| - One of the core values upon which Wikia was built is the fact that everyone can edit a page. In theory, this seems so simple, but when putting the idea into effect, it becomes clear that editing is far more than just clicking a button. Wikia hosts over three hundred thousand wikis and they all have their own 'Manual of Style' and editing customs. With many users being part of multiple communities, it can become confusing which Manual of Style is used on which wiki, so to accommodate new - and even seasoned - editors, here is a guide with some useful tricks and advice for editors on the My English Wiki.
| - One of the core values upon which Wikia was built is the fact that everyone can edit a page. In theory, this seems so simple, but when putting the idea into effect, it becomes clear that editing is far more than just clicking a button. Wikia hosts over three hundred thousand wikis and they all have their own 'Manual of Style' and editing customs. With many users being part of multiple communities, it can become confusing which Manual of Style is used on which wiki, so to accommodate new - and even seasoned - editors, here is a guide with some useful tricks and advice for editors on the My English Wiki. However, note that there will always be one "rule" or "guideline" that will always be at the top of the pyramid of things to note, and that is communication. When unsure about something or even completely at a loss, we have a helpful community at your disposal, consisting of hundreds of people who are eager to share their experience, ranging from regular users to rollbacks and administrators. So if you ever encounter any issues, do not hesitate to contact anyone you see, or contact an administrator on the administrator noticeboard when it is a general problem. If you encounter a difference in opinion with a specific user, drop them a message on their wall, and when stumbling on an issue that you do not know how or where to address, the War Room is at your disposal to start a new forum topic on which you can voice your concerns. If you form your argument into something civil and well presented, people will read it, and will likely be inclined to voice their opinion on the same civil and well presented manner. Know that action and reaction are a duo, so treat someone how you would like to be treated, and you will get the same response in turn.