| - {{{!
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:Larry turns on the meat grinder and Carlito's meat hook starts to move toward the conveyor belt
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Larry: Zombies are no good! I cannot serve my customers spoiled meat like that. I... have a reputation to uphold! Trust me. I'm a butcher! I've got the best meat in town!
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:Carlito removes his locket
- :Larry lies on the ground and dies laughing. Carlito lies on the ground coughing while looking up at Frank.
Frank: You're finished. It's over.
Carlito: What about Isabela?
:Frank kneels down beside Carlito
Frank: She is on our side now. She is checking out your computer right now.
Carlito: My purpose in life... has been to get revenge for what you people did to Santa Cabeza... To my hometown. Why... Why was your meat so much more important to you than human life? Why... Why did my people have to die to feed your fat bellies?
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Larry: You just wait right there, sir. In a moment, you can try the best ground meat you've ever tasted.
Frank: Whoa... Ground? Wait a minute. Listen. I had something else in mind...
- If Frank takes too long against Larry Chiang, Carlito will be ground in the meat grinder and Frank will fail the case.
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Carlito: Give this... to my sister...
:Carlito dies
Frank: Hey... Shit!
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Carlito: Hey... Aren't zombies great? I mean, all they do is eat, and eat, and eat. Growing in number... Just like you good red white and blue Americans. It's not over. Not yet...
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Frank: Speak! Speak, dammit! What do you mean "it's not over"!?
Carlito: I'm sorry, Isabela...
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:Frank grabs Carlito's shoulder
Frank: That doesn't excuse what you've done! But I promise the Santa Cabeza story will be told... But I need the password. Hey... Hey! Hey! Stay with me! Give me the computer's password!
:Carlito laughs
- :Larry drags Carlito over to a meat hook and places him on it
Larry: Ah, a customer.
:Larry laughs and turns around revealing his large frame
Frank: That guy, over there... I-I mean, uh... that meat... um...
Larry: Oh? This is good meat, huh? I just got it in here. It's fresh.