| - Details: In the early morning of June 13, 1992, 34-year-old David Hurley left his home at 1:30am and was driving along Route 22 in Monroeville to pick up donuts before a weekend outing with his brother's Boy Scout troop. After leaving the donut shop, he was involved in a minor traffic accident, being sideswiped by another vehicle that came out of nowhere. When he got out of his van to exchange insurance information, the other driver punched him, then shot him once in the shoulder, once in the lower chest, and as he turned to leave, once in the back. David then drove the two miles back home and when he called for his wife, Pam, she didn't understand why he was home, until he told her that he had been shot, and she came down and called 911. Paramedics soon arrived and at 3:30am he told polic
| - Details: In the early morning of June 13, 1992, 34-year-old David Hurley left his home at 1:30am and was driving along Route 22 in Monroeville to pick up donuts before a weekend outing with his brother's Boy Scout troop. After leaving the donut shop, he was involved in a minor traffic accident, being sideswiped by another vehicle that came out of nowhere. When he got out of his van to exchange insurance information, the other driver punched him, then shot him once in the shoulder, once in the lower chest, and as he turned to leave, once in the back. David then drove the two miles back home and when he called for his wife, Pam, she didn't understand why he was home, until he told her that he had been shot, and she came down and called 911. Paramedics soon arrived and at 3:30am he told police what happened to him. He was then transported via Life Flight to Presbytarian University Hospital. He appeared to be doing well until he started having trouble breathing. At the hospital, he was taken into surgery and died at 6:30am after going into acute cardiac arrest. All police have now is a description of the suspect from David himself shortly before he died. Suspects: David's killer is described as a young black male driving a gold or champagne colored Honda Prelude, model year 1989 or 1990, and is believed to be local. He has never been identified. Extra Notes: This case first aired on the April 7, 1993 episode. Results: Unresolved. In 1995, police got a break when a crime lab determined a gun involved in another case matched the one used in David's murder. Because it had changed hands since then, that investigation led nowhere. Authorities stated that they have a suspect in the case that they believe is responsible, but that they do not have enough evidence to charge him. They need a unidentified woman who may have information in the case to come forward. Links:
* David Hurley at Unsolved