| - Being a werelion is genetic, meaning that it is hereditary. Any humans with the capability to shift into lions will be able to do so once they have reached maturity, and it normally first occurs when they are in their teens. It is known that there is no need for any trigger in order to shift into a werelion. However the true origin of where werelions come from and how they came into existence remains unknown.
- The werelions are one of a number of lycanthropes, humans inflicted with a supernatural virus which alows them to take on the power and appearance of a specific species of animal, in this case, lion. Werelion culture is more violent than e.g. wereleopard culture, and male werelions especially tend to be brutal fighters. Male werelions only fight female werelions if attacked, though, or if they break pride law. In modern werelion culture females don't fight for dominance among themselves, but by ancient werelion laws only a lover of Rex is safe from challenges. According to Magda, once upon a time it used to be a custom for females to offer themselves to the Rex upon joining the pride, although there is no such custom in the modern culture.
| - The werelions are one of a number of lycanthropes, humans inflicted with a supernatural virus which alows them to take on the power and appearance of a specific species of animal, in this case, lion. Werelion culture is more violent than e.g. wereleopard culture, and male werelions especially tend to be brutal fighters. Male werelions only fight female werelions if attacked, though, or if they break pride law. In modern werelion culture females don't fight for dominance among themselves, but by ancient werelion laws only a lover of Rex is safe from challenges. According to Magda, once upon a time it used to be a custom for females to offer themselves to the Rex upon joining the pride, although there is no such custom in the modern culture. In general, almost anything a natural version of the animal does has potential for being include in the corresponding wereanimal culture, and as such werelions can form coalitions to lead their pride. Nicky and Travis form such coalition, and Dev joins them later.
- Being a werelion is genetic, meaning that it is hereditary. Any humans with the capability to shift into lions will be able to do so once they have reached maturity, and it normally first occurs when they are in their teens. It is known that there is no need for any trigger in order to shift into a werelion. However the true origin of where werelions come from and how they came into existence remains unknown.