- These insidious creature resembles a harmless leather cloak with bone clasps. However, a passing adventurer should be careful trying it on...
- Cloaker est un membre du Smithy Gang. Il est également le partenaire de Domino. Il réside dans l'Usine de Smithy avec son serpent de compagnie mécanique, Earth Link.
- Cloaker ist ein Zwischenboss aus Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. Er arbeitet mit Domino zusammen und bildet mit ihm eine Ähnlichkeit zu Zirkusartisten. Im Gegensatz zu Domino verwendet er einen Säbel und nutzt den Nahkampf. Hat man Domino besiegt, setzt er sich auf sein Haustier Earth Link und versucht Mario und Co. damit aufzuhalten.
- In the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game, the cloaker is a large manta-like aberration with a set of black wings that cause it to resemble a cloak when at rest. These wings actually help the cloaker engulf its prey. A cloaker is usually chaotic neutral and they hunt together in small flocks. Cloakers are clever predators that can emit a subsonic moan that can unnerve, frighten, nauseate, or put foes into a stupor.
- Cloaker is a character in the Super Mario series. He first appeared in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. He is a member of the Smithy Gang, and has a sword and shield. Domino is his partner in crime. He lives in Smithy's Factory with his pet, Earth Link.
- Cloaker is a boss that appears in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. He is a shield and sword weilding jester and a member of the Smithy Gang. He fights alongside Domino and is fought in The Factory.
- Cloakers are aberrations from the Far Realm. They resemble shadowy manta rays with long, barbed tails and red eyes. They are nearly invisible when holding still due to their natural abilities. Vox Machina has encountered a couple of cloakers during their travels. The first time, before the stream, the creature proved very difficult to defeat. The second time during the events in the Underdark they more easily beat the creature by forcing the cloaker to pursue them over water while using long-ranged attacks. The dead cloaker was skinned by Percy and its hide was used to cloak Vox Machina as they traveled.
- Species Location Weapon Abilities The cloaker is an enemy in Jak II and Jak 3. It is a bipedal metal head using cloaking technology encountered in Haven Forest and later in Haven City during the metal head invasion of Jak II, and for a short period in Jak 3 during the mission "Destroy eco grid with Jinx" in Metal Head city.
- A cloaker was a small cloaking device that could be used by an individual. In 2371, Quark discovered a prototype Romulan cloaker and used it to roam about Deep Space 9 unseen. After the experience of being invisible was not as he hoped, the Romulan Katann mentioned that the radiation given off by the cloaker would have been harmful to a Romulan, but should just make Quark ill for a few weeks. (DS9 comic: "Memoirs of an Invisible Ferengi")
- When equipped with the elite setting, pressing (and holding for a bit) the melee button while using the Cloaker would make Nefarious initiate his "Cloak & Dagger" technique, Nefarious would launch up in the air, "teleporting" to the nearest enemy, home in, and smash down on them, slashing them in the process (it would also make him invisible for about a minute). This "teleport" attack is very useful to get to out reach places, as long as there is at least one enemy where you want to go. If there is a Vac-U target you need to get to, and there are enemies on the other side, the Cloaker's Smash and Slash attack is a good move to use instead of the Vac-U. This attack is also a very good, powerful attack to use against bosses, although if you are homing in on an enemy that has just fallen into
- Cloaker is a friend and partner of Domino and is also a jester as well. Both he and Cloaker will fight alongside each other to try and defeat Mario and his friends. Although Cloaker is stronger than his partner, he can't perform any magic attacks, while Domino can.
- Cloakers look like monstrous manta rays that have long tails that end in a bony whip. Horns beside their heads end in thumb-like claws and are as black as their overside skin. Their underside is pale and it contains a fang-filled mouth and two red eyes. Their wings spread farther than a grown man can reach, and they fly quickly at an average quality. Cloakers were created by aboleths in order to spy on the aboleths' Azlanti thralls. Loyal Azlanti leaders were rewarded with cloaker bodyguards and assassins.
- The cloaker was a form of quasi-protective clothing, typically worn in situations where something more durable than robeskin was required, but where the heavy protection of vonduun crab armor was not needed. A masquer, on the other hand, was a disguise that enabled a Yuuzhan Vong to conceal their true identity, typically by impersonating a member of another species. In keeping with the importance of ritual and caste in Yuuzhan Vong society, however, some versions of both cloaker and masquer had significant connotations in the spheres of symbolism and status; indeed, it appears that the original development of the masquer was for use in religious ritual before being adopted as a means of disguise.
- Hit Dice: 6d8+18 (45 hp) Initiative: +7 Speed: 10 ft. (2 squares), fly 40 ft. (average) Armor Class: 19 (–1 size, +3 Dex, +7 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 16 Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+13 Attack: Tail slap +8 melee (1d6+5) Full Attack: Tail slap +8 melee (1d6+5) and bite +3 melee (1d4+2) Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. (5 ft. with bite) Special Attacks: Moan, engulf Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., shadow shift Saves: Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +7 Abilities: Str 21, Dex 16, Con 17, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 15 Skills: Hide +8, Listen +13, Move Silently +12, Spot +13 Environment: Underground Challenge Rating:
- Cloaker es un jefe de Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. Cloaker es un escudo y espada en mano, bufón y un miembro de la cuadrilla de Smithy. Él es también un socio de Domino. Cloaker reside en la fábrica de Smithy con su mascota serpiente gigantesca, Link Tierra.