| - Adopted by a couple of merchants in Lianna City, Menalia had a little brother, Kemy, with whom she was very close. It was through family that she discovered her taste for reponsibilties, despite the tragedy that would make her world crumble when she was eleven: Kemy died of unknown illness, leaving the family shattered. While it gave her some answers, it mostly gave her more questions. Eventually recovering, she thought she could go back to her normal life. Fate decided otherwise and she lost her adoptive parents shortly after.
| - Adopted by a couple of merchants in Lianna City, Menalia had a little brother, Kemy, with whom she was very close. It was through family that she discovered her taste for reponsibilties, despite the tragedy that would make her world crumble when she was eleven: Kemy died of unknown illness, leaving the family shattered. A brilliant and precocious student, Menalia devoted her focus ever more in her studies, living more and more in her own little universe of books and datapads. She was still close to her parents, but the teenage girl had lost her inner spark, and drifted away from the few friends she had. When she was thirteen, she decided to join a volunteer program held by the leadership of the capital, where she began to learn about politics. It changed her life, and drew her to become social again. She also became interested in martial arts and boxing. At sixteen, she entered a law program at university, but even the more challenging cursus wasn't enough for her to feel complete. She couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right. A few months later, she became very sick and the doctors found anomalies in her DNA. Thanks to contacts across the galaxy, her doctors helped her travel to another world, where she discovered the truth about her origins. She happened to be a Sith's daughter and she wasn't human, but an alien species, she had never heard of. While it gave her some answers, it mostly gave her more questions. Eventually recovering, she thought she could go back to her normal life. Fate decided otherwise and she lost her adoptive parents shortly after.