| - The plot revolves around an unnamed penguin (Actor1196), who had owed many debts as he loved to buy fashionable items (implying he is a fashist). However, he found out a secret of one of his debtor's while passing by his house. He later blackmailed his debtor (see below), and when the debtor tried to run away, he screamed "GO AND I WILL TELL!" (therefore, it is regarding someone in relation to the debtor, and if the debtor tries to go, the one who owes the debts would tell that person in relation to the debtor, and the debtor would get in trouble). The debtor agreed to not letting the secret out, and he was frightened since then.
| - The plot revolves around an unnamed penguin (Actor1196), who had owed many debts as he loved to buy fashionable items (implying he is a fashist). However, he found out a secret of one of his debtor's while passing by his house. He later blackmailed his debtor (see below), and when the debtor tried to run away, he screamed "GO AND I WILL TELL!" (therefore, it is regarding someone in relation to the debtor, and if the debtor tries to go, the one who owes the debts would tell that person in relation to the debtor, and the debtor would get in trouble). The debtor agreed to not letting the secret out, and he was frightened since then. In the later half of the movie, the debtor fought with the blackmailer, trying to stop him from telling. The fight went down to the streets, and eventually, the debtor won and the blackmailer died to no avail. However, the debtor's secret was leaked out by the press, causing shock to him. The last scene of the movie depicts him and a sihlouette, fighting in silence.