Miss Monday was a frontier agent of Baroque Works and partner to Igaram (Mr. 8 at the time) during his infiltration of Baroque Works. After the fall of Baroque Works, she stayed at Whiskey Peak, and had a child with Mr. 9.
Miss Monday was a frontier agent of Baroque Works and partner to Igaram (Mr. 8 at the time) during his infiltration of Baroque Works. After the fall of Baroque Works, she stayed at Whiskey Peak, and had a child with Mr. 9.
Miss Monday ou "Sister" est l'équipière de Mr. 8 (alias Igaram), et une membre de Baroque Works. Après la chute de Baroque Works, elle est restée à Whiskey Peak, et a eu un enfant avec Mr. 9.
Miss Monday is a scientist working for Forge Industries that helped bring Yaiba Kamikaze back to life. She works for Forge Industries and acts as Yaiba's partner throughout his quest for vengeance against Ryu Hayabusa. She stays with Yaiba even after he refuses to go along with Alarico del Gonzo's plot.
Miss Monday è una cacciatrice di taglie a Whisky Peek. In passato era una Frontier Agent della Baroque Works che agiva in coppia con Mr. Eight.
Miss Monday adalah wanita yang sangat berotot dengan tubuh besar tinggi dan berkulit gelap serta rambut keriting merah muda diikat ekor dua. Dia memakai baju pendek dengan pola-pola berlian putih magenta serta tiga bunga hijau. Dia juga pernah menyamar dengan memakai kostum biarawati hitam putih yang menyamarkan tubuhnya.
Miss Monday es una mujer de aspecto muy musculoso, tiene la piel oscura y el cabello rosado decorado con un par de clips en forma de flor de color verde. Su traje es corto con un patrón de rombos magenta y blancos. Tiene una voz muy aguda y femenina de aspecto frágil, algo que no concuerda con su físico. (Aunque en algunos doblajes como el castellano o el latinoamericano, su voz es la de un hombre).