| - Those who wish to visit or become citizens of 4chanistan must apply on a simple application form. The form consists of two pages, consisting of the same questions and layout. The paper is specialized ink paper in which writing on the top piece will go through and fill out the bottom as well. The bottom is kept with the applicant, while the top is sent back through the mail to 4chanistan for review and approval. When approved, it is signed by the reviewing officer and stamped with the official seal and sent back to the applicant. The application when reviewed is profiled based on many details, including the way a person looks, their religion, orientation, criminal record, age, gender and nationality. Specific people are denied entry to the island and some even banned from entry to the Touri
| - Those who wish to visit or become citizens of 4chanistan must apply on a simple application form. The form consists of two pages, consisting of the same questions and layout. The paper is specialized ink paper in which writing on the top piece will go through and fill out the bottom as well. The bottom is kept with the applicant, while the top is sent back through the mail to 4chanistan for review and approval. When approved, it is signed by the reviewing officer and stamped with the official seal and sent back to the applicant. The application when reviewed is profiled based on many details, including the way a person looks, their religion, orientation, criminal record, age, gender and nationality. Specific people are denied entry to the island and some even banned from entry to the Tourist Zone.
* Furries
* Scientologists
* Pedophiles/Convicted Sex Offenders
* Weirdos (generally anyone that may be adult babies, pedophiles, furries, religious extremists, sissies, unmedicated psychotic persons, drug addicts [meth, crack, cocaine, heroine, hardcore drugs])
* Religious Extremists (Scientology primarily but also Christian extremists and Islamic extremists)
* Juggalos/Juggalettes, ICP Fans