The Death Star II Limited set is the eighth full expansion set of the Star Wars Customizable Card Game, a card game based on the Star Wars universe. It consists of 182 cards (91 Dark Side and 91 Light Side cards) and was introduced in July of 2000. This set consists of 2 ultra-rare, 2 exclusive rare, 78 rare, 50 uncommon, and 50 common cards. This set introduced many of the classic characters from Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi that were involved with the events surrounding the Death Star II and the Battle of Endor. This set included many powerful cards and introduced ultra-rares: Luke Skywalker and Emperor Palpatine. It also introduced the Mon Calamari Star Cruiser, RZ-1 A-wing interceptor, TIE/IN interceptor, and many other starships and other important elements to the game. Th
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| - Death Star II Limited
- Death Star II Limited
| - right|thumb|150px Death Star II Limited, to dziewiąty set kolekcjonerskiej gry karcianej Star Wars Customizable Card Game (CCG). Wydano go w 2000 roku. Składał się z 182 kart (91 kart Light Side i 91 kart Dark Side). Spośród kart 78 było "rare", 50 "uncommon", 50 "common", 2 "ultra-rare", 2 "exclusive rare".
- The Death Star II Limited set is the eighth full expansion set of the Star Wars Customizable Card Game, a card game based on the Star Wars universe. It consists of 182 cards (91 Dark Side and 91 Light Side cards) and was introduced in July of 2000. This set consists of 2 ultra-rare, 2 exclusive rare, 78 rare, 50 uncommon, and 50 common cards. This set introduced many of the classic characters from Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi that were involved with the events surrounding the Death Star II and the Battle of Endor. This set included many powerful cards and introduced ultra-rares: Luke Skywalker and Emperor Palpatine. It also introduced the Mon Calamari Star Cruiser, RZ-1 A-wing interceptor, TIE/IN interceptor, and many other starships and other important elements to the game. Th
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| - *Gial Ackbar
*Sim Aloo
*Wedge Antilles
*Walex Blissex
*Olander Brit
*Lando Calrissian
*"Chaser" Cartha
*Tycho Celchu
*Airen Cracken
*Arvel Crynyd
*Jan Dodonna
*Jake Farrell
*Soontir Fel
*Janus Greejatus
*Tiaan Jerjerrod
*Davod Jon
*Obi-Wan Kenobi
*Kin Kian
*Derek Klivian
*Myn Kyneugh
*Crix Madine
*Mon Mothma
*Karie Neth
*Nien Nunb
*Ten Numb
*Leia Organa
*Turr Phennir
*Firmus Piett
*Horton Salm
*Keir Santage
*Anakin Skywalker
*Luke Skywalker
*Han Solo
*Wilhuff Tarkin
*s'Too Vees
*Ekelarc Yong
| - *Blaster Cannon
**L-s7.2 laser cannon
*Deflector shield
*Concussion missile
*Force pike
**Luke Skywalker's lightsaber
**Darth Vader's lightsaber
*Reactor core
*Space mine
*Proton torpedo
| - *Galactic Civil War
**Attack on the Imperial Academy of Carida
**Battle of Endor
**Battle of Taanab
**Battle of Yavin
**Sorties against Fondor Shipyards
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| - Witness the Firepower: Death Star II
Publication date
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| - *Death
*Detention Center
*The Force
**Force ghost
**Force lightning
Preceded By
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| - *BTL Y-wing starfighter
*B-wing starfighter
*CR90 corvette
*DS-1 Orbital Battle Station
**Death Star
**Death Star II
*EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate
*GR-75 medium transport
*Imperial-class Star Destroyer
**Imperial II-class Star Destroyer
*Lambda-class T-4a shuttle
**Emperor Palpatine's shuttle
*MC80 Home One type Star Cruiser
**Home One
*RZ-1 A-wing interceptor
*Super Star Destroyer
*TIE/D Defender
*TIE/IN interceptor
*TIE/LN starfighter
*Victory I-class Star Destroyer
*X-wing starfighter
*YT-1300 light freighter
**Millennium Falcon
*Z-95 Headhunter
**Tala 1
**Tala 2
| - *Bothan
*Mon Calamari
*Yoda's species
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| - gaming/other/ccg/news20000707.html
| - *Admiral
*Alliance to Restore the Republic
**Alliance Fleet
***Aggressor Squadron
***Blue Squadron
****Blue Five
***Gold Squadron
****Gold Leader
***Gray Squadron
****Gray Leader
****Gray Two
****Gray Three
***Green Squadron
****Green Leader
****Green Three
****Green Four
***Red Squadron
****Red Leader
****Red Two
****Red Four
****Red Seven
***Rogue Squadron
**Alliance Special Forces
***Endor strike team
*First officer
*Galactic Empire
**Emperor's Royal Guard
**Grand Moff
**Imperial Advisor
**Imperial Demonstration Team
**Imperial Navy
***181st Imperial Fighter Wing
****Saber Squadron
*****Saber 1
*****Saber 2
*****Saber 3
*****Saber 4
***Black Squadron
****Black Eleven
***Death Squadron
***Emperor's Shield
***Emperor's Sword
***Obsidian Squadron
****Obsidian 10
***Onyx Squadron
****Onyx 1
****Onyx 2
***Scimitar Squadron
****Scimitar Leader
****Scimitar 1
****Scimitar 2
**Imperial Security Bureau
*Koensayr Manufacturing
*Kuat Drive Yards
*SoroSuub Corporation
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| - *The galaxy
**Anoat sector
***Academy of Carida
***Chardaan Shipyards
**Cloud City
***Endor shield generator bunker
***Fondor Shipyards
**Outer Rim Territories
**Prefsbelt IV
***Imperial Naval Academy on Prefsbelt IV
**Wakeelmui system
Followed By
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| - right|thumb|150px Death Star II Limited, to dziewiąty set kolekcjonerskiej gry karcianej Star Wars Customizable Card Game (CCG). Wydano go w 2000 roku. Składał się z 182 kart (91 kart Light Side i 91 kart Dark Side). Spośród kart 78 było "rare", 50 "uncommon", 50 "common", 2 "ultra-rare", 2 "exclusive rare".
- The Death Star II Limited set is the eighth full expansion set of the Star Wars Customizable Card Game, a card game based on the Star Wars universe. It consists of 182 cards (91 Dark Side and 91 Light Side cards) and was introduced in July of 2000. This set consists of 2 ultra-rare, 2 exclusive rare, 78 rare, 50 uncommon, and 50 common cards. This set introduced many of the classic characters from Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi that were involved with the events surrounding the Death Star II and the Battle of Endor. This set included many powerful cards and introduced ultra-rares: Luke Skywalker and Emperor Palpatine. It also introduced the Mon Calamari Star Cruiser, RZ-1 A-wing interceptor, TIE/IN interceptor, and many other starships and other important elements to the game. This expansion was noted for introducing the Final Jedi Test to the game. A complete list of the Death Star II Limited set can be found on the players committee's page. Because this is an expansion set, each card has an expansion-set symbol, in this case force lightning, which is located near the top right corner of the card. This set was sold in 11-card expansion packs and 30-pack expansion boxes. Each pack includes one rare (or ultra rare) card, three uncommon cards and seven common cards. Starter decks were also produced for this set. In the starter decks, exclusive rares were introduced: Admiral Ackbar and Admiral Firmus Piett.
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