| - Sonic is playing fetch with Muttski in the forest. He throws a stick and it lands in a lake, Muttski jumping in after it. Thinking his robot dog would sink to the bottom, Sonic jumps in as well. Sonic sinks to the bottom and finds a dusty bottle. Muttski grabs the stick and Sonic grabs the bottle, and both of end up back at the lake shore. "Meanie In A Bottle" - Part Two Sonic realizes that as soon as he grabbed the bottle both he and Muttski were shot back up from the bottom of the lake. He uncorks the bottle, releasing a genie. Sonic asks if he gets three wishes, but the genie rudely asks why he should bother. Sonic says it would be a reward for freeing him, but the genie refuses, gives him a "reward" by blasting him with a strange magical beam, and flies away. Sonic and Muttski decide to head back to Knothole, but Sonic quickly finds himself out of breath and unable to run. "Meanie In A Bottle" - Part Three Doctor Quack tells Sonic that the genie has stripped him of his super speed and given it to Muttski. With his new-found speed, Muttski helps the Freedom Fighters and the citizens of Knothole by catching criminals and doing manual labor. Sonic takes Muttski to fetch in the forest again, but Muttski catches the stick just as Sonic lets go. Sonic sees the genie coming out of a nearby log and asks Muttski to catch him. "Meanie In A Bottle" - Conclusion Sonic praises Muttski for grabbing the genie, trapping him inside his jaws. The genie says he'll do anything to get out, and Sonic makes a deal for three wishes. He asks how he can be sure the genie will keep his word, and the genie explains that if a genie lies he loses his magical powers forever. They release the genie, who assumes Sonic is going to ask for petty things. Sonic instead asks for his speed back, for Muttski to return to normal, and for the genie to return to his bottle. The genie grants the wishes, ashamed that he was fooled by a "lesser being". Sonic then throws the bottle back into the lake.