| - Megas XLR began as a short titled Lowbrow, which was originally aired during Cartoon Cartoon Weekend Summerfest in the summer of 2002, and was chosen to become a full series for Cartoon Network. However, due to delays, the series did not make its premiere until May 1, 2004, when it premiered on Cartoon Network's action-animation programming block, Toonami.
- George Krstic is a writer for Star Wars: The Clone Wars, a CGI-based television series that debuted October 3, 2008 on Cartoon Network as a continuation of the film with the same name, released 2 months prior.
| - Megas XLR began as a short titled Lowbrow, which was originally aired during Cartoon Cartoon Weekend Summerfest in the summer of 2002, and was chosen to become a full series for Cartoon Network. However, due to delays, the series did not make its premiere until May 1, 2004, when it premiered on Cartoon Network's action-animation programming block, Toonami.
- George Krstic is a writer for Star Wars: The Clone Wars, a CGI-based television series that debuted October 3, 2008 on Cartoon Network as a continuation of the film with the same name, released 2 months prior.