| - A former member of Spetsnaz prior to the collapse of the Soviet Union, Nicholai has been involved in various classified missions and special operations on behalf of the Umbrella Corporation. He not only leads the B-Team of the Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Service's Delta Platoon, but is also secretly a member of Umbrella's internal espionage organization, Monitor, where he is known by the code name "Silver Fox". Nicholai answers directly to Colonel Sergei Vladimir, commander of the U.B.C.S. and leader of Monitor. He also has a rivalry with HUNK, a prominent member of the Umbrella Special Forces. Unlike the other U.B.C.S. members, who are mostly third-world mercenaries or convicted war criminals, Nicholai is a career Umbrella agent. Nicholai meets Jill Valentine as one of the few surviving operatives from Delta Platoon, along with Carlos Oliveira and Mikhail Victor. Unknown to his U.B.C.S. comrades, Nicholai is one of the "Supervisors", Umbrella agents stationed throughout the city assigned to monitor the T-virus outbreak, as well as to gather combat data on the various monsters as the U.B.C.S. soldiers encounter them. However, Umbrella's monsters proved to be even more effective than the company anticipated, and the U.B.C.S. teams were utterly wiped out, stranding Nicholai and the other Supervisors within the city limits. An exceptionally ruthless and crafty individual, Nicholai realized that if all the other Supervisors were to die, he would have a monopoly on the combat data, giving him the ability to bargain for a higher price from Umbrella. Nicholai spends much of his time covertly hunting down the other Supervisors and executing them. Jill Valentine, in her explorations of Raccoon City, often unknowingly encounters his handiwork. Jill eventually learns Nicholai's true identity and confronts him about it. Nicholai does not gloat about his deception. Nicholai's ultimate fate in Resident Evil 3: Nemesis varies depending on which route the player takes. He can be killed by the Nemesis, killed by the player, or escape successfully.
- "Nicholai Ginovaef" può fare riferimento al seguente:
* Nikolai Zinoviev - Un personaggio che appare nell'universo "Mainstream". Erroneamente tradotto come "Nicholai Ginovaef".
* Nicholai Ginovaef (Anderson) - Un personaggio che appare in Resident Evil: Apocalypse, un film nella continuità Anderson.
* Nicholai Ginovaef (Perry) - Un personaggio che appare in Resident Evil: Nemesis, un romanzo nella continuità Perry.
* Nicholai Ginovaef (Operation Raccoon City) - Un personaggio che appare in Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City. Categoria:Pagine di disambiguazione
- Nicholai Ginovaef is a sinister former Spetsnaz agent from the Soviet Union who later found employment as an Umbrella secret agent called a "Supervisor". Supervisors are supposed to collect combat data on how well BOWs face armed opposition (this opposition includes poorly-briefed Umbrella UBCS mercenaries, members of the STARS teams, and so forth). In order to analyze this data, Ginovaef was assigned to the UBCS as a Sergeant. Other Supervisors held "cover" roles, combatant or not, to disguise their true roles while enabling them to get close to the action and collect the combat data. Unfortunately, Umbrella blundered when designing its Supervisor pay scale, not taking into account the amorality of its agents. There was a certain amount of money to be spread among surviving Supervisors who brought in combat data. The fewer surviving Supervisors, the more money per Supervisor. Umbrella attempted to keep the names of Supervisors secure on their computer networks, yet Ginovaef somehow discovered the information. He came to the conclusion that if he killed all the other Supervisors, he would be quite rich. He then proceeded to do exactly that, along with collecting the combat data and attempting to collect the bounty on Jill Valentine. Ginovaef was a good combatant, but he was also good at deception, laying explosive booby traps, and even flying helicopters (which he uses to attack Valentine in some paths of the game Resident Evil 3: Nemesis). He provided the main human challenge to Valentine, who also had to face off against BOWs, zombies and various unfortunate situations, such as broken down tram cars. Ginovaef is a rival to Hunk, who (along with Ginovaef) have been forced to survive with limited weaponry against hordes of zombies and BOWs. In the novelization, Ginovaef was described as an extremely intelligent iron-willed psychopath with extraordinary computer skills, which enabled him to hack into Umbrella's computer system and learn information that he wasn't meant to know, such as the names and designations of the other Supervisors. He was jealous of Lt. Mikhail Victor, another UBCS member - he thought he was a better choice for holding that position, and also outperformed him in military games. Nicholai Ginovaef (Smart Hero 4/Strong Hero 3/Fast Hero 3/Soldier 6): CR 16; Medium Humanoid (human); HD 4d6+6d8+6d10+16, hp 92, Mas 13; Init +1, Spd 30 ft.; Def 25 (+1 Dex, +10 class, +4 concealable vest); BAB +11, Grap +13; Atk martial arts +13/+8/+3 melee (1d4+4) or automatic carbine +13/+8/+3 ranged (2d8+2/19-20) or TMP +12/+7/+2 ranged (2d6+3); FS/R 5 ft./5 ft.; SA Improved critical (automatic carbine), weapon focus (automatic carbine), weapon specialization (automatic carbine); SQ Tactical aid; AL evil, greed, ambition; SV Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +7; AP 8, Rep +4; Str 14, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 10. Occupation: Adventurer (class skills: Bluff, Knowledge [tactics]; bonus feat: Personal Firearms Proficiency) Skills: Bluff +9, Climb +4*, Computer Use +19, Craft (chemical) +7, Craft (electronic) +7, Demolitions +12, Hide +6 (+8 fatigues)*, Intimidate +5, Investigate +9, Jump +4*, Knowledge (behavioral sciences) +5, Knowledge (business) +6, Knowledge (current events) +7, Knowledge (earth and life sciences) +9, Knowledge (streetwise) +6, Knowledge (tactics) +24, Listen +6, Move Silently +6*, Navigate +12, Pilot +6, Profession +3, Spot +6, Survival +6, Swim +5, Treat Injury +3. Languages: English (literate, spoken), Russian (literate, native), Spanish (spoken) Feats: Advanced Firearms Proficiency, Aircraft Operation (helicopter), Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Burst Fire, Combat Martial Arts, Deceptive, Educated (Knowledge [earth and life sciences], Knowledge [tactics]), Gearhead, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Pistolero (Master), Stealthy. Talents (Fast): Evasion, increased speed. Talents (Smart): Plan, savant (Knowledge [tactics]) Talents (Strong): Melee smash (improved). Possessions: Varies, but frequently limited to only a knife or TMP.
- Nicholai Ginovaef was a ruthless UBCS operative and Monitor agent in the Umbrella Corporation. He serves as the secondary antagonist of Resident Evil 3.
- Sergeant Nicholai Ginovaef was a mercenary in Umbrella's U.B.C.S. anti-biohazard force. He took part in the mission in Raccoon City following a t-Virus spill