Somebody who hates liberty, chocolate, Stephen, and America. Straight and simple. Communism was invented by Groucho Marx, with help from his brothers Zeppo, Zippo, Hippo and Dumbo. Hippo Marx later disavowed his actions, and the Baby Jesus reportedly said, "Okay, fine. You can stand outside heaven. Just close enough to groove to the music a little." Actually it was the work of Christ killing scum Joos. Communism claims that all the money and power should not be in the hands of wealthy capitalists, but instead should be in the hands of wealthy politicians. There were once many communists in America but every single one of them (With the exception of Michael Moore), moved to the Minneapolis-St. Paul Metropolitan Area or Canada after Senator Joseph McCarthy made them wear little red stars on
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| - Somebody who hates liberty, chocolate, Stephen, and America. Straight and simple. Communism was invented by Groucho Marx, with help from his brothers Zeppo, Zippo, Hippo and Dumbo. Hippo Marx later disavowed his actions, and the Baby Jesus reportedly said, "Okay, fine. You can stand outside heaven. Just close enough to groove to the music a little." Actually it was the work of Christ killing scum Joos. Communism claims that all the money and power should not be in the hands of wealthy capitalists, but instead should be in the hands of wealthy politicians. There were once many communists in America but every single one of them (With the exception of Michael Moore), moved to the Minneapolis-St. Paul Metropolitan Area or Canada after Senator Joseph McCarthy made them wear little red stars on
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| - Somebody who hates liberty, chocolate, Stephen, and America. Straight and simple. Communism was invented by Groucho Marx, with help from his brothers Zeppo, Zippo, Hippo and Dumbo. Hippo Marx later disavowed his actions, and the Baby Jesus reportedly said, "Okay, fine. You can stand outside heaven. Just close enough to groove to the music a little." Actually it was the work of Christ killing scum Joos. Communism claims that all the money and power should not be in the hands of wealthy capitalists, but instead should be in the hands of wealthy politicians. There were once many communists in America but every single one of them (With the exception of Michael Moore), moved to the Minneapolis-St. Paul Metropolitan Area or Canada after Senator Joseph McCarthy made them wear little red stars on their hats. While there, most of them froze to death because they forgot to wear a warm coat. This is why the Great American Anticommunist War of Liberation is sometimes referred to as the "Cold War."