| - Impressive phallus, erm, I mean... picture. But if your aim is to wander about thrusting it about at passerby for their en masse adoration, you are sorely, spongily mistaken: if you conduct a probing Tineye search, your idol would present itself to be unoriginal. I expect that the submitter is already aware of this fascinating deception, and merely wanted to "flaunt what he's got". If this is the case as it stands hanging out - the throbbing, pulsating, heavily vascularised truth, as it were - there are other places for that. We could flog the offender before the mast, but then again he's already been beaten by centuries.
| - Impressive phallus, erm, I mean... picture. But if your aim is to wander about thrusting it about at passerby for their en masse adoration, you are sorely, spongily mistaken: if you conduct a probing Tineye search, your idol would present itself to be unoriginal. I expect that the submitter is already aware of this fascinating deception, and merely wanted to "flaunt what he's got". If this is the case as it stands hanging out - the throbbing, pulsating, heavily vascularised truth, as it were - there are other places for that. We could flog the offender before the mast, but then again he's already been beaten by centuries. Rather than making fun of a serious medical condition, however, he could instead do something original, just as I have made a pathetic, unfunny - and ultimately, technically flaccid - attempt to do here, warts and all. -- 00:47, June 22, 2011 (UTC)