The Ghost Lab Catalog was a party catalog that was located at the Ghost Lab during Halloween Party 2012. It contained two non-member items, and some other members only items.
Ghost Lab Catalog jest imprezowym katalogiem w Club Penguin. Można go było znaleźć w Ghost Labie podczas Halloween Party 2012. Zawiera dwa przedmioty dla non-memberów i trochę więcej dla memberów.
The Ghost Lab Catalog was a party catalog that was located at the Ghost Lab during Halloween Party 2012. It contained two non-member items, and some other members only items.
Ghost Lab Catalog jest imprezowym katalogiem w Club Penguin. Można go było znaleźć w Ghost Labie podczas Halloween Party 2012. Zawiera dwa przedmioty dla non-memberów i trochę więcej dla memberów.
The Ghost Lab Catalog was a party catalog that was located at the Ghost Lab during Halloween Party 2012. It contained two non-member items, and some other members only items.