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- Over time, units gain experience in combat and eventually they become experienced enough to become veterans and eventually elite. These highly experienced soldiers are extremely proficent in combat, dealing massive amounts of damage to enemies and absorbing more than they could as recruits. Even higher is the heroic rank.
- Elite was a nightclub in Los Angeles. While trying to get inside, Harmony Kendall met Andy Dick.
- ELITE is the Enhanced Logistics for Insight and Tactical Excellence, a division of the Paragon City government that researches and investigates natural issues. It is one of five organizations that serves as the initial contact point for new heroes. There are two ELITE offices in Paragon City. The office in Atlas Park is led by Susan Davies, a quiet but knowledgeable government liaison. The office in Galaxy City is led by Derek Amberson, a genius at the art of war and an Olympic Gold medal winning fencer. Image:Eliteoffice.jpg
- It does a deep watch, to know what games, apps and programs you have been using, this complex deep watch system prevents it from being easily detected. It isn't removable for now but requires a user's installation. Its gotten slight fame from Dannoct1's video on the subject (see the video to the right).
- < [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Elite]] elit (“‘elected’”), pp. of elire (“‘to choose, elect’”) < [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Elite]] eligere (“‘to choose, elect’”); see elect.
- Shingaku Erihito (進学 襟人), also known as Elite (エリート), is a scout character.
- Elite (エリート) is a scout character.
- Elite was an Alzarian rank that signified intellectual excellence in an area of knowledge. They were selected for higher education, and received a gold-edged badge as an award for attaining this accolade. Adric was a mathematical elite. (TV: Full Circle)
- The Elite is a super-car in Corporate Warfare.
- Elite is a thin, agile Dark Hunter with an unusual origin.
- コヴナント軍の中核的種族。プロフェット族の名誉衛兵やコヴナントの評議会を勤めている。人間と変わらない程の知性を有してお り、戦士としては人類の海兵隊以上に優秀。ただし身体的な強さではブルート族に劣る。 コヴナントの信仰における中心的概念である「大いなる旅立ち」(The Great Journey)の解釈を巡り、コヴナントより離脱。 さらに、プロフェット族、ブルート族が下した裁定に対する強い憤りと、フラッドの存在に対する大きな危機感により、 エリート族はこれまで敵対してきた人類と同盟を結ぶこととなる。 作中ではチーフのものと酷似したシールド機能を備えたアーマーを着ている。 階級によってアーマーの色は異なるようだ。
- W języku polskim to słowo oznacza lepszy od innych tak jak w WoWie,Moby Elite są lepsze od innych. Różnią się ilością życia,many,siłą ataku.Możemy je najczęściej spotkać na instancjach,,raidach,gdzie w grupie,jest możliwe ich pokonanie.Smok nad nazwą NPC lub moba oznacza że jest on elitarny.Moby elitarne jak już wspominałem,trudno pokonać,ale zawsze za zabicie takiego stworzenia,dostaniemy nagrodę w postaci zielonego przedmiotu z (elite mobs),niebieskiego(boss) oraz znacznie większej ilości doświadczenie/golda niż za zabicie normalnego moba. thumb|Potwór Elitarny(góra) vs normalny(dół)
- An Elite is a Monster with stronger then normal attributes. Elite's are rare and only occur about every 30 minutes or so.
- In 2268, Spock browsed through a copy of Elite while learning about the planet's culture. (TOS: "Bread and Circuses" )
- Elites are an upgraded version of Normal accounts purchased with FPP. Elite accounts have several benefits and perks over normal accounts. They can be purchased in the FPP Shop.
- Are usually 3 & 4 star Weapons/Characters. Can be obtained via the Shop, or via Elite Weapon Tokens or Elite Character Tokens.
- Elitegegner sind durch goldene Drachenkränze um ihr Portrait markiert und sind für ihr Level besonders stark. Die meisten Elitegegner treiben sich in Dungeons herum, doch es gibt auch einige außerhalb jener Komplexe, früher war Hogger der berühmteste, bevor er ins Verlies gesperrt wurde. Elitegegner sind nicht zu verwechseln mit Raren Gegnern, die einen silbernen Drachenkranz um ihr Portrait haben und meistens nicht viel stärker als ihre Stufe sind.
- Mit der Fähigkeit "Elite", bekommt der Charakter doppelte Erfahrungspunkte
- A difficulty of creature or NPC. Elite mobs have higher hitpoints, damage, and defense and also have armor. (Note: Most of the mobs that are gold or silver chevron outside of dungeons have a higher chance of being soloed if you're a highly geared level 90)
- Elites wear military gear that make them look like soldiers: a helmet, bulletproof vest, gloves, and military pants with boots and knee-pads. The color of their shirt indicate the gang they belong to (Viceroys Elites wear orange shirts). On the Profiler, they are indicated by a red star, as seen on the picture. Elites can be either Chicago South Club (colored clothes), Black Viceroys (makeshift uniform), Pawnee Militia (camouflaged uniform, no gloves), SWAT (green uniform), Blume (grey uniform) or Fixers members (black/blue uniform).
- En 2268, Spock consulta une copie du magazine pour en apprendre plus sur la culture de la planète. (TOS: "Bread and Circuses")
- The minimum level to enter is 20 There have been exceptions to the above rule. However, keep in mind if you are below lvl 16, we will not consider an exception to let you in. Having said that, although it is not a requirement to be p2p, we would like to keep the guild p2p as much as possible, so that guild members can do activities together, and not be restricted in any way.
- Elite (エリート ErītoJap) es personaje un exclusivo en el vídeo juego Dragon Ball Heroes. Es un saiyajin. Aparece junto a Berserker peleando contra Cell.
- Elite Subscribers are people who pay $10.00 a month to play online. They gain the following bonuses: Content every month (minor) and major content patches every 3 months. Double storage space Hardcore Mode (Permanent character death, similar to Diablo 2).
- Οι φρυγανιές Ελίτ είναι ένας ωραιότατος μεζές των Ελ. Ο θρύλος λέει πως όταν ο Θεός έπλασε τον άνθρωπο ο άνθρωπος έφαγε ντιλίτ από τον Τσακ Νόρις και ξαναφτιάχτηκε κατ' εικόνα αυτού...(Τσακ Νόρις). Μετά ο Τσακ Νόρις δημιούργησε τιιιιιςςςς
- Elite is the 119th level in Chip's Challenge Level Pack 3. It was created by Derek Bowser. 501 route: Slide up to get the chips, then get more chips and fire boots from the top right, press the red button twice, collect the yellow key and suction boots, then get the flippers, press the green button, collect the chips and red key, collect the chips and blue key behind the red door, press the green button again, then go through the blue door and across the thief. Clone blocks to explode the bombs below, collecting the top 4 chips in the process, collect the blue key and the bottom 4 chips, get the fire boots, then the suction boots, then collect the chips and yellow key from the blue/invisible wall maze. Now press the blue button then clone 2 more blocks and explode the bombs to the right. G
- Citadel.JPG|The Citadel, an elite ship |link=Citadel RSB-75.png|Elite ammunition, RSB-75|link=RSB-75 Although not every player can be considered elite simply because the items they may have equipped could be just standard Credit bought weapons and defense. Below should help you understand where elite could be found:
- Episode 4 of Anarchy. Please enjoy and comment below what you think. Sandpaw’s legs went numb. I am a chosen now. Yowls of her campmates echoes around her. Lights seemed to flash from all around her and the world seemed to fade around her. She wobbled forwards, legs feeling as shaky as a kits. She felt Snake’s weight push against her shoulder as she was about to tumble down. “You okay Sandpaw?” Snake asked. “Sandpaw you causing a dust storm here.” Duskpaw joked. “Good luck Sandpaw.” Duskpaw whispered. “Whats that supposed to mean?” Sandpaw asked. “Sandpaw hey!” A cheerful voice sounded behind her.
- ''''Elites or Corporals are the leaders of the Grunts. They are superior to Grunts as they are far more accurate and wear better quality armor. They also make use of cover more efficiently and have better equipment. Elites can use some of the player's co-op moves, such as Riot Shield and Drag Partner. If an Elite is present, Grunts are more efficient, so it is advisable to dispatch their leader first. Elites are more intelligent and confident than Grunts, and are harder to fool as they are more perceptive to the player's aggro and feigning death.
- This is about the Marvel Punisher character. For the Halo aliens commonly known as "Elites", see Sangheili. Elite is a villain who first appeared in Punisher Vol.3 5. Little is known about Elite’s origins. He turned up in the wealthy Riverside Park area of New York and immediately set about insuring the neighbourhood remained "nice" by executing anyone he thought lowered the tone.