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- thumb|left|Suki trenuje Sokke. Przyjaciele zatrzymują się w pierwszym miejscu należącym do Królestwa Ziemi. Zostają zaskoczeni i pojmani przez tajemniczych wojowników. Zabierają oni ich do wioski, gdzie mieszkała Awatar Kyoshi. Mieszkańcy, gdy odkrywają, kto ich odwiedził, zaczynają traktować Aanga po królewsku. Tymczasem Zuko atakuje wyspę. Awatar, chcąc uratować wioskę, wskakuje na Unagiego - wielkiego morskiego potwora i sprowadza na całą okolicę deszcz. W tym odcinku pojawia się Suki.
- Suki is a Japanese patient at Angeles Hospital. Addressing the staff speaking only Japanese to complain about the use of white flowers, she was assisted by Nicole.
- Suki is a small drift car in Tokyo Mater and Cars 2.
- Suki is a minor character in Silent Hill: Revelation.
- Hair color: Brunette with a purple streak along the side of her right hair...side-bang...things.Earphones: She doesn't wear earphones, just sings o-naturale.Eye color: GreenDress/Outfit: A black short shirt with sleeves the expose her shoulders still, it has pink random diamonds design along the left area of the shirt. Wears a purple tank-top under the short shirt. Black scrunchie holding up her ponytail. Black mini-skirt and thigh-high kneesocks. Black boots going up to a little below her knees that has pink laces and under padding (or whatever that thing on the bottom of shoes is called.)Nationality/Race: She says Italian
- Suki was a Human woman who attended the celebrations in Gadrin for the 200th anniversary of the city's founding by Reidi Artom. She and her friend Amaya went to Vanster Enan's Sop House to try to find men to party with. Amaya hooked up with a greasy man named Kip, but Suki was left looking for somebody to gravitate too. She liked "bad boys."
- __INDEX__ 200px|left|thumb|Die Kyoshi Kriegerinnen mit Suki Suki stammt von der Insel Kyoshi ab, wo sie Dorfsprecher Oyaji als Anführerin der Kyoshi-Kriegerinnen unterstützt. Als älteste der Kriegerinnen obliegt ihr das Trainieren der jüngeren Kriegerinnen. Auch Sokka lernt bei ihr die Kyoshi-Kampftechnik während seines kurzen Aufenthaltes auf der Insel.
- [[Datei:Episode-1x04.png|thumb|left|150px|Anführerin Suki und ihre Kyoshi Kriegerinnen]]
- Suki is one of three armor crafters in Kaineng Center.
- "Suki" is a giant lizard creature who was affected by the wave send out by Big Bertha. Normally docile she escaped into Tokyo and ran amok in the city, no one was hurt but there was much panic. She was sedated offshore and the Tokyo Sanctuary built a new enclosure for her on one of their islands. The story was covered up by saying it was part of a big Hollywood blockbuster shooting at the harbor.
- Suki was a chambermaid in Shiro Usagi in 1123. She was pretty, in a heavy, peasant way. She was a friendly flirt, and total romantic. She liked the book, Siege of the Heart, in which a samurai and virtous peasant girl fell in love during a siege of their castle. The fact that they died did not deter her from wanting to live out the plotline. Suki was aware that Usagi Tomoe was spending a lot of time in her room, and studying old books, but did not know that it was the stolen scroll the Scorpion Clan army led by Bayushi Tomaru was after.
- Nothing's been written about Suki yet! Maybe you'd like to be the first?
- Heather Mason encuentra a Suki en una tela de araña en la guarida del Monstruo de maniquíes. Heather la libera y ambas huyen. A medida que se esconden, Heather pregunta de dónde viene, y ella dice que se perdió en la niebla. Cuando el monstruo las encuentra, Heather y Suki entran en un respiradero para escapar, el monstruo agarra a Suki y la arrastra hasta afuera, matándola.
- Inspired by the outsiders for helping save their village from Prince Zuko, Suki and the other Kyoshi Warriors left the island to help the Earth Kingdom fight against the Fire Nation. Suki protected the Avatar's lost sky bison, Appa, from falling into the enemy's hands, but she and the other Kyoshi Warriors were defeated by Princess Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee.
- thumb|230px|suki Suki is de oudste van de jonge vrouwelijke Kyoshi Krijgers van Kyoshi Eiland van het Aarderijk. Ze kreeg al training toen ze acht jaar oud was wat ervoor zorgde dat ze veel respect kreeg bij haar mede krijgers en uiteindelijk hun leider werd. Wanneer Team Avatar arriveerde op Kyoshi Eiland, wisten Suki en haar mede krijgers hen te pakken maar bevrijdde ze later en werden vrienden met hen toen ze erachter kwamen dat Aang de Avatar was. Tijdens het verblijf van Team Avatar kregen Sokka een Suki een band met elkaar maar het team moest vluchtten nadat Zuko achter hen aan zat.
- Geïnspireerd door Team Avatar besloot Suki en de Kyoshi-krijgers om dorpen te redden van de Vuurnatie. Tijdens één van haar reizen vonden de krijgers Appa, de Avatars vliegende bizon en beschermde het tegen prinses Azula, Mai en Ty Lee wat resulteerde in haar gevangenname.
- Suki is the eldest of the young female Kyoshi Warriors of the Earth Kingdom's Kyoshi Island. Having begun her training when she was only 8 years old, Suki is well respected by her fellow warriors and acts as their leader. When the Avatar and his friends arrive at Kyoshi Island, Suki and a few other Kyoshi Warriors capture them, later releasing and befriending them, forming a particular bond with Sokka.
- Suki era la más grande y líder de las Guerreras Kyoshi de la Isla Kyoshi del Reino Tierra. Comenzó su formación cuando apenas tenía ocho años y es muy respetada por sus compañeras. Cuando el Equipo Avatar llegó a Isla Kyoshi, Suki y otras Guerreras Kyoshi los capturaron, pensando que eran espías de la Nación del Fuego. Más tarde, tras darse cuenta de que Aang era el Avatar, los liberó y se hizo amiga de ellos, en particular de Sokka.
- Suki is one of the many recurring protagonists (later joins the main cast halfway in the Fire Saga) from Avatar the Last Airbender. She resides on Kyoshi Island, home of the legendary Avatar Kyoshi as well leader of her own group called the Kyoshi warriors (who are based off of the legendary Avatar Kyoshi). Suki is also the girlfriend of Sokka. Suki is voiced by Jennie Kwan.