| - Mikos Antonescu was a Human mercenary and military officer who served in the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Alliance to Restore the Republic, and the New Republic. Originally fighting in the Separatist Droid Army during the Clone Wars, Antonescu fought in several resistance groups during the early years of the Galactic Empire. His last one, Kota's Militia, merged with the Rebel Alliance in 2 BBY, and he received the rank of colonel in the Rebel Army. Fighting throughout the Galactic Civil War, Antonescu went on to serve the New Republic after the conflict.
| - Mikos Antonescu was a Human mercenary and military officer who served in the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Alliance to Restore the Republic, and the New Republic. Originally fighting in the Separatist Droid Army during the Clone Wars, Antonescu fought in several resistance groups during the early years of the Galactic Empire. His last one, Kota's Militia, merged with the Rebel Alliance in 2 BBY, and he received the rank of colonel in the Rebel Army. Fighting throughout the Galactic Civil War, Antonescu went on to serve the New Republic after the conflict. Antonescu was trained by his father from an early age, in a military up-bringing. He decided to become a mercenary, and viewed military service to be very prestigious. As a result, Antonescu was known to be a good marksman. He did not have much political views throughout the Clone Wars, other than a dislike for the Galactic Republic, which he deemed to be corrupt. Nonetheless, he respected the Jedi Order. Throughout the early days of the Empire, his views of it turned to hatred after he found out about Order 66 and the Great Jedi Purge.