| - When receiving an award for in France at the Arc Du Triumph for saving the country from a meteor, Superman accepts an gold trophy that is a replica of the very same threat that he saved Paris from. Superman detects that the object contains a bomb but is unable to throw it due to the fact that a super adhesive has insured that it sticks to his hand. In order to save the people of Paris again, Superman would fly out into space hoping that the bomb will not harm him. When it does explode, Superman finds himself hurtled back in time to Paris during World War II. Superman passes out near the location where two Nazi spies have broken away from Sgt. Rock's Easy Company to doff their disguises and report back to their superiors. When Superman awakens, he has partial amnesia, not remembering who he is or his Kryptonian nature. Spotting the discarded US military uniforms and not recognizing his own costume, Superman dresses up in the uniform so that he won't be considered an enemy and attacked by US troops.
Superman is found by Rock and Easy Co. who find his story of having amnesia hard to believe and are suspicious that he might be a spy. Before they can press him for more answers they are attacked by Nazi soldiers who ambush them. During the fire fight, Rock and his troops note that if it wasn't for a tree blocking Superman from the hail of bullets, the Nazis would have gunned him down as well and consider to trying to accept his story. As they march onward on their mission through enemy territory, they quiz the Man of Steel to see if he knows about current American events and Superman is able to answer all their questions, but struggle as he might he cannot begin to remember who he might really be. That night as they camp out, Rock watches as Superman looks up to the stars and wonders if during combat this "soldier" is going to be able to prove himself in battle.
The next day as they continue their trek, they are attacked by a German tiger tank. Arming Superman with a bazooka, Rock orders him to destroy the tank. However, Superman's deep rooted code of conduct to never kill prevents him from firing. Taking this as weakness, Rock and the other members of Easy Co. charge the tank. Angry at being unable to help, Superman punches the ground and is surprised to find that he has super strength. This blow goes unseen, but it breaks up the ground enough to trip up the tank allowing Rock to toss a grenade inside and kill the Nazi's within.
While trying to come to terms with the idea of killing the so called "Nazi supermen", Superman finally remembers who he is. Not willing to effect history by being seen in costume before he arrived on Earth, Superman would secretly help out Easy Co. when they are strafed by a Nazi fighter plane, incapacitating it but sparing the pilots inside. Returning back to his discarded uniform, Superman scans it with his x-ray vision and finds a secret transmitter inside and realizes that he had inadvertently tipped the Nazi's off to Rock's location. Deciding to help the war hero out on his mission, Superman would rush ahead and allow himself to be captured by the Nazis. Brought before their commander, the Man of Steel would tell them that he is part of a super soldier program and as "Corporal Steel" he was nothing compared to Sgt. Rock. When the Nazi's attempt to kill Superman, they are shocked by his super powers and he sends them fleeing while destroying their base.
When Rock and Easy Co. arrive shortly thereafter, Superman feigns being dead and Easy Co. pay their respects by burying him, marking his grave with a rifle and helmet before pressing on. With his aid no longer needed, Superman bursts out of the ground and flies back through the time barrier to the present to find out who planted the bomb that sent him into the past to begin with.
This story is continued next issue...