| - Niko was picked up by Madkat. They were gonna go on a date. Meanwhile, Niko's dad, Alec, along with her two sisters, Edna and Barbara were watching Scream 4. Alec told the girls that he would be in the garage. He left the girls alone and headed over to the garage. When he entered, the cat scared him and it ran away. He got a few boxes to take up to his room. When he opened the inside garage door, he was confronted by the killer from the first killing spree, Metal! Surprised, Alec asks Metal if he's one of his daughter's boyfriends. When Metal made no reply, Alec tried to go pass him, but Metal stopped by grabbing his arm. He then started pulling him back inside the garage. Alec started screaming for help from his daughters, but was knocked out. When he awoke, he was tied to the floor with tape covering him mouth. He noticed that his neck was half-way through the garage door! Suddenly, he saw Metal press the closing garage door button. Alec started screaming for help, but it was too late. His head was chopped off by the garage door. At the same time, Barbara was in her room on Google Hangouts. She uses Google Hangouts to video chat with Jade in her room. Jade sees Metal in the background! She tries to warn Barbara that Metal is in her room. However, there is no sound on Barbara's computer. Barbara turns around and sees Metal, holding an electrode. He kicks a bucket of rain water over, which touches Barbara's feet and the power outlet. This electrocutes and kills her, and causes a power outage! Edna who is downstairs is frightened by the power outage. She goes to Barbara's room and to her horror, she's dead! She starts running downstairs and hides in the living room, where she calls the cops. Suddenly, Alec's headless body was thrown from a nearby window. Metal was there! He started chasing Edna all the way to the rooftop. She was stabbed by Metal in the stomach. He drags her and hangs her on top of the house with the Christmas lights from last year! There, Edna dies. When Niko arrived home, she screamed when she saw Edna. Niko is trying to cope with the death of her whole family. She decided to invite some friends over to the park to help her through. DC, Jade, Cake, Xophix, Metrona, Spy, and Ruby arrive to support her. They talk for most of the day, when it started to get dark Jade suggested they head to Niko's house to watch a movie. Xophix says he needs to first go to the public bathroom, once he gets there he notices one other person there. HE goes to the urinal but then the person turns around, he has a mask. The masked person bangs Xophix's head on the wall, making him dizzy, then drags him to the toilet and forces his head in. Xophix slowly stops struggling. Back at the park, everyone starts to wonder where Xophix is, DC, Spy, and Metrona decide to go check on him. They go into the bathroom and see Xophix dead with his head in the toilet. DC quickly grabs his pocket knife and runs while telling Spy and Metrona to as well. But Spy is too slow, and the masked murderer comes and disembwoels Spy's legs and arms. Metrona and DC run as they hear Spy's excrutiating screams. But the Murderer is close behind and quickly catches up, DC swings his pocket knife and grazes the murderers left arm but drops the knife in the process, the murderer screams and picks up Metrona by the neck, DC runs as the murderer takes the pocket knife off the floor and starts cutting out Metrona's eyes. DC arrives to the others and yells for them to run, as they run to Niko's car Ruby trips and falls, she tries to get up, but the murderer is already there. He grabs her by the har, ripping her hair from her head.and then stabs her in the neck. DC, Jade, Cake, and Niko arrive at the car, DC and Cake get in the back, Jade gets in the driver's seat and Niko gets shotgun. As Jade fires up the car, the murderer smashes a window with a tree branch and grabs Niko's head. She screams as the killer slams her head over and over again on the glass shards until she's dead. DC, Jade, and Cake drive off with Niko's dead body in the car. Jade driving as fast as she can makes it to the Crematoriom where Laurie works to hand over Niko's corpse to her Laurie asks Jade , DC , & Cake to go see the Sheriff in town so immediately they leave to go to the Police station once there they speak with the sheriff Iris who tells them that they believe that there are two killers Jade keeps quiet about seeing Metal though the laptop screen when she was chatting with Barbara. Jade tells DC, & Cake to stay at the Police Station with Iris she has something to go do leaving DC , & Cake behind she gets in the Car & gets to the Hospital to see Nicole who tells her that another killer came & killed Ridley who was paying a visit to Nicole because he was going to ask her out when the killer saw Ridley he throw him off the top of the roof of the Hospital killing him. Jade calls her friend Lilly to come to the Hospital & bring backup Lilly shows up with Phantom & Kyla who are friends of hers they get in the car & drive to a old House were JDude, Rem , & Dark are waiting to catch won of the killers but the killer does not show so Rem asks why Jade , & Lilly are here they keep quiet but told Rem to make sure to stay safe. Jade gets back in the car with Lilly & her friends when they are stopped by a man in all black the man has a knife in his hand so Kyla & Phantom tell Jade & Lilly to get back in the car & go get help Jade goes to find JDude & Dark still waiting by the old house she tells them to get in the car they hurry back to Kyla & Phantom but Kyla's head was smashed in by getting it hit on concrete Multipe times. They found blood so they follow it & they see one of the killers choking Phantom who had been stabbed once but in a vital organ killing him. When the killer turns around everyone else finally finds out that Metal is still alive Dark mad at Metal for killing Skarlet throws a knife at Metal's left arm Metal runs off before anyone can catch up to him he makes it to the old House they were standing in front of only minutes earlier. Metal is seen talking to another man in all black by Rem & Iris who came to see if everyone was ok JDude & Dark tell Rem that Metal is alive & that he ran this way Rem tells them that he saw Metal as well. Dark asks what the plan is to get to the two killers Iris suggest that JDude & Dark go to the back of the House & Rem & her will go though the front right when Rem & Iris are about to enter they here Screams coming from the back they see JDude in Flames that Metal having thrown Kerosene at JDude then a Match see him screaming in pain but there is nothing that can be done so Metal comes closer but gets shot by the other killer that reveals himself as Sorin Metal now lying on the ground plays dead until Sorin comes out were he then trips Sorin & gets up but Metal tries to kill Sorin but gets thrown by Sorin into Dark & they both hits pieces of bent Metal Fence killing both Metal & Dark. Then Sorin runs back in his house in the den where Iris & Rem shoot him Mutiple Times in the Head , Heart , & crotch but not until Rem gets shot first. Once Sorin in dead Iris tells Jade & Lilly to call for a ambulance to pick up Rem because he is hurt they call & Nicole comes to treat Rem's gun shot wound & takes him to the Hospital. Hoping everything has finally stopped Jade & Lilly leave along with Iris & Return to town Safely. Mist was writing a letter to Jade. He heard something coming from the closet and checked. Nothing, just clothes. When he came back to where he was writing the letter, he noticed that his pen was missing. Suddenly somebody attacked him from behind and stabbed the pen into his left eye.