Scratch is a fictional robot in the Sonic the Hedgehog universe. He is a loyal, yet dim-witted robot who serves Dr. Robotnik throughout the cartoon Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, along with the short, treaded Grounder. He is a tall, roughly humanoid robot with chicken-like features, including "scaled" feet, winglike arms, a feathered tail, and a beak. Scratch seems to be the leader of the three badniks (himself, Grounder, and Coconuts), and is marginally smarter than Grounder, making up for his lack of Grounder's assorted gadgets.
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| - Scratch (Sonic the Hedgehog)
| - Scratch is a fictional robot in the Sonic the Hedgehog universe. He is a loyal, yet dim-witted robot who serves Dr. Robotnik throughout the cartoon Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, along with the short, treaded Grounder. He is a tall, roughly humanoid robot with chicken-like features, including "scaled" feet, winglike arms, a feathered tail, and a beak. Scratch seems to be the leader of the three badniks (himself, Grounder, and Coconuts), and is marginally smarter than Grounder, making up for his lack of Grounder's assorted gadgets.
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| - Scratch is a fictional robot in the Sonic the Hedgehog universe. He is a loyal, yet dim-witted robot who serves Dr. Robotnik throughout the cartoon Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, along with the short, treaded Grounder. He is a tall, roughly humanoid robot with chicken-like features, including "scaled" feet, winglike arms, a feathered tail, and a beak. Scratch seems to be the leader of the three badniks (himself, Grounder, and Coconuts), and is marginally smarter than Grounder, making up for his lack of Grounder's assorted gadgets.