| - by user Image:UN Flag.png Excerpt from article originally posted at Faultline USA, April 23, 2007 The left has been successfully mining the gullibility of American Christians for years. To prove just how successful the left has been in the infiltration of America’s Christian churches, take this little test. Would you knowingly join, attend, support, or allow your children to be indoctrinated in a Christian church that . . . *Promotes the moral equivalency of all forms of global spirituality *Focuses on the creation of an earthly Utopia as opposed to “outmoded” notions of the Kingdom of Heaven *Stresses “consensus” Christianity over sound theological foundations and Biblical authority. *Teaches that all war is contrary to God’s will *Is critical of capitalism and democracy *Fosters the notion that American patriotism and sovereignty is akin to racism *Accuses the U.S. of being the source of international poverty and unjust warfare *Promotes a revolutionary leftist/Marxist social agenda often referred to as Liberation Theology *Promotes multilateralism through international institutions where the UN and the International Court would overrule the U.S. Constitution *Is actively working towards the implementation of a Global church and Global government overseen by the UN Of course you wouldn’t knowingly be part of such a church unless you are a card-carrying leftist. I hate to break it to you, but if you are an active member of any Christian church in America, it’s a strong probability that this is exactly what you are unknowingly supporting! ' There are over 100,000 local congregations and 45 million Christians supporting the above goals – and most of these Christians don’t even know what they are supporting or that much of their money is going to tax-exempt leftist foundations!!! Few Americans have any idea of how deeply entrenched the United Nations is within many Christian denominations. Fewer Americans understand the connections between the World Council of Churches (WCC), the National Council of Churches (NCC), the United Nations, and the inner workings of their own cherished denominations. Read more here __NOEDITSECTION__ From The Opinion Wiki, a Wikia wiki. From The Opinion Wiki, a Wikia wiki.