| - thumb|280px|Ancient Aliens: elke aflevering een nieuwe portie pseudowetenschap, drogredenen en andere onzin.Ancient Aliens is een zogenaamde "documentaire"-serie op History Channel, die pseudowetenschappelijke "theorieën" over buitenaardse bezoeken op aarde als geloofwaardig tracht voor te stellen. De inhoud is aldus grotendeels gebaseerd op de "ancient astronauts"-theorie van de ufologie. De serie begon in 2010 nadat er in 2009 een documentaire van twee uur werd uitgezonden.
- thumb|200px Ancient Aliens (en español: Alienigenas Ancestrales) también conocido como El loco de The History Channel o Aliens, es una serie de imagenes macros basadas en la serie de televisión con el mismo nombre de History Channel, protagonizada por el experto en aliens Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, que a menudo tiende a explicar los fenómenos inexplicables, como resultado directo de ser alienígenas o extraterrestres en la Tierra. De manera algo similar a la serie You Can’t Explain That de Bill O'Reilly, las macros de Ancient Aliens exageran las creencias de Tsoukalos a tal medida que se vuelven muy graciosas. En dicho programa se hablaba de la posiblilidad de que todas las superestructuras del pasado fuesen construidas por alienígenas. La personalidad del meme es la de un tipo obsecionado con
- Everybody knows the legends of monsters such as Bigfoot, the Lochness monster, vampires, Winnie the Pooh, and Justin Bieber, right? What if these mysterious creatures were some kind of extraterrestrial experiment?
- To go along with The History Channel changing its focus, Ancient Aliens deals with conspiracy theories about Ancient Astronauts and presents them as reasonable. The show is known for having frequent appearances by Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, consulting producer and ancient austronaut researcher. More specifically, it's known for the involvement of Giorgio A. Tsoukalos' hair.
| - To go along with The History Channel changing its focus, Ancient Aliens deals with conspiracy theories about Ancient Astronauts and presents them as reasonable. The show is known for having frequent appearances by Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, consulting producer and ancient austronaut researcher. More specifically, it's known for the involvement of Giorgio A. Tsoukalos' hair.
* All Myths Are True: Albeit aliens were involved with all of them.
* Ancient Astronauts: Prescribes to this, using scripture and myths.
* Beethoven Was an Alien Spy:
* Surely anyone with ideas that were somewhat ahead of their time was abducted by aliens at some point.
* With Leonardo da Vinci, they think that he was either kidnapped by aliens, or even was actually a TIME TRAVELER.
* Dan Browned: A staple of this show.
* Early Installment Weirdness: The series is actually a Spin-Off from a one-off documentary that presented a much less biased examination of the Ancient Astronaut theory; both proponents and detractors were interviewed. Myths were not presented as evidence. Artistic licence and symbolism were acknowledged. Ironically, by presenting it as a two-sided argument with evidence against it as well as for it, it makes the whole thing seem more reasonable.
* ET Gave Us Wi Fi
* For the Evulz: Aliens apparently cause volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. Why they're doing it and what they would have to gain from doing it isn't known or dwelled upon in the show.
* The Great Flood: The show takes the Noah's ark story as the literal truth. But aliens did it.
* The Grim Reaper: According to the show the black death was caused by Grim Reaper aliens with plague scythes. Seriously.
* Groupie Brigade: According to pics, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos is quite the Kavorka Man. It's gotta be the hair.
* Hey, It's That Voice!: Narrated by Jim Raynor
* Phlebotinum Killed the Dinosaurs: Yup, the aliens apparently offed them too. Oh, and they made them in the first place as well.
* Speculative Documentary: Basically, everything important happened because of aliens.
* Stupid Jetpack Hitler: They do this in a few episodes.
* You Fail Logic Forever: The main one showing up all the time is the Converse Error Affirming the Consequent.
- Everybody knows the legends of monsters such as Bigfoot, the Lochness monster, vampires, Winnie the Pooh, and Justin Bieber, right? What if these mysterious creatures were some kind of extraterrestrial experiment? And another thing. The legend of Frankenstein tells of a mad scientist who creates a hideous monster that lived. Seemed pretty realistic to me, just putting it out there. But what if the monsters we hear about shared a twin story line with that of Frankenstein? What if the monsters were projects of creatures from somewhere in the universe, and had a purpose to be sent here on Earth to scare us Halloween? It just makes perfect sense! Another story tells of Bigfoot, a Yeti, a cryptid. In the stories, the Bigfoot is described as a creature standing nearly 7-12 feet tall. That even exceeds the tallest NBA stars including Michael Jordan, Yao Ming, Shaquille O'Neal, and Jeremy Lin. In 1847, Paul Kane reported this story told by the local natives about a Wildmen cannibalistic tribe who live on the peak of Mount Everest, who feast on humanoids and chicken wings, drowned with soda pop. The only thing I find false about this statement is the idea of a cannibalistic tribe. If they were indeed cannibals, then wouldn't they be eating those from their own tribe? Maybe they confused these wildmen for something or another species. Maybe something of another species from perhaps, another world?
- thumb|200px Ancient Aliens (en español: Alienigenas Ancestrales) también conocido como El loco de The History Channel o Aliens, es una serie de imagenes macros basadas en la serie de televisión con el mismo nombre de History Channel, protagonizada por el experto en aliens Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, que a menudo tiende a explicar los fenómenos inexplicables, como resultado directo de ser alienígenas o extraterrestres en la Tierra. De manera algo similar a la serie You Can’t Explain That de Bill O'Reilly, las macros de Ancient Aliens exageran las creencias de Tsoukalos a tal medida que se vuelven muy graciosas. En dicho programa se hablaba de la posiblilidad de que todas las superestructuras del pasado fuesen construidas por alienígenas. La personalidad del meme es la de un tipo obsecionado con los aliens, cuya explicacion para todas las cosas es la de que los aliens lo hicieron.
- thumb|280px|Ancient Aliens: elke aflevering een nieuwe portie pseudowetenschap, drogredenen en andere onzin.Ancient Aliens is een zogenaamde "documentaire"-serie op History Channel, die pseudowetenschappelijke "theorieën" over buitenaardse bezoeken op aarde als geloofwaardig tracht voor te stellen. De inhoud is aldus grotendeels gebaseerd op de "ancient astronauts"-theorie van de ufologie. De serie begon in 2010 nadat er in 2009 een documentaire van twee uur werd uitgezonden.