a grue is an abomanation created by science and liberals to kil all god loving ( fearing ) repubicans, heros, and the almighty stephen colbert, and are very hard to kill, like the immoral bears.
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| - a grue is an abomanation created by science and liberals to kil all god loving ( fearing ) repubicans, heros, and the almighty stephen colbert, and are very hard to kill, like the immoral bears.
- Blah blah Grue. A grue is a mythical banana that spends its time eating nose. It cannot blub the phrubub. Green cheese with nose yellow cruise ships on kicking bridges carrying large doses of Grue. Uh huh.
- They are famous for their horrible fear of light: No grues have ever been seen by the light of day, and only a few have been observed in their underground lairs. Of those who have seen grues, few ever survived to tell the tale. Grues have sharp claws and fangs, and an uncontrollable tendency to slaver and gurgle. They are certainly the most evil-tempered of all creatures; to say they are touchy is a dangerous understatement. "Sour as a grue" is a common expression, even among themselves.
- Black murderous monster in Pamaltela.
* They are bipedal with huge, deformed heads.
* Their blood is corrosive.
* They haunt the Kareeshtuan ruins of Elad Source: Gloranthan Bestiary, Guide to Glorantha
- Grue Infos Profession [[Fichier:-icône2-petite.png|link=|]] [[]] Type Espèce Espèce Sous-espèce Clan Apparence Niveau 3 Campagne Factions Région [[]] Lieux Le Domaine du Ministre Cho,Zen Daijun (zone d'exploiration),Vallée de Pongmei Quête [[]] Immunités Immunisé au Image:Saignement-icône.jpg Saignement Immunisé à la Image:Brûlure-icône.jpg Brûlure Immunisé à la Image:Maladie-icône.jpg Maladie Immunisé au Image:Poison-icône.jpg Poison Ne peut pas être assommé Ne laisse pas de cadavre exploitable Cartes Catégorie:Animal « Les jeunes grues peuvent taillader les chairs de leur bec, mais vous pouvez plutôt leur apprendre à perforer la plus robuste des
- A grue (Gruesomicius ravenousi) is a box-shaped gap-toothed mammal known for eating humans, though more recently they have been known to kill certain lone wolves, construction workers, a gerbil or two, speranah, the occasional monkey, people who send annoying chain e-mails, your pets, and...well, Grues like eating a lot of things. Grues are not often seen roaming the wilderness in herds, whistling old-time Irish pub songs, working on crossword puzzles, and calculating the amount of back taxes owed by car salesmen. The reason Grues are not often seen doing anything is because grues live in total darkness, so the whole "seeing" thing would be kind of hard to do. The likelihood of being eaten by a grue is probably non-zero.
- The devnull tournament includes a Grue Challenge that causes instadeath if the player attempts to do anything in a dark area without a light source. The trophy description states, "harkening back to Zork, players accepting this Challenge must find and figure out how to use the Frobozz Company Inter-Dimensional Portal Generator before being eaten by a Grue". This page is a . You could probably [ expand this page] should you wish to do so.
- A grue is a fictional predator from Infocom's Zork series of games.The word grue was first used in modern times as a fictional predator from Jack Vance's Dying Earth universe (described as being part "ocular bat", part "uncanny hoon" and part man). Jack Vance most probably took the name from a Scandinavian word meaning to feel horror, shudder, now most commonly encountered in the word "gruesome". Due to Zork's prominent position in hacker history and lore, its grues have served as models for monsters in many subsequent games, such as roguelike games and MUDs.
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| - Deux ouvertures munies d'un couvercle sont ménagées à la partie supérieure [de la caisse des tenders] et servent au remplissage par grue hydraulique.
- *Grue, subst. fém. Grue hydraulique. Appareil destiné à l'alimentation en eau des locomotives à vapeur.
*Wagon-grue. Wagon de dépanage.
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| - Bailleul, Notions de matériel roulant des chemins de fer, 1951, p. 55.
| - a grue is an abomanation created by science and liberals to kil all god loving ( fearing ) repubicans, heros, and the almighty stephen colbert, and are very hard to kill, like the immoral bears.
- A grue (Gruesomicius ravenousi) is a box-shaped gap-toothed mammal known for eating humans, though more recently they have been known to kill certain lone wolves, construction workers, a gerbil or two, speranah, the occasional monkey, people who send annoying chain e-mails, your pets, and...well, Grues like eating a lot of things. Grues are not often seen roaming the wilderness in herds, whistling old-time Irish pub songs, working on crossword puzzles, and calculating the amount of back taxes owed by car salesmen. The reason Grues are not often seen doing anything is because grues live in total darkness, so the whole "seeing" thing would be kind of hard to do. The likelihood of being eaten by a grue is probably non-zero. It is widely believed that all emeralds are grue, but in fact, all emeralds are bleen. There are an estimated 47 grues left in the United States today due to the Grue conservation program - luckily all grues are kept under heavy rocks, or locked away in abandoned biker bars. Of course, being creatures of darkness that tend to eat anything they can get within range of, these numbers are likely inaccurate, outdated, or simply made up by the same people who tell us that pretty much everything causes cancer. The game of Zork consists entirely of being repeatedly eaten by a grue.
- Blah blah Grue. A grue is a mythical banana that spends its time eating nose. It cannot blub the phrubub. Green cheese with nose yellow cruise ships on kicking bridges carrying large doses of Grue. Uh huh.
- A grue is a fictional predator from Infocom's Zork series of games.The word grue was first used in modern times as a fictional predator from Jack Vance's Dying Earth universe (described as being part "ocular bat", part "uncanny hoon" and part man). Jack Vance most probably took the name from a Scandinavian word meaning to feel horror, shudder, now most commonly encountered in the word "gruesome". Dave Lebling, creator or Zork, introduced a similar monster, whose name was borrowed from Vance's grues, into the interactive fiction computer game Zork. Zork's grues fear light and are ravenous devourers of adventurers, making it impossible to explore the game's dark areas without a light source. Zork's were supposedly impossible to kill except by ancient king Entharion the Wise with the legendary blade Grueslayer Due to Zork's prominent position in hacker history and lore, its grues have served as models for monsters in many subsequent games, such as roguelike games and MUDs.
- The devnull tournament includes a Grue Challenge that causes instadeath if the player attempts to do anything in a dark area without a light source. The trophy description states, "harkening back to Zork, players accepting this Challenge must find and figure out how to use the Frobozz Company Inter-Dimensional Portal Generator before being eaten by a Grue". The NetHack tournament patch code prints the message "It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue." If the player makes any action that does not return him to a lighted square, the message is printed again. On the third such message without returning to light, "You die" with the message "Eaten by a Grue." Note that the multi-step movement commands do not count entering darkness or the message as an event worth stopping for, and the adventurer will dunderheadedly continue into the darkness, getting eaten. Also note that there is a bug in the code that causes the message to be printed and the counter updated for every action, not just ones that take time, so it is possible to get eaten when checking inventory for a light source, for instance. The challenge puts a portal at the bottom of the Gnomish Mines that goes to the darkened Grue Lair, a big empty room with no starting monsters in it. Somewhere in the lair is a "sinister device". To win the challenge, pick this device up, identify it, and apply it. It will identify as "Frobozz Company Inter-Dimensional Portal Generator (TM)". Further attempts to apply the device after the challenge has been won yield the message, "On the other hand, maybe you should leave that portal closed ...." This page is a . You could probably [ expand this page] should you wish to do so.
- They are famous for their horrible fear of light: No grues have ever been seen by the light of day, and only a few have been observed in their underground lairs. Of those who have seen grues, few ever survived to tell the tale. Grues have sharp claws and fangs, and an uncontrollable tendency to slaver and gurgle. They are certainly the most evil-tempered of all creatures; to say they are touchy is a dangerous understatement. "Sour as a grue" is a common expression, even among themselves.
- Black murderous monster in Pamaltela.
* They are bipedal with huge, deformed heads.
* Their blood is corrosive.
* They haunt the Kareeshtuan ruins of Elad Source: Gloranthan Bestiary, Guide to Glorantha
- Grue Infos Profession [[Fichier:-icône2-petite.png|link=|]] [[]] Type Espèce Espèce Sous-espèce Clan Apparence Niveau 3 Campagne Factions Région [[]] Lieux Le Domaine du Ministre Cho,Zen Daijun (zone d'exploiration),Vallée de Pongmei Quête [[]] Immunités Immunisé au Image:Saignement-icône.jpg Saignement Immunisé à la Image:Brûlure-icône.jpg Brûlure Immunisé à la Image:Maladie-icône.jpg Maladie Immunisé au Image:Poison-icône.jpg Poison Ne peut pas être assommé Ne laisse pas de cadavre exploitable Cartes Catégorie:Animal « Les jeunes grues peuvent taillader les chairs de leur bec, mais vous pouvez plutôt leur apprendre à perforer la plus robuste des armures. Vous en trouverez partout à Cantha. Je vous recommande d'explorer l'Ile de Shing Jea, non loin de la Cité de Kaineng, ou bien la Forêt d'Echovald. » — Silavor [Naturaliste zaishen]. La Grue est une créature qu'un Rôdeur peut dompter à l'aide de Image:Charme animal-icône.jpg Charme animal .