| - the Aeon at their core are fanatics. However their arsenal is quite powerful. In general anyone of their units will destroy another factions unit of the same type because they are all single purpose units. Their armies are fairly good, with their array of good T2 tanks and their advanced SAB (with a shield, a weapon that oddly does twice the DPS of the other faction's SABs, and limited engineering capabilities). They also have several hover units that can support their navy and surprise opponents with attacks from water. Their air force is average in T1 and T2, only in T3 do they obtain advantages over other factions. They have the only T3 torpedo bomber, a strategic bomber that tracks its targets, and a gunship that has superior air defense along with a good air to ground weapon. However the weapon only does 1/2 of the damage of a normal gunship. Their navy is equipped with highly capable weapons like the Oblivion Cannon, the Quantum Cannon, and their ship-mounted Tactical Missiles. When using their navy however, it is best to remember that unless you include either Shards, Infinity Class Cruisers or Keefer Class in your naval force, you won't have any anti-air. As with the UEF and the Seraphim, it's highly recommended that you back up your attack forces with mobile shields. This will significantly increase the longevity of your units, especially against point defense. Their artillery is also good, but unlike the other factions, it exists for precision work - not great at taking out armies, but it almost always hits its target dealing massive damage. Their navy typically uses lower tech units to attack and hold off the enemy until you can get Torrents and/or a Tempest built. Either will pound an enemy with high-damage projectiles, both need backup of one sort or another, provided expertly by either the Aeon's hovering land armies (shields and AA mainly) or their other naval units. Their military lacks a T3 amphibious unit, but with amphibious shields, it means that T2 hover armies can stand against smaller T3 armies without too much in the way of losses, meaning that their hover armies remain somewhat viable right up until their opponent begins using experimentals. The Aeon Experimentals are well rounded, giving an Aeon Commander a choice of either a game ender (The Paragon), a cheapish ground unit (The Galactic Colossus), an expensive air unit (The Czar) or a very cheap, high-quality naval unit (The Tempest). Each excels in what it does - the Galactic Colossus being on par with all other factions' ground experimentals, and its huge amounts of health often allowing for it to do more against lower tech armies, and its claws drawing in higher tech units. The Czar can dominate either land or air (although it is still vulnerable to ASFs, it has some of the highest damaging anti-air weapons in the game), and also acts as a mobile air factory, whereas the Tempest is effectively short-ranged artillery that is submersible, can construct naval units and is armed with very effective torpedoes. Using each of these in combination with a regular military can be devastating, giving the Aeon a good balance of land, sea and air.