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^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ On calm days, the roar of the surf is a muted whisper as it laps at a narrow strip of sand edging the bottom of a series of cliffs. Here, it's evident how the harbor got its name from the peculiar, obsidian shade of the rocks scattered among the fine white sands of the beach. From the water-smoothed, hollowed out bottoms of the cliffs and the debris deposited there, though, it's apparent that high tide reaches far above the available beach, crashing against the cliffs themselves and eroding them. Other than a brisk wind and a few nesting birds who'd managed to find niches in the cliff faces, there is no other company to be had on the small strand. Facing the south, the sunrise might be glimpsed at dawn to the left

  • A Cook-Out With A Side of Blackmail
  • ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ On calm days, the roar of the surf is a muted whisper as it laps at a narrow strip of sand edging the bottom of a series of cliffs. Here, it's evident how the harbor got its name from the peculiar, obsidian shade of the rocks scattered among the fine white sands of the beach. From the water-smoothed, hollowed out bottoms of the cliffs and the debris deposited there, though, it's apparent that high tide reaches far above the available beach, crashing against the cliffs themselves and eroding them. Other than a brisk wind and a few nesting birds who'd managed to find niches in the cliff faces, there is no other company to be had on the small strand. Facing the south, the sunrise might be glimpsed at dawn to the left
  • The Haste crew decide to have a cook-out on the beach - and Iast decides to pull a move that leaves Scheur exhausted and everyone angry...
Air Date
  • 2006(xsd:double)
  • A Cook-Out With A Side of Blackmail
  • ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ On calm days, the roar of the surf is a muted whisper as it laps at a narrow strip of sand edging the bottom of a series of cliffs. Here, it's evident how the harbor got its name from the peculiar, obsidian shade of the rocks scattered among the fine white sands of the beach. From the water-smoothed, hollowed out bottoms of the cliffs and the debris deposited there, though, it's apparent that high tide reaches far above the available beach, crashing against the cliffs themselves and eroding them. Other than a brisk wind and a few nesting birds who'd managed to find niches in the cliff faces, there is no other company to be had on the small strand. Facing the south, the sunrise might be glimpsed at dawn to the left as a creep of pastel shadings across the water surface, and the sunset a fiery display to the right. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Tue Dec 26 19:22:23 3006 The twin stars of Demaria Major and Minor, known also as the Great Watchers, are descending toward the western horizon, tinging the sky with fiery hues of orange and yellow-red as the first stars twinkle. Raisa leans back, her hands propped behind her so she can study the sky. "I guess you're right. There are advantages to being descended from Specialists..." she supposes. "I've been teased before that my ancestors had to be have been pleasure Specialists with my track record," she notes, managing a weak chuckle. My parents chose not to talk about it. I think they were ashamed. So I was raised to be ashamed too." She clears her throat slightly, sitting upright. "How's Rathenhope? He seemed a bit better in his messages... When he left the Saber last night, I was worried it was over and done with. I cause him too much pain. But even he seemed hopeful." The two Lunites are sitting together on the beach. Pretty regularly. The female has her jacket, boots and socks off, piled together at her side. Volouscheur walks down the path, aura glowing pale green. She's barefoot, wearing little more than a gauze robe as she wanders. She tilts her head to one side, offering Raisa and Ruin a feeling of greeting. Ruin smiles. "Yeah. I know a lot of people are. But I'm not, and I refuse to start now. I am not a Specialist - I am not a slave. I am a Lunite. These people...to tell you you're a Specialist, they were telling you you're a slave. Or at least, that's what they were trying to do. Personally, I think you kick way too much for that; you're independent and that's what they'd need to break." He purses his lips. "Well...I'd say Rath's doing pretty well. He's got a lot to adjust to, and as soon as the business on Vollista is finished I think I'm finding somewhere to take my crew on vacation. Between Nait-in-a-box and Rath's adjustments, some downtime's -" he pauses, catching Scheur's greeting and offering a wave. "Not at all - I hear I missed some trouble." Raisa nods. "I'm glad he's doing better. Excluding when I take you over to the Saber, I'm going to avoid the Landing Pad, and that area in general as much as possible for the duration of your stay on Demaria so he doesn't have to feel confined to the Haste. I know he always liked to stand guard over the Athena from the outside, and staying inside a small ship for too long will drive anyone insane." Volouscheur nods and walks over to sit near the pair. She draws her legs up to rest her arms on her knees, resting her chin on her arms and shrugging to Ruin slightly, ~So did I; I...it would've required me to potentially kill people. And I won't any more.~ "...Iast again," sighs Ruin. "Scheur, I never asked you to, and I won't. And if Jeff asks you to, I will personally tell him to stuff it. It isn't working for us. I'll kill rather than die - but you might have noticed I drew my stun pistol on those Suits." He shrugs at Raisa. "...He needs to settle, yes. Adjust to his reality. It's one thing to say you'll kill for someone, another to do it. He'll be all right, in time." He grins. "I'm teaching him yoga. I understand Leodhais has opted to teach him meditative aikido." "Killing is sometimes necessary," Raisa points out quietly, a faint hardness backing her voice. Her eyes look up to Scheur and she frowns. "You don't always have that choice of whether you can kill or not. It's kill or be killed. Murder, or lose what you hold dear to you." She sighs, gently rolling her shoulders. "I wish there didn't have to be killing, that people didn't have to kill for other people, or for themselves. If I could, I would have protected Rathenhope from it, but I wasn't strong enough. And he has to carry the scars." It's like there are two sides of the Lunite woman coming out, battling with each other. Volouscheur nods quietly, ~Could you tell Iast that, please? He believes that the Watchers will take the path that requires violence at any point along it, rather than a path that could avoid violence, if they...we...feel that the former path will be more...what's the word, expedition-ous?~ A slight frown. ~...no, that doesn't sound right, somehow...~ She shakes her head at Raisa, ~I...cannot, any more. For now, it is murder /and/ lose what I hold dear.~ To Ruin: Ruin might catch a whisper from Scheur, ~And I don't know how I managed before, either....oh, Volir, I'm glad Iast gave that ultimatum...~ Ruin purses his lips. "You know, I would personally like to lock Jeff and Iast in a nice big strongroom labeled "Prison For People Who Think It's Totally All Right As Long As I'm The One Doing It," he says with nearly acidic mildness. "But this is a fact of the universe, Scheur - mercy is the province of the strong. If I knew enough of combat to know I could take on ten men and win? I wouldn't kill any of them. I wouldn't need to, to survive. But I can't. Right now, I can't. So if I get into a fight with ten men, it's either kill a few off or resign myself to dying - and I don't do that. Yes. You can do this work without killing and you'll do a better job overall if that's what you do. But at some point sheer numbers may require you to kill or resign yourself to dying. Maybe Voliast could talk that many out of attacking - could you?" Raisa glances to Scheur, shaking her head. "The Watchers were never meant to be an army, to fight and kill. But that is how we are seen, because for long, we have been run by a madman that has a tendency to get himself into violent situations." She pauses, eyes closing for a moment, before she speaks again. "I am a Watcher. I serve the Light by walking in the Dark. By my life and my blood I swear to serve the Founder and his Cause. And that cause is Peace. I live for Peace, I would die for Peace. Contendo Quaero Compero Incessum," she quotes softly, almost sadly. Once more, she looks up to the Vollistan. "Do you believe in this oath? Because if you do, to have the peace we all yearn for, it will take violence, and hardship. If this Voliast truly cares for you, he will follow you down that dark path, no matter what. We are Watchers, and to be one, on too many levels, we must be alone, but you don't walk alone. It is one of the few times when we can seek companionship. Even if he forces you out of the Watchers organization, you will never stop being a Watcher." ~Not yet,~ Scheur replies. ~Doesn't always require /talking/ though. Just...means that don't involve death, when all is said and done.~ She looks at Raisa and nods, ~It's not that he'd let me walk the path alone. It's that, to walk it with me...he feels that neither he nor I would have the right to call ourselves Vollistans any more.~ Rathenhope arrives from Ocean View Walk . "To serve the Light by walking in the Dark," echoes Ruin. "It means, sometimes, taking something onto yourself a burden, to spare others having to carry it. Look at what we're doing now, on Vollista. Is it truly right, to take someone's memories away? Even if they're harmful memories that make you want to do harm? But if we don't, those same Vollistans will harm other people. We take onto ourselves this ...Dark. We do it so that other people don't have to, ever." He nods at Scheur. "Maybe you wouldn't have the right to call yourselves Vollistans. But by your choices, Vollista itself may remain as you would wish it to be." A shrug. "I'm not saying you have to kill. I repeat that it is *much* better overall when we can avoid it. I will fully back you recieving any training you can to minimize that necessity, even arrange for it where I'm able. But you can't back down from doing what you need to...and if you're as much Watcher as I think you are, that 'can't' is internal, rather than external." There is a small group forming on the beach, that of Scheur, Ruin and Raisa. The three seem to be discussing something of some seriousness. Raisa has her boots and jacket piled next to her. Volouscheur nods, ~But...we need to talk to Iast then, Ruin.~ She sighs, ~/I/ don't think that we wouldn't have the right to call ourselves Vollistans. That the path of the Watchers and that of a Vollistan helping Fix things aren't mutually exlusive - he doesn't agree.~ Raisa smiles thinly, "One of our founding members was a Vollistan," she notes softly. "Volamnamia. I don't know what kind of Vollistans are coming out of Vollista these days, but the ones I've known in the past, yes, while they strive for peace, are willing to walk in the dark. You're a Light Singer. You can help bring light to the dark areas." She shakes her head, sighing, once more rubbing at her forehead, as if in pain. "The Watchers are a unique organization in that you never leave once you have joined and embraced the values. I "left" the organization over two years ago, yet here I am, still a Watcher." Rathenhope comes wandering onto the beach, unarmed for the first time in the last few days. He seems just to be out for a night time stroll. He spots the group and hesitates, but then shrugs, turning towards the sea, not approaching them. He smiles slightly to himself, sitting down in the sand and beginning to unlace his boots, watching the sea. "If he doesn't agree," says Ruin quietly, "Then he is more than free to help us remain as nonviolent as possible. Because *I* certainly do not have the power to rewrite someone's mind. Alone against a bunch of interrogators I'd have no choice but to kill." He shrugs. "Mercy is a province of the strong. The Watchers are going to have to be very strong, to do what needs to be done in the best way." Volouscheur nods quietly, ~...I...would've said a few days ago that I was sure that Iast would too. I'm not sure of much, at the moment, though.~ She looks at Raisa quietly, saying softly to her, ~You hurt. May I help you heal?~ Raisa nods to Ruin, "You are small right now, but tightly knit. Sometime I imagine that is more your doing than Jeff's, Ruin," she says with a faint attempt at a smile. She then glances at Scheur, shaking her head. "I don't see how you could. I've had a rough week, and the pain of it all hasn't quite faded away. I'll make it though." Rathenhope finishes unlacing his boots, putting them neatly next to him, and then removes his socks, gently putting them in the boots. The next thing to come off is his flak jacket, this is then folded and then put next to his boots. He stands, barefooted, glancing over to the group further down the beach. He shrugs, then removes his shirt, placing that with the rest of his clothes. "Small is Jeff's doing," says Ruin, "and I prefer to keep it small - one trainee at a time. When Scheur's found her feet, I'll look at maybe Gena - he's got the spark, it's just a matter of whether he needs us. Slow is best. Tightly knit...not as much as I'd like. I don't hear from Frey very much, or Kat at all. I'm still trying to get them back into the web. We need to be able to rely on each other, talk to each other." He pulls out his PDA. "Which means I'm writing a LOT of reports." He looks sheepish. "Raisa..let Scheur do what she can. A little empathy can go a long way. And maybe she can get Iast off his high horse long enough to get medical if it's necessary. As to me, I'm going to write up this report and see if anyone else has heard anything useful." He grumbles a bit. "Jeff and his lone ranger mentality, if he hadn't just lost half his fingers for it I would so beat him with a stunstick." ~It's only because I agreed 'no killing' that he /will/ do medical at all, at the moment. He was threatening to stop being a healer, because he wouldn't have the heart any more,~ Scheur says softly. She nods to Raisa, ~May I, please? If I /can/ do something to help...I can't /not/ help, if you'll let me.~ "Frey... Frey never had the same mindset as most of the Watchers," Raisa says slowly. "She had a dream of making the Watchers a big organization to help with medical needs. She might be a Watcher in her heart, but not like we are." She then smiles, "You have to remember, Ruin, Jeff and I are an older generation of Watcher. The 'do it alone' mentality is still pretty strong." She then hesitates, looking at Scheur. "I just got away from a group of people that were trying to tamper with my mind. Forgive me if I'm a little anxious when it comes to people getting into my head..." Rathenhope hears snippets of the conversation, but has no reaction to them. He continues his undressing, removing his belt, tucking it neatly with everything else. He pauses again, looking back towards the group. He allows himself a little smile, then sheds his trousers as well, leaving him in his boxers, and nothing else. He shivers a little in the night air and then takes a few steps towards the sea, stretching his arms behind his back. Volouscheur nods quietly to Raisa, ~I swear, on the names of all the Pairs - and on blood-oath, if you wish - that I will do nothing to your mind that will not help you, nor will I do it without your permission.~ Ruin sighs, finishing his typing. "Hoopin' reports," he grumbles. "But if I want people to talk, I have to show something for the effort." He passes the PDA to Scheur. "Any of it news to you?" Raisa glances to Ruin for a moment, as if seeking reassurance, before nodding. "Alright, if you think it'll help..." she says slowly. "I really will be alright without mental tampering though..." She sits up. "What do I have to do?" * Raisa and Brandon have been recovered. The TSS Night's Saber has been captured. * The "Suits" belong to an organization called Orion Arm Retrievals and Security. This organization appears to have influence throughout the Perseverance system and possibly points beyond. According to locals, they are connected to the university at Resilience and have their own research department. While the Ungstiri do not like OARAS and will kill them if they can, they also appear to not want trouble with the group and seem unlikely to take overt action against them. * Suits typically wear no armor, and none have been observed to carry any weapon other than a grenade, usually a psi grenade. They are typically seen to be wearing psi blockers. They have threatened to kill anyone in their way who is not one of their chosen bounties, however the bulk of evidence suggests that their preferred tactic is to push the undesirables away or otherwise nonlethally neutralize them. (If this changes, I definitely want to hear about it.) They are completely insensate to the fear of death and will generally do little to nothing to defend themselves, though they may run away to regroup later. They are researchers, not really fighters. * Evidence suggests that the Suits gather their information by technological rather than psionic means, as there are noticeable gaps in their available data on any given person. They will, if possible, use one's affections and responsibilities as a weapon to psychologically break them. Evidence further suggests that, once broken, a subject will be reprogrammed. * Raisa has indicated that the torture she underwent was primarily psychological, aimed at making her believe she was simply a Specialist programmed with Raisa's memories. It is possible that this programming has an end result of making a person into a Suit. Raisa was told there were "big plans" for herself and Brandon, but these were never specified. * One of the threats leveled concerned X-23, suggesting a connection between OARAS and that facility. From Lucius I gather that 'extreme genetic research' would be an understatement. * The Night's Saber appears to be a research ship with medical facilities. I will report further on this after I've investigated it. * Another ship was mentioned, an "office ship", bigger than the Saber, called the "Fortune". By the sound of it, it would have even more extensive research/programming capabilities. I don't have a description, however, only that it is "very deep in space". * There is a girl with OARAS called Whisper. She claims many things which I will not report without verification, but indication was made to Raisa (unconfirmable as true at this time) that Whisper and Raisa have virtually identical genetics. If this girl is found, be careful of her; for now I will stick to "many unverified but disturbing claims relating to Raisa and her relationship to/with Raisa". I'll need to see what can be gotten out of the Night's Saber first. As always if any additional information on this subject becomes available, please share. Volouscheur studies the PDA quietly, skimming the report, ~...most of it, yes. But the news on Raisa helps a lot, thank you.~ She hands the PDA back and then returns her attention to Raisa, ~Relax. I've got some stuff in my bag that might help, if you want, but I'd rather not use it. And then we go through and see how bad they hurt you - and how to go about fixing the damage.~ "Scheur's safe," Ruin nods to Raisa. "I've known her quite a while by now. Just, Scheur, don't take any risks. No harming by accident or anything." He shakes his head. "And speaking of healing...Leodhais still needs Iast's help. And if Iast is talking of quitting then I need to have a serious discussion with him about timing, and either way I need to see how Leodh's doing." He tucks the PDA away. "Scheur, Raisa's been a Watcher so she knows how it was. She's talked enough with me to have an idea what I'm changing, too. You might find that helpful when talking to Iast." And at the shout from seaward, he grins and laughs at Rathenhope. "I should take a photo and put it on a wall!" he calls. "But with water that cold, it'd never be fair. I'm heading back to the ship for now - see you there when you want to warm up!" He gives Raisa and Scheur a wave, then, and starts heading back. Ruin heads into Ocean View Walk . As Rathenhope cries out from the cold, Raisa's on her feet, a few steps towards the water, one hand swinging down for the weapon that doesn't exist at her side. "Tom!" she calls out, looking out anxiously, but seems just a little more than embarrassed as she realizes what exactly what his problem was. Ruin actually gets a glare to the back as he speaks with the cold man before turning back to Scheur to sit down. "Sorry... instinctive reaction..." she mutters, and then settles in. "Alright... trying to relax now." She takes in a deep breath, her back rigid. "Tease!" yells Rathenhope with a grin after Ruin's departing back. He paddles as best he can into deeper water where he can actually swim. Hearing Raisa's voice call out, he looks over to her. "Raisa!" he calls back, still grinning. He begins swimming around a little, that grin jst staying on his face. Volouscheur doesn't even glance over towards Rath; it's so easy, with empathic senses after all, to tell that there's nothing truly wrong over there. She offers a feeling of calm and relaxation to Raisa, shifting to face the woman and settling into lotus position easily. Raisa focuses her attention back on Scheur, taking in another slow breath, her shoulders slowly slumping down in a relaxed position. "Okay..." she says. "I think I'm about as relaxed as I'm going to get," she notes. "Do your thing." Rathenhope swimms around, ducking under the water a few times, then coming back up and shaking his head, spraying the droplets everywhere. Volouscheur's aura settles to a cool green, her eyes closed. She reaches out a mental tendril, very gently touching Raisa's mind. Raisa recoils back away from the touch physically, crying out as her hands come up over her face. She trembles, straightening herself out again, taking slow, shuddering breaths. Rathenhope isn't paying attention to the two doing their telepathic stuff, just continues to swim around, totally oblivious. To Raisa: Scheur works her way inside gently, standing just inside the 'doorstep' of Raisa's mind. ~"Well,"~ the Vollistan says - and her voice echoes, now, as if the words are spoken aloud as well as telepathically (even though Raisa's ears would register nothing from Scheur), ~"Let's get started, shall we? Have you ever visualised the inside of your mind, before? As an actual place, or dwelling?"~ Volouscheur is still; she might as well be a marble statue with LEDs set in her, for all that she shows any outward reaction. Raisa shakes her head silently, trembling a little under the mental touch, her eyes squeezed shut, hands clenched in her lap. A small whimper slips out. Rathenhope is still swimming, getting a little further out now and then before coming back in towards land. To Raisa: ~"Shh, shh,"~ Scheur reassures Raisa, offering a feeling of comfort. ~"It's alright. The damage isn't nearly as bad as I thought it might've been. And I'm not going to do anything you don't want me to - I can still swear that blood-oath, if you want me to."~ Volouscheur shivers slightly at Raisa's reaction, but other than that? No outward response, still. Raisa shakes her head again, nibbling on her bottom lip as she just holds still for the Vollistan. Rathenhope splashes about a bit, just for the fun of it, a grin still on his face. To Raisa: ~"Okay. Show me where it hurts most, then?"~ Scheur asks gently. ~"And we can start fixing things there."~ Volouscheur remains still and silent, only her breathing giving away that she's not a statue. Her aura shifts, more cyan than green now. To Scheur: Very slowly, a picture of a fairly standard medical bay in a ship appears, but instead of beds, there are tables with straps to hold a person down. Next to these beds are machines that can hook up to the person strapped down, inflicting small doses of pains, or very large amounts of pain in through the head, slowly spreading out through the whole body. Pain ripples through Raisa's mind as she lets Scheur taste the pain. After about twenty seconds, it disappears, and a little girl, about 12, appears, pale, around 5 feel tall with blond hair and vacant green eyes. She stands next to a machine that has her name, Whisper, aka Rachel Thompson, and Raisa's underneath two sets of double helixes that are almost exactly the same. Raisa is silent for a while, eyes closed. But her body suddenly stiffens up, and she lets out a loud cry, clutching at her head, tears starting to appear on her cheeks. Rathenhope's head snaps around at Raisa's cry, beginning to swim towards her. He sees Scheur with her and hesitates, frowning. He does swim a little closer though, keeping a careful eye on things To Raisa: ~"She is not you,"~ Scheur murmurs. ~"You are you. Even if those things,"~ A mental hand gestures to the double helixes, ~"Were the same, would that make her you? No. Your experiences are too different. And those memories are not implanted, whatever they tried to say."~ Volouscheur's aura ripples with a band of white, but Scheur still doesn't move. To Scheur: "How can you be sure?" comes Raisa's thoughts, all fumbled together as she starts to waver her control over the image. Random things starting to flicker in and out. Dead bodies. A woman dressed in a green suit lying lifelessly on the floor of an airlock, her face smashed in. Two men in blue suits, one with his head almost entirely chopped down the middle, brains and blood everyone, another writhing in pain from an axe embedding into his stomach. Raisa is continuing to cry, tears falling rapidly, soft whimpers in agony escaping as she holds herself tightly. Rathenhope swims closer to shore, very carefully watching Raisa now. He says nothing, not disturbing them. To Raisa: ~"Iast has taught me some things. Memories have...a taste to them. Memories that aren't natural - are the result of something other than experience, whether through implantation or otherwise...they taste wrong. I have not touched your memories more than I have to, since you have not given me permission to do so - but what I have seen so far? The memories you had up until they captured you were natural. I haven't tasted the ones during the time they held you, so I am not sure which ones are natural and which ones they might've placed there,"~ Scheur replies. She offers comfort, opening mental arms and - if Raisa permits - gathering the Lunite woman into them, cradling her gently. Volouscheur shivers slightly, but otherwise remains outwardly untouched. To Scheur: "Dead bodies. They're everyone," Raisa whispers. And indeed, the bodies do seem to be racking up. The suited ones haven't left, but are joined by a dead Demarian, a pulse wound to the chest burning at the hair, while the back of his head is caved in. Another blue suit, a long knife digging up into his lungs as he starts to cough up blood. Several nondescript men, pulse wounds, and projectile wounds all over them. They bleed, turning the medical bay's floor into a slowly forming stream of red sticky liquid. More things start to tint red, and the Lunite screams. Raisa is still and silent for a moment, before she actually screams, bending over and holding onto her head tightly. "Make it stop, make it stop," she begs of the Vollistan, sobbing hysterically. Rathenhope says nothing, but stands in the water, his upper, and half his lower body coming out of the water. Unfortunately, because he's rather wet, his boxers are now clinging to his body and as he notices this, he ducks back down into the water out of embarassment, hoping that Scheur can deal with it. Volouscheur opens her eyes, shifting out of lotus position and moving to take Raisa into her arms if the woman will allow. A soft 'shh, shh' comes from the Vollistan's lips as she tries to comfort Raisa. Raisa continues with her sobbing, even as she curls in towards herself, not resisting Scheur's embrace, but not accepting it either. She holds onto herself, body trembling. "They won't go away..." she moans. "Make them go away!" To Raisa: Scheur certainly tries. Water - flowing from no visible source and going to none, either - starts to spurt from one end of the bay, gathering strength until there's a torrent washing the blood out of the bay. Scheur takes Raisa into her arms, just holding the woman and offering comfort as the water starts to wash everything clean - and taking the bodies and the Blue Suits with it, as it flows out of the medbay. Rathenhope shakes his head slowly, watching intently now, obviously uncertain of what to do. To Scheur: The blood, the bodies. They all disappear. But as they are gone, the room lurches for a moment, and then fades away, leaving just an image of Rathenhope, smiling and waving. He then stops, turning away and leaving, continuing to walk until he's completely out of sight. Raisa screams again and again, pleading for him to return, but it's to no avail. He's gone. To Raisa: ~"He is here now, though,"~ Scheur whispers. She continues to hold Raisa, offering a picture of Rathenhope watching them, practically radiating uncertainty. ~"And if it doesn't work...it won't be because neither of you care."~ Volouscheur continues to hold Raisa, still "shh"ing softly. She opens her eyes, looking at Rathenhope quietly. To Rath: "~She's...not okay. But some of what's going on in her mind is...unpleasant. I'm helping her deal with it,~ Scheur murmurs. ~Your choice if you want to help on the physical end or not.~ Raisa's sobs are starting to slow down a bit, though she's still apparently in pain, her eyes tightly shut as she holds onto herself, brows drawn together. To Scheur: "He's gone... he left," Raisa murmurs in reply. "Chose to walk away. I don't know if he'll ever come back." Rathenhope nods at Scheur, a frown on his face. He makes his decision and comes out of the sea, trying to shake off the excess water. He approaches Raisa quietly and wraps his own arms around her, probably soaking her in the process. To Raisa: ~"But he's here now. He's trying to help; he didn't leave because he doesn't care about you...he left because he needed time to think, time to breathe, from what I'm aware of. He'll come back when he's ready, I'm sure,"~ Scheur reassures Raisa. ~"'Course, you might have to share him with Ruin and Leodh - but he would be with you."~ Volouscheur shifts so that Rath can get at as much of Raisa as she can, offering comfort. She doesn't seem to mind the water, shifting her grip to hug both Raisa and Rath. Raisa shifts from Scheur to Rathenhope, wrapping her arms around the human tightly, ignoring the water as she hides her tears in his chest. There is nothing else coming from her, mentally or physically, as she seems to relax in his arms. Rathenhope speaks softly to Raisa, smoothing her hair with his hand. "Ya'know, normally I'd complain that you're getting my shirt wet," he says. "But I think it's the other way around this time." Volouscheur is silent, just offering comfort and letting Raisa cry. The soft "shh"ing continues, although Scheur doesn't try and pet Raisa's hair. To Raisa: ~"There is no shame in tears,"~ Scheur murmurs. ~"No weakness in them."~ Raisa manages a half-hearted attempt at a chuckle, her arms tightening even more around Rathenhope. "I'm sorry..." she murmurs into his ear. "You said you needed your space, and here I am, all over you..." The tears start to grow stronger again as she lets go, trying to back up. "It's fine," replies Rathenhope with a gentle smile to Raisa, not letting go of her. "I'm relaxed right now, and if I go all loopy, Scheur here will help me out I'm sure," he says, looking up to Scheur with raised eyebrow. Volouscheur smiles to Rath, nodding in reply, ~I will. My help is always available, Rath.~ To Raisa: Scheur says nothing for now, just offering comfort. "No, I don't want to hurt you anymore," Raisa says, shaking her head. She tries to pull back, away from the arms, starting to look panicked. Rathenhope shakes his head firmly, refusing to let go of Raisa. "I'm /fine/," he says gently. "Let me make my own choices." Volouscheur continues to offer comfort, but says nothing, letting the two humanoids sort this own on their own for now. Raisa finally gives up on pulling away, looking defeated. "I just don't want you to disappear again," she mumbles. "And I know you're going to." Rathenhope shrugs. "I'm not going to /disappear/. I won't be /with/ you all the time, but I'll be around and in contact." Volouscheur remains silent, drawing back slightly to give them space. She remains sitting near them - just not holding them any more. Raisa doesn't draw back into Rathenhope, just nodding her head. "I know... but it's not gonna be the same," she mumbles. "Nothing ever is," sighs Rathenhope slightly, offering a thankful smile to Scheur. Volouscheur smiles back to Rath, inclining her head slightly to him, but saying nothing. "I really should go..." Raisa says quietly. She doesn't fight against Rathenhope, just waits, eyes focused on the sand in front of her. There's another sigh from Rathenhope, continuing to hold Raisa gently. ~Do you wish to leave,~ Scheur asks quietly. She doesn't move to interfere in any other way. "No," Raisa replies to Scheur. "But I should. I... I don't think I can control myself." Rathenhope raises an eyebrow at Raisa. "That was my worry about myself. Don't steal." To Scheur: Two very seperate images appear in Raisa's head. One of the Lunite kissing Rathenhope passionately. The other of the Lunite running for dear life. She seems to be wavering between the two. To Raisa: Scheur attempts to put a bit of distance between Raisa and the image of her running away. ~"Stay,"~ Scheur says. ~"He cares. You care. Better control can be learned, if neccessary."~ Volouscheur says quietly, ~Then better control can be learned; we can help, if you want.~ "I think we have different control issues," Raisa notes softly to Rathenhope, touching at his cheek gently. "I don't think I can control not touching." Rathenhope nods just slightly, shivering suddenly, the fact that it's night, he's wet, and really not wearing much suddenly hitting him. Volouscheur tilts her head back, studying the stars. ~...wonder what a 'cook-out' is like...~ the Vollistan woman muses aloud. Ruin arrives from Ocean View Walk . Leodhais arrives from Ocean View Walk . "They're fun, Scheur," Raisa says quietly before sliding in, holding Rathenhope tightly, rubbing at his arms and back gently. Rathenhope is currently almost-naked, soaking wet, his clothes lying in a pile a little further down the beach. He's still wearing his boxers, but these are also wet, clinging to him. He's shivering, holding Raisa quite tightly while Scheur observes. "Thanks," he mumbles to Raisa. "Spontaneous night swimming, very nice, not bringing a towel... stupid." Cue Ruin to the rescue - with a very large basket on his other arm and Leodhais in tow. A towel is tossed at Rath, and another laid out on the sand. "Food, anyone?" he offers. Volouscheur looks up and grins at Ruin, ~Certainly. Did you bring anything to light a fire with? I was considering a 'cook-out'...~ Leodhais immediately disconnects from being towed when he sees the water. "Holy Mother o' God," he mutters, crossing his chest. He strips out of his shirt and pants, having come prepared - swimsuit underneath. He checks his side - bandaged, but waterproof and then takes off down towards the water at a quick trot. Raisa is still happily pressed against Rathenhope, trying to keep him warm, blinking as she notes Ruin and Leodhais. She pulls back enough to wrap the towel around the man she's with and then snuggles in against him again. For everything else, she's silent. Rathenhope looks up to Ruin, smiling gratefully at the man. "Thanks. I was contemplating jogging back to the ship like this just to get one, not sure the locals would have appreciated it." He blinks at Leodhais, calling after the man. "It's COLD! And Ruin's threatened pictures." He shakes his head lightly, snuggling against Raisa. Ruin plunks down the basket, and then pats his pockets until he fishes out a pocket torch. "...There," he says, passing it to Volouscheur. "It can do spot welding, so it can certainly handle setting fire to driftwood. Have a ball." Volouscheur shrugs to Rath, ~Well, they're Demarians mostly. I don't think they'd have cared much, really.~ She grins to Ruin quietly, ~I'll go find driftwood then.~ She hands the pocket torch back and stands, bouncing off in search of driftwood. Leodhais leaps over a wave and then starts swimming out into the water. "Cold?" he says teasingly to Rath as he swims by. "This is wonderful. Cold water is forty farenheit or below." Raisa smiles, leaning in closer to Rathenhope, one hand running up and down his toweled back. "Does she have a particular interest in fire?" she inquires, nodding in Scheur's direction. "Her Joined is a pyromaniac. Or something.. I can't remember the exact term," Rathenhope informs Raisa. He blinks at Leodhais and just shakes his head. He does grin to Raisa afterwards. "Fancy a swim?" "Pyro*kinetic*," Ruin corrects with a laugh. "And if any of you can fish or catch birds we can eat local - otherwise there's a fried food stand not too far into town." He himself plunks down on the picnic blanket and starts peering inside the basket. "Fish, of course," he says. Volouscheur glances back towards Rath and Ruin, but doesn't say anything. Instead, she busies herself with dragging pieces of driftwood back. Leodhais swims along the coastline for a bit, and then turns back, swimming in the other direction. Alternating between breast stroke and freestyle. When he gets to a good stopping point, he ducks under and then pops up, hair slicked back. He wipes water from his eyes. "Did I hear someone say fish?" Raisa wrinkles a brow at Rathenhope. "You /squealed/ when you got into the water, it was so cold," she points out. "I think not. I'll wait for sunlight to go swimming. But you're welcome to join me then. Because I'll also be able to wear something that wouldn't make you turn bright red." Rathenhope rolls his eyes at Raisa. "It got warmer," he points out with a grin. "Just takes some time." He blinks at Raisa, "Though the clothing issue is a fair point, not that I let it stop me," he says, looking down at his own attire. "Yes Leodhais, we are on Demaria, fish is well-liked," the Martian says to the Sivadian with a grin. ~And I should be able to scrounge...hmm. Actually, Iast's still on-ship. I can ask /him/ to bring stuff down,~ Scheur notes. She sets the driftwood in a loose pile, going off to pull back a decent-sized log. ~Someone let me know when we've got enough, will they?~ Ruin holds up a package taken from the basket. "Fish," he says clearly, looking at Leodhais the way a cat owner looks at a cat when his hand's on the can opener. He puts it back though, as it needs to be cooked, and busies himself arranging Scheur's driftwood so as to make a good bonfire. "Should be enough to get it started," he says. "And once it's roaring it'll dry everyone right off and warm them up." He looks at Scheur. "...Will Iast take care of Leodh?" he asks. "Getting shot *at* on Tomin Kora's hardly a sign of a violent disposition, after all." To Voliast: ~Love?~ comes Scheur's voice, ~Could you bring...hmm...well, some food - something to eat that's not fish. It's okay if it needs to be cooked; we've got a fire down here. And Ruin wants to know if you'll take care of Leodh.~ Leodhais starts swimming towards the shore, and immediately grabs a towel, wrapping it around his shoulders at least, covering up his upper body, and incidentally, his injured side. "Yes, yes. I know, I should've been born a Demarian," he says, drying himself off a bit. Volouscheur looks distant for a few moments and then nods, ~Sent it to him. He should answer soon enough, if he's not asleep.~ She sets the log down to one side, ~I'll put the rest in the pile for feeding the fire once it's started then.~ She bounces off to go find some more driftwood, aura glowing pink and gold. To Scheur: ~Alright, alright. On my way. Have medical bag, some food. Love you. Just to clear something up, you are, of course, not joining the Watchers, right?~ "I didn't know cats liked to get wet, and swim," Raisa offers to Leodhais, chuckling quietly, and watches Scheur, just drawing her brows together. "She is... very active," she finally says. Her attention then returns to Rathenhope. "We'll set up a time to go swimming at some point. I'll even wear a one piece for you so you don't get freaked out about my bikini, since granted, it isn't the most conservative thing I own." To Voliast: ~Ruin's here. We can talk about that when you get here. If you wanna bring drinks, too, feel free; I've got some stuff with me already, in my bag...but it's not exactly party-stuff, y'know?~ Rathenhope chuckles. "A Demarian stuck in a Sivadian body, who would have thought it," grins Rathenhope, deeming himself dry enough now. He stands, looking like he's going to head for his clothes. To Scheur: ~Volouscheur. Answer my question, please. I need to know if I CAN treat Leodhais or not. Answer unless you would make a liar of me, and I can bring some party things.~ "Thank you, so much," Ruin says vehemently. "Even if Rath doesn't blush I probably would." Retrieving his pocket torch, a click produces a tight blue flame. This is carefully applied to portions of the driftood, so that it burns rather than just getting scorched, and soon a respectable fire is going. "Just you watch. I put fish on the fire and he'll pop right out of the water." Volouscheur is quiet as she drags back the next branch. ~Ruin, Iast wants to know if I'm joining the Watchers. He says he can't do medical work if I am. I...~ she offers a link to him, aura no longer the cheerful gold and pink - it's green and black now, instead. Leodhais grins at Ruin. "I'm already out of the water," he says with a laugh, continuing to dry off. He freezes at Scheur's words, watching her and Ruin carefully. To Voliast> Busy silence from Scheur, as if she's considering the question. Iast might sense her stretching out a link to Ruin. Raisa shifts to not fall as Rathenhope leaves her, watching everyone curiously. AS Scheur speaks, a frown appears. "What a low down, dirty rotten scoundrel," she notes, eyes narrowing. "To try and blackmail a person." She lets out a frustrated growl, glancing across to Ruin. "I'll talk some sense into him, if you want me to. Face to face." Rathenhope wanders up the beach, picking up his clothes and returning to sit by Raisa. He shakes his head to her gently. "That won't work.. have you ever /met/ him?" "Voliast is rather like Jeff in that his beliefs are his beliefs, and reason isn't necessarily part of them," says Ruin flatly, the easy good humor gone. "And I do not manipulate easily." He looks at Scheur. "Nor do I make another person's choices for her. You tell me, Volouscheur. You tell me what the right course is. You tell me what decision you can live with." Volouscheur sits suddenly. ~I will not kill. I cannot promise not to be a Watcher. Not to work with the Watchers. Not and not end up breaking that promise - and I will not do that.~ To Voliast: Finally Scheur's reply comes, ~I will not kill. I cannot promise not to be a Watcher. Not to work with the Watchers. Not and not end up breaking that promise - and I will not do that.~ Leodhais remains still, gnawing his lip, and quietly slipping his clothes back on. He doesn't say anything though. To Scheur: ~Then you condone killing. I love you, Volouscheur. I will not practice my art again, and I have failed you. I love you. I will sort out things on Vollista myself. I hope you have a happy life.~ And, the channel of communication closes, not irreperably (she could send words, but not feelings if she wanted) with a deep kiss sensation, and nothing more. Raisa leans in against Rathenhope once he's back beside her, shaking her head. "Anyone can be pursuaded. I've made Jeff change his mind on a few things before. Took alot of pushing, but hey, it works." She then glances back to Scheur, "Does he care so little about what he does as a doctor to really give it up if you follow your own heart and do what you feel is right?" Rathenhope slowly begins dressing, and then realises his boxers are soaked. He mutters a curse to himself, and after putting his shirt back on, wraps the towel firmly around his waist and removes them, being careful not to expose himself to anyone. He reaches for his trousers quickly. ~Can you help me convince Iast that by being a Watcher, that doesn't mean I condone killing, then, please?~ Scheur pleads. Her aura blackens, and she shudders suddenly, curling up on the sand and burying her head in her arms. Ruin guides Leodhais to a seat by the growing fire with light fingertips on the back of Leodhais' neck. "Voliast is a doctor as penance," he says quietly. "I've gotten that vibe off him before - it's too slippery a slope for him into violent and invasive acts, so he tries to be a healer the way I try to be a pacifist. Which means that occasionally he will get it wrong." He's still watching Scheur - steadily, levelly. "He can challenge you to take the harder road and in that I applaud him. It's when he tries to march you down the road he chooses that I take exception. And this is your fight, Scheur, not mine. You've talked to me. You've talked to Raisa. What do you think we are?" Leodhais blinks over at Volouscheur, nodding at her slightly. To Voliast: A wail from Scheur. ~I don't condone killing, Voliast! You /know/ that! Nor does Ruin, nor does Raisa, nor do any other Watcher, save the Founder - and that does not mean that /we/ condone /his/ actions!~ This would be where she'd pause to breathe, if it were a vocal conversation. ~And if you don't believe me, then see.~ To Voliast: Scheur opens her shields to Iast. Should he wish to see inside her mind, he will not stop him. Raisa reaches over and, with a very sweet affectionate smile to Rathenhope, steals his pants, rising so she can shift and then sit on the article of clothing. Her attention then returns to Scheur. "We're not fighters, but we aren't entirely passive either." Volouscheur doesn't answer. She looks focused on something else - her conversation with Iast, perhaps?. But there's a slight nod from her, aura lightening a slight touch. Rathenhope glares at Raisa, a hint of a smile on his features. He shakes his head at her nonetheless, putting a gentle hand on her shoulder and moves away from her, scooting over to Scheur, ensuring the towel doesn't move as he gently attempts to put his arms around her in a hug. "I'll back you," he says quietly. "And if it'd spare you I'd do the killing for you. But that won't reassure Voliast. In the end there is no 'always' or 'never' and in that you'll live your life on a slippery slope. But I'll try to teach you to consider the consequences before you make the choice." He shrugs. "It's what I'm trying to teach myself. Nobody's perfect. If Iast can't respect that...well, there are other doctors. He won't have to act to heal." To Scheur: ~Volouscheur, if they WILL kill before more than their own life is on the line, then you've failed me on so very many fronts. Do not follow this path, if you love me. Do not sign on with those who will kill on a preponderance of the evidence rather than only in defense of their own life. If you do, I have done wrong and not been a mentor as I should have. I have failed, and will do penance, for half of me and my reason for being, is obviously a poor choice and will kill, or side with those who do. That is all. I won't force you to choose, if you want to make this choice, that is up to you. Be a Vollistan, and denounce killing on every front, and come with me and practice medicine, create art, help one planet and its millions of lives to find happiness, or go out and kill in defense of life, the biggest oxymoron ever. This is your choice. Make it.~ Silence continues, he does not check her mind, but verbal communication remains open. Leodhais continues looking at Scheur, a small encouraging smile on his face. Volouscheur doesn't pull away as Rath hugs her. But she doesn't respond to it either. Instead, her aura darkens again, tears starting to slide down her cheeks. Raisa looks on sadly, but stays where she is. "I had to choose between the Watchers and someone I cared about once," she offers to Scheur quietly. "I made the wrong choice, and it haunted me. I went against my gut instinct and listened to what my brain told me to do. You need to do what your heart tells you is right, and ignore any logic that might go along with it for now. You can deal in logic later." To Voliast: ~They will not,~ Scheur replies. ~They will kill to save their lives, and /only then/. And if /you/ love /me/, do not force me to choose between the one I know I must be with and the work I know I must do!~ The agony in her 'voice' is very clear, if he cares to listen to the emotions. To Voliast: She still hasn't made the choice. She's trying to convince him to back down from the ultimatum. Rathenhope looks across to Raisa and smiles gently at her before returning his attention to Scheur, rubbing her back gently with one hand, saying nothing. To Volouscheur: He -has- decided, and means it. To him, it's a fact of life, if she condones an organization that will kill people for reasons other than to save their own life, which the Watchers WILL as far as he's concerned, then he's failed, and must live in hermity shame and isolation since she obviously won't come with him, and is no longer posessed of blessed healing faculties, and cannot do medicine, that's about it. Ruin pats Leodhais on the shoulder, then gets up to crouch by Volouscheur, touching very lightly. "You aren't alone either way. Just like Raisa. Titles are pointless without substance behind, and I think you have that. Or I'd never have offered." Leodhais nods in agreement with Ruin, still smiling at Scheur. Scheur's response is a wail of agony, ~But what my heart tells me, is two different things! To be with him, and to work with you! And he will not let me do both!~ She's shivering now, despite the heat from the fire, not-quite-flinching from Ruin's touch, ~"Be a Vollistan, and denounce killing on every front, and come with me and practice medicine, create art, help one planet and its millions of lives find hapiness, or go out and kill in defense of life, the biggest oxymoron ever." /This/ is the choice he gives me. Should I choose to go with you, he will not practice medicine; will not even be around others. He'll just mope around as a hermit, in shame, because he will feel that he has failed me, if I go with you.~ Those who have heard Iast's mental voice before would recognize that Scheur's reproduced it fairly accurately. "Someone that loves you should not force you to make a choice between what you feel is right, and love," Raisa notes quietly from her position, shaking her head. "What will make you happy? That's all that really matters here. Ruin would not disagree, right?" she says, glancing towards Ruin with a nod. "You can't do what he wants you to do, but what /you/ feel is right, and what you want to do." Rathenhope sighs slightly, giving Scheur's back one last gentle rub before the pants-less man moves back over to Raisa slowly, still in his towel. He settles back down beside her, leaning against her with another sigh, closing his eyes slowly. "And look what it got Vollista!" snaps Ruin, out of patience. "The truth of pacifism is that this is *not a perfect world*, Scheur! Life isn't everything, either. There's levels of madness and despair that make death look like a *cakewalk* and I've personally been through about half of them myself. People kill. People maim. People *torture*. You know what the Suits threatened Raisa with? A facility where living people are so warped all their organs are in the wrong places. Because someone *did that to them*. These Suits - would you call that living? No name, no identity, no true memories? Is this sacred? Can *you* give their lives back to them? I can't, I know that much. Stick a fungus on my neck and I probably still couldn't. What else can I do? Does Voliast commit to giving every last one of them back their names, their lives? Does he commit to working day and night to save every last one of them the way he'll try to save his own people? Can he commit other Vollistans to that work? *We are imperfect*. We are few and we are weak and *people are being hurt* and if you can't treat the infection then sometimes amputation is the only option *left*." Ace arrives from Ocean View Walk . Torr arrives from Ocean View Walk . Jack arrives from Ocean View Walk . It's late, and there's a group of people down on the beach around a bonfire. Scheur is among these people, curled up on the sand, face in her arms. But, although the mood might've started out as cheerful....it's far from so now. Ruin just finished saying something and Scheur flinches, covered in an Auric shroud of black. The Vollistan female pants softly before saying, miserably, ~I'msorryI'msorrybutIcan't!Ican'tleavehim!~ To Ruin: Scheur is, really, truly, miserable about this. And Ruin might sense that Iast, when she gets back to him, and is in any sort of shape to deal it out, is going to get hell from her for forcing her to make this decision. "Let's not forget the part where they threatened to dissect me while keeping me awake and feeling, so for fun," Raisa adds on helpfully to Ruin's statements. "If I went through that, hell, /I/ wouldn't really be too alive after it was all over." The Lunite wraps her arms around Rathenhope gently, holding him against her tightly. She just nods to Scheur. "You shouldn't have to apologize for loving someone so much," she notes kindly. "But you'll notice that the Watchers is more deeply ingrained in you than you think. Because I made the same choice, and here I am. Still one." "Ace, tell Torr to stop being mean to me." Jack whines as the threesome come tromping along into the beach. Rathenhope blinks sleepily at Raisa at her first statement but then just goes back to leaning on her shoulder, falling asleep again. His lower half is wrapped in a towel, his pants being sat on by Raisa. To Scheur: ~You know, beloved, three random wise people apparently just gave me a lot of insight into what I shouldn't be. I'm sorry, join them if you want. I found my medical bag. I'll treat Leodhais tomorrow. Want to go snuggle? I'll explain later, or, telepathically...~ "Torr, stop being mean to Jack," Ace deadpans as they approach the bonfire, scowling at Raisa and Ruin. "You do not need to be a Watcher to do good in the universe, and it especially does no one any good if you break up a marriage just to gain another warm body." Torr snorts at this from Jack. "Sorry, everyone is just /so/ sad, I don't wanna make another sad face!" He shakes his head a little bit as he meanders down the path to the beach. His face glows behind the light of the cigarette between his lips. He smirks a little. "Better ways to do good than kill innocent people, too," he adds as they near the group. Rathenhope heads into Ocean View Walk . Jack sobers slightly, furrows deepening in his brow as he studies the somewhat familiar faces. "Would appear that our proverbial man of the hour is no where to be seen." To Voliast: ...it's too late though. Scheur already made her choice. And she didn't choose the Watchers. To Voliast: ~...and you explain now. C'mere,~ Scheur says. She sounds mentally exhausted. To Scheur: ~No, you come here, we'll go back to the Haste.~ Ruin crouches down by Scheur. "Then I take it back," he says gently. "It's not so much. Some clothes and a title. You can get better at an army surplus or a clerical outlet. If Voliast thinks that's what makes us..." he shrugs. "But we should go back to the ship." He takes a slow, very careful breath, and then steadily asks, "Will he treat Leodhais?" Leodhais slowly gets up and finishes dressing, now that he's dried enough, and then crouches back down next to the fire again, looking at Scheur with concern and worry. Volouscheur looks exhausted now. ~...he won't make me choose any more.~ She looks up at the three new arrivals, but doesn't seem to really recognize them. For that matter, she doesn't seem to actually see them, either. She nods to Ruin, ~Yes. He'll treat him tomorrow.~ She rubs at her face with one sleeve, ~He wants me to go back to the Haste, I think. Or over to where he is.~ "And whose marriage are you refering to?" Raisa inquires of Ace, lifting a brow, before nodding a greeting in Jack's direction. "Don't forget Rathenhope," she calls over to Ruin, still hugging the sleeping man against her side. She kisses his cheek lightly, wiggling slightly, without disturbing the man, to get off of his pants, and place them in his lap. To Voliast: ~'Kay.~ Scheur seems physically as well as mentally exhausted, though; Iast may have to come pick her up. /Physically/ pick her up. "Hello." Jack says to Raisa. "Apparently, you've found a very secure place to cuddle up at." His tone manages flatness pretty easily. "And I believe the Kapitan is talking about the crying Vollistan on the ground, and the sulking one down the road's. Both look reasonably unhappy with their situation, and frankly, don't see why joining the Watchers has suddenly become so... ummm, well, enticing." "Voliast and Scheur," Ace replies, coming to a stop beside Jack, keeping herself between him and Torr. "Is plenty of good the two of them can do without getting tangled up in the trouble the Watchers attract." Torr continues to smirk, taking a long drag from the cigarette as he glances around the firelit scene. "Betcha everyone that signs up gets a free ride - ya know what I mean," he comments, eyes sweeping across the group as he speaks. A hand lifts to his mouth, removing the cigarette for the moment. Voliast arrives from Ocean View Walk . Ruin nods. "...Kapitan, you and your friends are welcome to the food and fire." He indicates the blanket on the sand, the bonfire, and the basket, very calm and quiet. "Leodh, if you'll get Rath, I'll help Scheur." He doesn't appear to have heard, or care much about, the general political commentary. Voliast walks into the area, looking around momentarily, medical bag now swinging over his shoulder. His aura is a rioting gold and red, as he immediately, irregardless of all other sights, heads for the tired heap by the bonfire that is Volouscheur. His steps are slow and tentative at first, but then more rapid on approach. Leodhais nods, getting up and going over to Raisa and the sleeping Rath. "I'll help lug him," he says with a smile to Raisa. Volouscheur's aura looks bruised; black and blue, with only traces of green. She doesn't seem to even notice Iast, seeming to have fallen asleep already; her aura has dimmed down fairly low, as it is. "Why do I always get blamed for breaking people up..." Raisa grumbles before shaking her head. "I had nothing to do with their issues, thank you. I just offered the advice I could from past experience." She nods to Leodhais, kissing at Rathenhope's cheek again gently before half rising to help assist the Sivadian in getting the human to his feet. Jack is quiet. Too quiet. To Voliast: Iast would probably sense that Scheur is, if not fully asleep, fairly close to it. This whole thing has just been too exhausting for her not to be. Dropping to one knee to nestle his arms under her, Voliast picks up the Vollistan woman, slowly, relatively laboriously, and then turns around and slowly proceeds to walk off again, pausing only to announce: ~I'll be back to treat you later, Leodhais. Don't worry, it's not serious, I know.~ He then proceeds to meander his way slowly off of the beach. Leodhais blinks after Voliast and Volouscheur, and then starts helping Raisa carry Rath back towards the ship. Ruin - relieved of any responsibility to carry Scheur - just shrugs and helps Leodhais and Raisa with Rathenhope. "Remind me," he says quietly, "next time not to bother merely *trying* to talk someone out of becoming a Watcher. A knife to someone else's throat and the threat of emotional blackmail for icing works so much better to test someone's resolve." Volouscheur lets Iast pick her up, not snuggling up to him. Her aura shifts, darkening as the last of the green fades. She just lies in Iast's arms limply. And thus, the two depart the beech, Voliast whispering quietly to Scheur's exhausted form. "Well, I'm confused." Jack admits to the two he came in with. "But, we can most certainly say Jeff of the Missing Fingers is not here, yeah? Then our galactic crusade must rest another day." Torr stifles a yawn with the hand that holds the cigarette. When the hand falls back to his side, the cigarette can be seen to have remained in his mouth. He watches the departures, a slight smirk still on his lips. He glances toward Jack. "The Quest continues," he deadpans, snorting softly. "Right..." Raisa murmurs, passing Ruin Rathenhope's pants as she loops an arm about his back, sliding his arm over her shoulders, motioning for Leodh to do the same. The three not part of the Haste get a cool glare before she just focuses in on helping to get the sleeping man off the beach. "Ruin, grab my stuff," she adds, nodding to her small pile.
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