| - Snapper ist ein antagonistischer Charakter aus Professor Layton und die verlorene Zukunft und ein Mitglied des Clans.
- Snapper was a former female SeaWing guard of the royal eggs, who was mentioned in Talons of Power. She was Abalone's deputy chief.
- Level: 2 Drops:
* 1 gravel (value for the npc 1$) (crafting-material, to make slick stone) Zone(s):
* Sanrio Harbour Pet-Stats:
* Char-Level 2 needed to use pet-card as a pet
* +3 Life Point
* +1 Action Point
* +0 additional inventory slots
* +0 Energy Drain (Attack)
* +1 Defense
* + Chance Critical Hit 0,03%
* + Evading Rate 0,40% Notes:
* Peaceful, non-aggressive creature
* Found all around the lake in the middle of the map above the harbour in Sanrio Harbour.
- Snapper is a one-time character from The Mask: The Animated Series season 2 episode, Mutiny of the Bounty Hunters. He is Francis and Baby Forthwright's pet parrot whom Stanley was made to take care of along with Baby Forthwright during his one-time appearance. During the episode, Snapper got lose from his cage and flew free into Edge City making Stanley come after him. Later, Baby Forthwright got lose also, causing Stanley to use The Mask to find them both.
- Snapper is a pet snapping turtle found in an alley by April, appearing in the story Raphael: Snapper. In April's apartment, Raph had overindulged on pizza and was feeling nauseous. He notices Snapper and plays with him, but is bit on the finger. The pain and indigestion cause Raph to pass out, dreaming of a giant, monstrous version of Snapper. Snapper taunts and attacks Raph, claiming that by embracing the human world, he has grown weak. He "kills" Raphael, who then wakes up to find April freaking out about the mess he'd made in his stupor. Snapper is just as he was before, a tiny turtle, and April insists he clean up the damage.
- Snapper's a violent, meatheaded thug. He calls his primary attack the Wolf Teeth Rake.
- Snapper zählen zu den häufigsten Raubtieren im Mittelreich. Die raptorenartigen Echsen laufen extrem schnell auf zwei Beinen, haben kurze krallenbesetzte Hände und ein tödliches Maul voller Reißzähne. Zwar sind sie nicht besonders groß (etwa 150cm), jedoch jagen Snapper immer im Rudel, was sie zu gefährlichen Gegnern macht.
- Colorful and tasty Sea Bream. It is a high-leveled specie and cooked into many dishes.
- Snappers are fish-like enemies only appearing in Donkey Kong Land. They appear in a lot of underwater levels like Kremlantis Kaos.
- Snapper is a crab enemy with claws appearing in the Donkey Kong series.
- Snapper is a fish enemy appearing in Donkey Kong Land that appear in many areas inside of Kremlantis. These enemies attack Donkey and Diddy by swimming up and down when chasing them, attempting to attack them. These enemies continue swimming upwards until reaching a high enough point. These enemies mainly appear in packs, increasing the difficulty of the levels they appear in.
- The Snapper is a level 1 hovertank that is essentially a more expensive Raider with the added ability to cross water as well as improved top speeds. It is generally a more favorable choice compared to the Crock when mounting water-to-land assaults as it travels much faster and can defend itself when needed. Its ARM counterpart is the Anaconda.
- Snapper stellt eine Krabbe dar, lebt im Wasser und erscheint meist zu mehreren gleichzeitig.
- Snapper is long-furred tortoiseshell-and-white tom. He has yellow eyes, a torn ear, and a scarred pelt.
- Snapper ist eine Krabbe, die im Wasser wohnt und von der meistens mehrere zusammen erscheinen.
- Snapper, conocido en Japón como Claw (クロウ Kurō?, Trad. Garra), es un robot cangrejo que era miembro del Carnaval Robot Submarino. Se supone que Snapper es incapaz de atacar, por ello en lugar de utilizar sus pinzas, se lanza desde una cascada para obstaculizar a Mega Man. En "Mega Man 2", Snapper es visto en el Escenario de Bubble Man: cayendo de las cascadas del segmento final; Snapper es débil a cualquier tipo de ataque.__TOC__
- Snapper is a specie of monster that look like fish.
- Everyone knows the tortoise beat the hare, but had that tortoise been Snapper, he'd have beat the hare into a bloody pulp and hid the remains at the bottom of a swamp. A jet-propelled snapping turtle with a vicious attitude, Snapper is proof that not all turtles are slowpokes. But unlike another jet-powered warrior turtle, Snapper is anything but a friend to children everywhere. And no, his name's not slash, he doesn't wear cool armor he doesn't come from dimension X, he isn't first stupid-then smart-now stupid, and he doesn't like palm trees, or 'binkies'
- The snapper is a highly-aggressive, amphibious creature native to temperate zones. While significantly smaller than its sea and swamp cousins, this mangler subspecies may be a dangerous farmland pest on account of its habitat, which includes inland bodies of water used as irrigation reserves. Snappers are encountered in groups. While they seem to enjoy basking on open ground, they will also lie concealed underwater or within brush, watching for prey.
- Los Snappers son enemigos de The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. Son como Tortugas grandes y puntiagudas, Snappers se encuentran principalmente en los bosques de Misterio y el Templo del Bosque Catarata. Otro se encuentra dentro de una bola de nieve en el Pico Nevado. Los Snappers atacan a Link metiendose en su caparazón grueso y girando a él con sus picos extendidos.
- Snapper is the Phantom Beast General that has the Snapping Turtle animal spirit. He possesses Rinzin power. Along with Whiger, Scorch, and five other Phantom Beasts they had attempted to overthrow Dai Shi during the Beast War. The resulting feud had caused the attack on the humans to stand on weak ground. With the finding of the Crystal Eyes in which the Generals were contained they resolved to ally completely with Dai Shi, plotting to make him Phantom Beast King and eliminate his humanity, ensuring the success of the Final Beast Wars. With Scorch, he attempts to have Camille destroyed after Whiger had his Rinzin stolen from him, and was stripped of his rank and destroyed. This puts him at odds once again with Dai Shi. Later, when Jarrod breaks free of Dai Shi, Snapper aids Scorch in hunti
- The game is a faithful clone of the Namco arcade game Pac-Man. In development, the game was titled Puc Man (the first Japanese title of the arcade game was Puck Man) but the name was changed before release to avoid legal action. However, the initial release of the game was so close to Pac-Man (including the design of the game's characters) that this version had to be withdrawn and re-released with the characters changed. The player's character became a round yellow face with very short legs wearing a green cowboy hat and the ghosts became skinny humanoid monsters.
- The Lutjanidae or snappers are a family of perciform fishes, mainly marine but with some members living in estuaries, and entering fresh water to feed. Some are important food fish. One of the best known is the red snapper. Snappers are found in the tropical and subtropical regions of all the oceans. They can grow to about a metre in length. Most feed on crustaceans or other fish, though a few are plankton-feeders. They can be kept in aquaria, but mostly grow too fast to be popular aquarium fish. They live at depths of up to 450m.
- The snappers, scientifically known as the Lutjanidae family, include approximately one hundred species such as red snapper, mutton snapper and black-fin snapper. Snappers live in subtropical and tropical areas of Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Ocean at depths of up to 450 meters. Generally snappers have a predominant color on the body while the fins can have other colors for example the black fin snapper is generally red with yellow fins and at the bottom of the pectoral fins there is a black comma-shaped blotch. Snapper’s dimensions can vary from three-five pounds and thirty centimeters to twenty kilograms and one point three meters. Snappers usually feed on fish, crustaceans and snails. There are huge species as the grey snapper and tiny species as the yellow tail snapper. Generally all sn