| - Turan Tot Narut's people were a Human-like intelligent species whose unnamed homeworld was located in either the Alpha Quadrant or Beta Quadrant beyond the borders of the Federation. Their society and culture revolved around the teaching of the Great Teacher, an important religious leader who's philosophies had shaped the people's civilization for two thousand years. Part of this philosophy was that every citizen had to wear a mask from the moment they were born, and baring one's face was consider sinful. Technology-wise they were generally at a level roughly equal to that of Earth in the late 20th century, even having an architecture style used in one of their principle cities that was similar to that of New York. However Turan Tot Narut's people were more advanced in some areas of technological development than others. They had only recently developed silicon chip technology and could not believe that a standard Starfleet issue communicator was a self contained transmitter-receiver, considering it too small to be a self contained radio. But conversely Turan Tot Narut's people had developed beam weapon technology including a rifle weapon capable of stunning people without injuring them, hyperatomics, and even manned sub-light spacecraft capable of reaching interstellar space. On Stardate 4401.9 the USS Enterprise visited Turan Tot Narut's people after saving Turan Tot Narut the missionary in interstellar space from near death and to bring him back home. Captain Kirk and a landing party were soon arrested by the local law enforcement and Kirk was forced to make an appearance before the leaders of the people, the Grand Council, who considered him and his crew sinners and the Federation's philosophies sinful and disruptive to their society. The Grand Council planned to execute Captain Kirk and his landing party and destroy the Enterprise but before they could do so Captain Kirk was rescued by several rebels that were part of a growing movement that opposed the teaching of the Great Teacher. Later after learning about the situation on the planet that had reached a crucial point in which change was required Captain Kirk decided to intervene on behalf of the rebels, making the Grand Council listen to their demands. The Federation would send negotiators to assist in this process though as Doctor McCoy commented after having returned to the Enterprise "We may have begun a revolution down there, but it's going to take years... decades to really do any good." (TOS comic: "The Hidden Face")