Do you feel that sudden flood of magic in the air, Gaians? I certainly do. And that electric trickle can only mean one thing: the gates have been unsealed. That's right! It took tireless efforts of my part -- and a fair contribution on your own -- but after a few incantations and spells, it appears that I've managed to unlock the Torii Gateway! Are you as curious as I am to see what marvels hides behind these red doors? I suppose one little peek couldn't hurt...
Et voila! Simply sublime, wouldn't you agree? This is the result of all your hard work, everyone. Certainly worth the over 160 trillion gold you all contributed! This Gateway has opened up to reveal a marvelous collection of recolors, both new and old, that are sure to amaze and delight any audience. Please, visit my Bazaar! You never know what the Torii Gateway might reward you with, but you can be certain you're going to want to get your hands on it before it's gone...
Visit Loyal's Bazaar!