| - Previous: Things look up for the Allies The Allies choose a ceasefire at the end. It seems like the best way to go forward with their option. They separately sign a ceasefire with Russia, Germany and Japan. However, Japan is forced to give up Hawaii, which it does so it could continue with its plans. The allies then focus on re-building their war-torn countries, but America seems to have entered an all new phase of growth. Image:1.png Imp (Say Hi?!) 12:42, August 19, 2012 (UTC)
| - Previous: Things look up for the Allies The Allies choose a ceasefire at the end. It seems like the best way to go forward with their option. They separately sign a ceasefire with Russia, Germany and Japan. However, Japan is forced to give up Hawaii, which it does so it could continue with its plans. The allies then focus on re-building their war-torn countries, but America seems to have entered an all new phase of growth. Japan continues its war against the Chinese, and battle by battle comes out on top. Only India is left in the area, and it quickly aligns itself with the Americans and British to spare itself from the Japanese. Japan manages to establish its Dai-to-a or Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. China eventually surrenders too and the Japanese begin their work on setting about its East Asian hegemony. The Germans continue their war with full pace. However, even they cannot match the might of the Soviet Union which has learned from its mistakes. The Germans quickly realize that they will lose the war if they do not do something quickly. They order strategical retreats all along their war border, except in the north, where they help the Finns to keep possessions and in the south, where all of their might is going to be put into good use. The start an offensive into the oilfields of the south, so their forces can meet up. The offensive is successful; they do not have to fear oil shortages any more. The Soviets are left with a powerful army but without their main oilfields. They are forced onto the negotiating table, where they give up most of their western European territories, including Ukraine, Belarus and the Baltics to Germany and let the Finns keep their northern possessions. They do, however, get their oilfields back and retain all of their other lands. Britain establishes the Imperial Federation, a way to integrate with its colonies so that they all become a huge Federation. At the start, huge hiccups erupt such as: independence calls, more freedom and religious persecution. However, the idea of secularism is preached extensively and becomes successful. Whites still settle in huge numbers in Rhodesia, while blacks move away from the country. Post-war Germany was a place where its people were celebrating. The government had "won" a war and its populace could be happier. However, in hidden places, Poles, Slavs, Homosexuals and opposers to the regime (mainly Arabs in the middle east) were all being murdered to make living space in the newly conquered territories of the east. Many campaigns for he Germans to move east were set up and the so called "Aryans" moved east. These camps were never discovered and were destroyed once a certain amount of people were killed (some estimate up to 75 million people). Himmler did not want Jews in his country either, but unlike Hitler, he did not hate them and unknowingly helped them when he created a state for them in the Levant to cram them in and remove them from Germany. The country went through so-called democratic reforms when Himmler died and German-dominated parties were set up for elections. In the modern day, all of the "top-5" countries and their associates possess nukes. Germany acquired it in 1955, Japan in 1957 and the Soviet Union in 1961. Countries have gone to the moon, with the American-Imperial Federation missions reaching it successfully first. More African countries are united, while the Federation controls its monopoly on world oil along with the Germans. South America is also much more peaceful and united and only a couple of its countries are still classed as third-world. It is surprising how a powerful Germany and Soviet Union leads on to many parts of the world progressing faster. The world is starkly different yet very similar from what we would recognise, and an uneasy peace holds out... Image:1.png Imp (Say Hi?!) 12:42, August 19, 2012 (UTC)