| - [sound of heavy breathing] Maybe this should be Diary of an Alleged Murderer now. I finally captured Gryph, but I was running late for the so-called "ceremony", so I cuffed him to my speeder bike and went into the Tower. What I saw next will be burned into my brain forever. I'm just going to be blunt: My Masters killed my fellow Padawans. I don't know how; I don't know why. All I know is that when I walked into the room, Shad, Kamlin, Oojoh, and Gharn were lying on the floor at the Masters' feet, dead from lightsaber wounds. Why? [voice identified as that of Marn Hierogryph] Got it!
| - [sound of heavy breathing] Maybe this should be Diary of an Alleged Murderer now. I finally captured Gryph, but I was running late for the so-called "ceremony", so I cuffed him to my speeder bike and went into the Tower. What I saw next will be burned into my brain forever. I'm just going to be blunt: My Masters killed my fellow Padawans. I don't know how; I don't know why. All I know is that when I walked into the room, Shad, Kamlin, Oojoh, and Gharn were lying on the floor at the Masters' feet, dead from lightsaber wounds. Why? I escaped with Gryph and we've now found a safe spot. Well, safe for now. Gryph's looking for something over there; I don't know what. In the meantime, all of Taris is after both of us, what with our faces being plastered all over the city. Gryph says he's got an idea for a better hiding place— [voice identified as that of Marn Hierogryph] Got it! And I have no clue what he's going to do with it. Anyway, I still don't know— [voice of Marn Hierogryph] Look, intern, stop yakking into that datapad and let's get moving or somebody's going to find us! *sigh* Yeah, I guess we should keep moving.