| - El trescientos treinta y nueve (339) es el número natural que sigue al 338 y precede al 340. Categoría:Números
- Simone bewirkt, dass Nadjas und Marian Wohnung sofort geräumt werden darf. Als Nadja und Marian dies erfahren, geht Nadja wutentbrannt zum ahnungslosen Richard. Richard stellt seine Frau zur Rede und diese bekommt wenig später unangenehmen Besuch. Annette springt über ihren Schatten und rät Ingo, Lena zu verzeihen. Ingo ist sichtlich beeindruckt und scheint, Annette plötzlich mit ganz anderen Augen zu sehen. Werden die Karten neu gemischt? Zwischen Ingo und Maximilian entflammt ein heftiger Streit. Oliver erkennt betroffen, dass Diana ihre wieder gefundene Kraft nicht ihm, sondern einzig und allein Julian verdankt. Während Diana nichts von Olivers Gefühlen für sie ahnt, merkt zumindest Constanze, was mit Oliver los ist und rät ihm, in Bezug auf Diana klare Verhältnisse zu schaffen. Schließ
- At the Old House, Barnabas Collins frets while awaiting Julia Hoffman's return from visiting Dave Woodard. When she arrives, Julia is clearly rattled and is frightened by what she has learned. She tells Barnabas that Woodard has discovered she is conducting experiments on him. Julia is unsure whether Woodard believed her cover story (of trying to cure Barnabas of a rare blood disorder) or not. She is certain, however, that Woodard could be on the verge on exposing Barnabas' vampirism. Woodard, meanwhile, is searching Julia's room for clues about Barnabas.
| - Simone bewirkt, dass Nadjas und Marian Wohnung sofort geräumt werden darf. Als Nadja und Marian dies erfahren, geht Nadja wutentbrannt zum ahnungslosen Richard. Richard stellt seine Frau zur Rede und diese bekommt wenig später unangenehmen Besuch. Annette springt über ihren Schatten und rät Ingo, Lena zu verzeihen. Ingo ist sichtlich beeindruckt und scheint, Annette plötzlich mit ganz anderen Augen zu sehen. Werden die Karten neu gemischt? Zwischen Ingo und Maximilian entflammt ein heftiger Streit. Oliver erkennt betroffen, dass Diana ihre wieder gefundene Kraft nicht ihm, sondern einzig und allein Julian verdankt. Während Diana nichts von Olivers Gefühlen für sie ahnt, merkt zumindest Constanze, was mit Oliver los ist und rät ihm, in Bezug auf Diana klare Verhältnisse zu schaffen. Schließlich schreibt Oliver Diana einen Brief...
- El trescientos treinta y nueve (339) es el número natural que sigue al 338 y precede al 340. Categoría:Números
- At the Old House, Barnabas Collins frets while awaiting Julia Hoffman's return from visiting Dave Woodard. When she arrives, Julia is clearly rattled and is frightened by what she has learned. She tells Barnabas that Woodard has discovered she is conducting experiments on him. Julia is unsure whether Woodard believed her cover story (of trying to cure Barnabas of a rare blood disorder) or not. She is certain, however, that Woodard could be on the verge on exposing Barnabas' vampirism. Julia protests when Barnabas decides to burn her notes pertaining to the experiment. She has them safely hidden under lock and key in her room at Collinwood; Barnabas fears Woodard might find them. He wonders about Julia's explanation for remaining at Collinwood after Willie Loomis was caught. She explains that Woodard had a theory: that Julia was in love with Barnabas. Barnabas finds the notion absurd, and he is blind to the obvious hurt this causes Julia. He still intends on collecting her notebook before it is discovered. Meanwhile, Dr Woodard has come to Collinwood claiming to be checking in on David Collins. Sarah Johnson gossips about Julia's comings and goings, and inadvertently tells him the location of Julia's room. Woodard heads upstairs. Later, Elizabeth Collins Stoddard and Roger Collins are arguing in the foyer over the former's offer to give the west wing to Burke Devlin and Victoria Winters as a wedding present. Roger reminds his sister of their turbulent past with Burke, but Elizabeth will hear nothing of it; she wants Victoria to remain at Collinwood. The siblings are interrupted by Mrs. Johnson, who informs Elizabeth that Dr. Woodard is visiting David. After Mrs. Johnson goes upstairs, Roger and Elizabeth retire to the drawing room to finish their argument. Woodard, meanwhile, is searching Julia's room for clues about Barnabas. Back at the Old House, Julia is trying to reason with Barnabas about her notebook. She must have a record of her work. Barnabas insists her notes be burned tonight. Together they will go to Collinwood and put an end to the matter. Julia is taken aback by Barnabas' fear, an emotion she did not think him capable of. At Collinwood, Mrs Johnson goes about her cleaning duties when she hears a noise from within Julia's room. Woodard quickly hides as Mrs Johnson opens the door. Finding the room empty, Mrs Johnson leaves. Woodard exhales a sigh of relief and then continues with his search. Downstairs, Roger continues to throw a fit over Elizabeth's offer to Burke. Barnabas and Julia arrive, and Elizabeth is appalled when Roger brings up their squabble in front of them. Barnabas finds the idea of Burke residing in Collinwood regrettable, but he backs Elizabeth as neither of them wants Victoria to leave. Barnabas' fondness for Victoria secretly irks Julia. Upstairs in Julia's room, Woodard is close to giving up the search when he decides to check the top of the wardrobe. There, he finds a small metal strongbox. He breaks it open and discovers Julia's notebook. Frantically reading, Woodard decides to take the notebook and returns the strongbox to its hiding place. Barnabas and Julia are startled when Woodard appears. Roger wants to discuss David's condition, but Woodard is anxious to be on his way. After he departs, Julia and Barnabas head upstairs. Roger has noticed how distant, preoccupied, and nervous Barnabas seemed. He wonders why. As he and Julia enter her room, Barnabas is indeed nervous over Woodard's presence at Collinwood. Julia retrieves her strongbox...only to discover it has been tampered with, and the notebook is missing.