| - Unique abilities are a new feature added into Civilization V that give civilizations certain bonuses. Unique abilities were made to replace traits from Civilization IV (most likely to make civilizations more unique instead of two civilizations sharing one similar bonus).
* Land Military Units receive +1 Sight
* Image:20xGold5.png Gold costs of Tiles are reduced by 50%
* Trade Caravans (Vanilla)
* Trade Routes provide +1 Image:20xGold5.png Gold
* Image:20xOil.png Oil resources provide double quantities
* Ships of the Desert (Updated in File:BNW-only.png)
* Can create Land Trade Routes with 50% greater range than usual
* Religious pressure of your religion from Trade Routes is doubled in the destination city
* Image:20xOil.png Oil resources provide double quantities
* Steal an enemy technology when capturing a City (Cannot be done when you recapture the same city or when you acquired a city through a trade deal)
* May purchase an allied City-State with Image:20xGold5.png Gold to annex or puppet it (The City-State must be allied for 5 consecutive turns)
* Killing an enemy unit grants a one-time Image:20xCulture5.png Culture bonus equal to the Strength of the killed unit (Does not apply to Cities)
* Birth rate of Great Scientists is increased by 50%
* Upon discovering Writing, a Great Scientist appears at your Image:Capital5.png Capital
* During a Image:20xGoldenAge5.png Golden Age, Image:20xTourism5.png Tourism output is doubled, and birth rate of Great Artists, Great Writers, and Great Musicians is increased by 50%
* Choose one more Belief than usual when you found a Religion
* All coastal Cities get a free Harbor
* Units may cross mountains after your first Great General appears, taking 50 HP damage if they end a turn on a mountain
* Cities with an adjacent unimproved Forest tile provide +1 Image:20xfaith5.png Faith
* Bonus increases to +2 Image:20xfaith5.png Faith in Cities with 3 or more adjacent unimproved Forest tiles
* Birth rate of Great Generals is increased by 50%
* Great Generals provide +30% combat bonus (instead of the normal +15%)
* Embarked Units receive +1 Image:20xMovement5.png Movement (even when disembarking)
* Disembarkation does not incur a Image:20xMovement5.png Movement penalty
* Melee Units have no Image:20xMovement5.png Movement cost to pillage Improvements
* Cities receive a +20% Image:20xProduction5.png Production bonus when constructing a Wonder (Also applies to National Wonders, but not Projects)
* Vanilla:
* Naval and Embarked Units receive +2 Image:20xMovement5.png Movement
* Updated in File:GodsKings5 clear.png:
* Naval and Embarked Units receive +2 Image:20xMovement5.png Movement
* Get one additional Spy
* Units receive +20% combat bonus against larger Civilizations (based upon city count)
* Ancien RĂ©gime (Vanilla)
* Cities provide +2 Image:20xCulture5.png Culture until you discover Steam Power
* City of Light (Updated in File:BNW-only.png)
* Great Work theme bonuses from Museums and wonders are doubled in your Image:Capital5.png Capital
* Land Unit maintenance costs are reduced by 25%
* Defeating a Barbarian Unit within an Encampment has a 67% chance of converting the unit to your side and providing a reward of 25 Image:20xGold5.png Gold
* File:Influence (Civ5).png Influence with City-States degrades at half the normal rate and recovers at double the normal rate
* Raze conquered cities twice as fast
* Start the game with Animal Husbandry already discovered
* Pastures provide +1 Image:20xProduction5.png Production
* All units ignore movement costs when moving on to any Hill tile
* Roads and railroads built on Hills have no Maintenance cost
* Roads and railroads not built on Hills have half the normal Maintenance cost
* Image:Unhappiness (Civ5).png Unhappiness from Cities is doubled
* Image:Unhappiness (Civ5).png Unhappiness from Image:20xPopulation5.png Population is halved
* The first three cities you found on new continents that do not contain your Image:Capital5.png Capital grant 2 free unique luxury resources (These cities cannot be razed)
* Vanilla:
* Forest and Jungle tiles within friendly territories provide a movement bonus equal to that of a Road
* Upon discovering The Wheel, Forest and Jungle tiles within friendly territories serve as if they had a Road built on them when determining Trade Routes
* Updated in File:BNW-only.png:
* Forest and Jungle tiles within friendly territories provide a movement bonus equal to that of a Road
* Upon discovering The Wheel, Forest and Jungle tiles within friendly territories serve as if they had a Road built on them when determining Road Connections between cities
* Caravans move through Forest and Jungle tiles as if a Road had been built there
* Vanilla:
* Units fight at full Strength even when damaged
* Updated in File:BNW-only.png:
* Units fight at full Strength even when damaged
* +1 Image:20xCulture5.png Culture from Fishing Boats and +2 Image:20xCulture5.png Culture from Atolls
* Specialists provide +2 Image:20xScience5.png Science
* Great Person Tile Improvements provide +2 Image:20xScience5.png Science
* Completing a scientific Building or Wonder at your Image:Capital5.png Capital grants a tech boost (Equal to Research Agreement tech boost, affected by modifiers)
* Upon discovering Theology, a Great Person of your choice appears at your Image:Capital5.png Capital every 394 years (Equal to the length of a Mayan calendar cycle; not to be confused with turns)
* Military Units receive +30% combat bonus against City-States and their Units
* Mounted Units receive +1 Image:20xMovement5.png Movement
* Trade Routes with another Civilization or City-State provide +3 Image:20xGold5.png Gold and +1 Image:20xCulture5.png Culture
* Trade Routes sent to any of your cities provide +2 Image:20xGold5.png Gold for the owners of such routes The Netherlands - Dutch East India Company (formerly East India Company)
* Retain 50% of the happiness benefits from a luxury resource if you trade away the last copy of it
* Vanilla:
* Moving adjacent to a Barbarian Naval Unit has a 50% chance of converting it to your side and providing a reward of 25 Image:20xGold5.png Gold
* Naval Unit maintenance costs are reduced by 67%
* Updated in File:GodsKings5 clear.png:
* All Melee Naval Units start with the "Prize Ships" promotion
* Naval Unit maintenance costs are reduced by 67%
* Image:20xGoldenAge5.png Golden Ages last 50% longer
* During a Image:20xGoldenAge5.png Golden Age, all Units have +1 Image:20xMovement5.png Movement and +10% combat bonus when attacking (Movement bonus also applies to civilian units)
* Receive a free social policy at the start of each new era
* Units can immediately Embark over Coasts and Oceans
* Embarked Units receive +1 Sight
* Moais in your own territory provide +10% combat bonus to nearby friendly Units (Multiple Moais don't stack, and this bonus does not stack with the Maori Warrior bonus either)
* Receive twice as much Image:20xGold5.png Gold from resource diversity in Trade Routes
* Cities receive a +25% Image:20xProduction5.png Production bonus when constructing a Building that has already been built at your Image:Capital5.png Capital Russia - Siberian Riches (Motherland Calls in the game manual)
* Worked Strategic Resources provide +1 Image:20xProduction5.png Production
* Image:20xHorse5.png Horse, Image:20xIron5.png Iron, and Image:20xUranium5.png Uranium resources provide double quantities
* Cities you found start with additional territory
* Units receive +15% combat bonus when fighting in your own territory
* Vanilla:
* Image:20xFood5.png Food and Image:20xCulture5.png Culture from City-States are increased by 50%
* Updated in File:GodsKings5 clear.png:
* Image:20xFood5.png Food, Image:20xCulture5.png Culture, and Image:20xfaith5.png Faith from City-States are increased by 50%
* Vanilla:
* Receive three times as much Image:20xGold5.png Gold when capturing a City or clearing a Barbarian Encampment
* Embarked Units can defend themselves
* Updated in File:GodsKings5 clear.png:
* Receive three times as much Image:20xGold5.png Gold when capturing a City or clearing a Barbarian Encampment
* All Land Units start with the "Amphibious" and "War Canoes" promotions
* Receive 100 Image:20xGold5.png Gold when discovering a Natural Wonder (500 Image:20xGold5.png Gold if you are the first to discover it)
* Image:20xHappiness5.png Happiness from discovering Natural Wonders is doubled
* Tile yields from Natural Wonders are doubled
* Gain 90 File:Influence (Civ5).png Influence from a Great Person gift to a City-State
* Birth rate of Great People is increased by 10% when declaring friendship (The Civilization you declared friendship also gets this bonus)
* Cannot acquire Settlers, and cannot annex captured cities either
* Can create twice as many Trade Routes as usual
* Upon discovering Optics, a Merchant of Venice appears
* Can use the Merchant of Venice to puppet a city-state
* May purchase buildings or units in puppet cities
* Melee Units maintenance costs are reduced by 50%
* Military Units require 25% less experience to acquire a new promotion