| - Pod Walker is a light vehicle in the Empire at War and its Forces of Corruption expansion. It can be purchased in the Cantina for 500 credits by the Empire or 250 credits by the Rebels; the only requirement is to have captured the Cantina. It will also be produced for free by the Imperial Abandoned Heavy Factory at set periods of time. Even though it is stated to be the precursor to the AT-ST, the Pod Walker is in fact superior to it, armed with one heavy laser cannon that does somewhat higher damage against vehicles and infantry. It also has high range, allowing it to safely engage Anti-Infantry and even Anti-Vehicle Turrets without taking any damage (note that this wouldn't work against the Turbolaser Towers.) Its only special ability is the map scan that will automatically send it towards the closest enemy unit. Like the TIE Mauler and MPTL-2a, it can trample the infantry underfoot: however, it is nowhere near as fast as the former and doesn't take up as much ground space as both of them. As such, it will only be able to crush a couple of soldiers by itself, as they'll automatically try to move out of the way. It is considerably more effective if the enemy infantry is engaged in combat with something else: the Walker can then easily waltz over the entire unit without anyone running away. The mos true value of the Pod Walker lies in its high health: it is one of the few vehicles in the entire game capable of surviving a blast from the Thermal Detonator. As such, it can tie up your enemies, weakening them and giving you the time to prepare the counter. By itself, it can defeat the basic infantry of both sides (mainly through trampling), Scout Troopers, lone AT-STs, Swamp Speeders and TIE Maulers. The tanks of both sides and Pirate Skiffs will defeat it though, especially if in numbers.