| - Well... a Villain is somewhat different from a criminal,criminals break the rules of society and will be run after by the guards. Villains... well... they do not rob banks, that's a CRIME made by C-R-I-M-I-N-A-L-S, Villains will break more of mystic rules and general non written rules, and might strive for world Domination, good villains might include a few demons, but they're evil. Garrosh Hellscream, is a good example of Villainy. This article is a WIP.
| - Well... a Villain is somewhat different from a criminal,criminals break the rules of society and will be run after by the guards. Villains... well... they do not rob banks, that's a CRIME made by C-R-I-M-I-N-A-L-S, Villains will break more of mystic rules and general non written rules, and might strive for world Domination, good villains might include a few demons, but they're evil. Garrosh Hellscream, is a good example of Villainy. Just because your character strives for world domination doesn't mean he will achieve it, and as a general rule, unless the whole realm agrees to it, or Blizzard, which will not happen, he WILL NOT ACHIEVE WORLD DOMINATION. Also, i gave Garrosh as an example, but your character is not the master of a whole capital city, it is unlikely he has an army of god like creatures. So get that outta your head. And by unlikely i mean IMPOSSIBLE. Unless you can solo,out of character, the whole raid of Orgrimmar b yourself, before the game reaches the point where you can get to lvl 120, then sure, but that doesn't remove the right of people deciding to blacklist you. This article is a WIP.