condition than a Zombie or other lesser Undead, its pallid skin and red-glowing eyes are a clear warning to anyone who sees it.