| - When the spell is activated, it usually entails the assault of the enemies by a dark or otherworldly force, sometimes described as an anathema that ravages the enemy party. This spell first appeared in Tales of Eternia as the most powerful Dark-elemental spell that can be obtained. Once cast, a portal is opened near the enemy, from which a howling shade appears. It cycles across the entire screen twice, damaging everything in its path until it disappears. In Tales of Legendia, Bloody Howling is Grune's default spell, appearing as a large, pulsating dark ball that damages enemies near it. Unlike the other games in the series, the spell is classified as mid-tier spell instead of its usual advanced tier classification. In Tales of the Abyss, it is manifested in a vortex of darkness that lifts any enemies within the area of effect into the air. After the spell dissipates, it will leave behind a fully-charged Dark FOF Circle. Using the spell within a fully-charged Water or Dark FOF Circle will change the arte into Maelstrom, making it one of the few artes that can be changed with a field of its own element. It appeared in Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World, despite its absence in the original. It can be used by Richter Abend in battle, when fighting with him during various sidequest events or against him as an enemy. It can also be used by some Dark-elemental monsters. Its effect matches that of Tales of the Abyss, in which a vortex of darkness damages all enemies within range. It is also a "Second Movement" of a Dark-elemental monster ally's Unison Attack, attainable by having at least one Dark-elemental monster in the active party, as well as two minor element symbols matching its associated element on the Elemental Grid or one major field that matches one minor field. In Tales of Vesperia, Bloody Howling appears as an altered arte learned by Rita Mordio. Small blue flames form an octagon-like glyph on the ground, and pink-red flames of dark energy erupt from the ground as it cries out an eerie moan. The spell is altered from Rita's advanced level Dark spell, Violent Pain.