| - Radnor started his career as an apprentice to Thorman. He won his apprenticeship over Frobwit and also the heart of Althea. He sought the Amulet of Egreth which Thorman had, however before dying he threw it away, to find its way for his granddaughter. Radnor eventually became the evil of Egreth Castle; he enchanted the Night Gaunts of the area and made them his slaves.
- Radnor was a small, sea–covered planet with a small main landmass, and also had prevailing winds. It was in the same system as Avon. The capitals of the planet were the Twin Cities: Aubendo and Tacto. Each of the cities had their own governing ministers. Radnor was known for its research and development of high-tech weapons systems. When Radnor was struck by a bioplague in 27 BBY, the inhabitants of Avon, the Avoni (through the machinations of Dol Heep), tried to conquer the world. The plague, caused by a bio-weapon toxin released by Galen, first struck the city-state of Aubendo. The city-state of Aubendo was called the Isolation Sector because no one could exit Aubendo once they entered. Tacto was called the Clear Sector because there weren't any plague cases there. The ministers of Tacto fled, creating a panic among the healthy Radnoran populace, followed by widespread looting and unrest. An eight-member Jedi team that included Jedi Knights Obi-Wan Kenobi and Siri Tachi, and their Padawans, were sent ahead of Galactic Senate-provided evacuation transports by the Jedi High Council to attempt to bring calm and relief to the populace. Senator Bail Organa, in his persuasive pleas that lucidly communicated the dire position of "a planet overcome by a toxic disaster," was directly responsible for the quick action of the Senate to provide immediate relief vessels for the world's survivors. This was, of course, a surprise to all, as, ever "mired in bureaucracy, the Senate sometimes took months to debate a simple issue."
- He assassinated his colleague Marko and took his position. He was that in charge of that House's operations on Arrakis. He was replaced by Hayt De Vries in Dune 2000.