| - (The Nohrian Royals leave Garon's throne room)
* Garon: Excellent. all is going according to plan. He/she has already left, all alone, just as Anankos ordained. No traitor of Nohr shall escape justice! Even if he/she begs for the sweet release of death, I won't allow it. He/she must first live long enough to lose all hope and learn the true meaning of pain. Ahahaha! (Xander is shown eavesdropping on Garon)
* Xander: ...So it is true. I should have known. Father only wishes to make Avatar suffer... in that case, I know what I must do. (Scene transition - the Woods of the Forlorn)
* Avatar: So these are the Woods of the Forlorn... if I can't make it through here, i'll never reach the Ice Tribe village. I... I wonder if I'm even going the right way. I've never had to go it alone like this. It's a lonely feeling.
* Lilith: AHEM.
* Avatar: Oh, I'm sorry, Lilith! You're absolutely right - I'm not alone at all. I have you! Thank you for looking after me. Having you here makes me feel a lot better. But enough fooling around. I must fulfill Father's command. Otherwise... Otherwise I betrayed my birth family for nothing. *sigh* (Scene transition)
* Avatar: Wow, it's pitch black in here. This isn't going to be easy, is it? It's so dark, I could be walking in endless circles for all I know. what to do... Lilith? What was that? I think I heard something... Gah! Is that... a faceless?!
* Faceless: Grrrrr... Arrgghhh...
* Avatar: I can't believe it! I had no idea there were faceless in this forest. This is bad... I can't run away though. I must make it through here no matter what. That means there's only one option... I'll have to fight my way through! (Avatar attacks Faceless, slashes it, then blocks it's counterstrike and dodges it's swipe)
* Faceless: Raaaaaargh!
* Avatar: Wow... s-such power! I'm out of my league. I have no choice... I'll have to use my Dragonstone.
* Faceless: Grrraaaaargh! (another Faceless arrives in response to the roar, flanking Avatar)
* Avatar: Dammit! I'm surrounded. I'm in deep trouble now. There's no way I can transform in time. (If Avatar is Male)
* ????: Aaaaiiiieeeeee! (something suddenly strikes the Faceless' helm)
* Faceless: Graaaargh! (shot pans out to reveal the attacker is Felicia)
* Felicia: I did it! Oh, thank goodness I arrived in time! Are you OK?
* Avatar: Felicia?! I'm fine, thanks to you. But... what are you doing here?
* Felicia: I'm sorry! I was just so worried about you. I had to make sure you were OK. They say the spirits of the dead inhabit this forest, searching for fresh souls to take... That's scary! There was no way I was going to let you face this place all by yourself! It's not easy to do something behind King Garon's back, but I somehow managed. Besides, Flora, Jakob, and I were all moved from the northern fortress to the castle. With both of them around, no one will even notice I'm gone, so it should be fine!
* Avatar: Thank you, Felicia. It was very kind of you to come after me like you did. But are you sure this is for the best? According to that... that dragon, I have to do this alone or it doesn't count.
* Felicia: Oh! I forgot that part! I am SO STUPID! What are we going to do?! Now you won't be able to pass your test, and it's all my fault!
* Avatar: It's OK, Felicia. Anankos just said I have to beat the ice tribe by myself. We're not even there yet, so I bet it's fine. Besides, I'd be dead if it weren't for you!
* Felicia: Oh, Avatar...
* Faceless: Grrrraaaargh...
* Avatar: Uh-oh... It looks like we have more company. I hate to ask for your help again so soon, but would you mind lending a hand?
* Felicia: Of course! After all, that's why I'm here. I refuse to let you die in this horrible place!
* Avatar: Same here. Now let's take these creepy things down and get out of this creepy forest!
* Felicia: OK! We can do this! (If Avatar is Female)
* ???: Hyaaaaa! (something suddenly strikes the Faceless' helm)
* Faceless: Graaaargh! (shot pans out to reveal the attacker is Jakob)
* Jakob: Begone, vile beast! Avatar, are you OK? Thank heavens I arrived before it was too late!
* Avatar: Jakob?! I'm fine, thanks to you. But... what are you doing here?
* Jakob: I apologize for the shock, milady. I was worried sick and just had to check on you. They say the spirits of the dead inhabit this forest, searching for fresh souls to take. I simply could not allow you to face such horrors all by yourself. It's not easy to do something behind King Garon's back, but I managed. In any case, Flora, Felicia and I were all reassigned to the castle after you left. Those two should have no trouble covering for me in my absence, so all should be well.
* Avatar: Thank you, Jakob. It was very kind of you to come after me like you did. But are you sure this is for the best? According to that... that dragon, I have to do this alone or it doesn't count.
* Jacob: I... I'm so sorry, Avatar. I didn't think through the consequences of my actions. This is all my fault
* Avatar: It's OK, Jakob. Anankos just said I have to beat the ice tribe by myself. We're not even there yet, so I bet it's fine. Besides, I'd be dead if it weren't for you!
* Jakob: Thank you, Lady Avatar. It is an honor to serve you.
* Faceless: Grrrraaaargh...
* Avatar: Uh-oh... It looks like we have more company. I hate to ask for your help again so soon, but would you mind lending a hand?
* Jakob: Certainly. You had only to ask. I refuse to let you die in this horrible place.
* Avatar: Same here. Now let's take these creepy things down and get out of this creepy forest!
* Jakob: As you wish. Leave it to me!