| - Hataphri Rahn Kazot was a female Horzyx Centurion and Royal Guard of the Golden Empire. Born on Karzabrog, Hataphri had the normal upbringing of a Horzyx: inurement to pain, regular fighting, and the inculcation of a killer instinct. She was not discovered by the Order of Keltrayu until she was thirteen and already far more proficient in combat than most adolescents. Taken to the Sith Star for training, she was accepted as a Novice and quickly took to the study of the Force. Her combat skill, however, lagged until she learned to trust the Force rather than simply her earlier fighting training. When she settled into a Centurion mindset, her fighting skills increased dramatically. She elected to specialize in Djem So.
| - Hataphri Rahn Kazot was a female Horzyx Centurion and Royal Guard of the Golden Empire. Born on Karzabrog, Hataphri had the normal upbringing of a Horzyx: inurement to pain, regular fighting, and the inculcation of a killer instinct. She was not discovered by the Order of Keltrayu until she was thirteen and already far more proficient in combat than most adolescents. Taken to the Sith Star for training, she was accepted as a Novice and quickly took to the study of the Force. Her combat skill, however, lagged until she learned to trust the Force rather than simply her earlier fighting training. When she settled into a Centurion mindset, her fighting skills increased dramatically. She elected to specialize in Djem So. Hataphri was commissioned in 152 ABY, surviving the disappointment of not being allowed to fight in the Battle of the Sith Star, though she, Ozkeot Vanil, and a handful of other senior Novices had prepared a last line of defense for the Citadel in case Eskol Kaartinen, Te`net Organi, and Vos'elk'eetash fell defending the door. In the absence of a war to fight, Hataphri often took to law enforcement assignments instead. Though she fought hard and showed enemies no mercy, her training in the Order had diminished some of her Horzyx upbringing, and she generally did not look to combat as a first solution. In 154 ABY, Hataphri replaced Baylis Scytha in Rin Sakaros's Royal Guard. In 155 ABY she accompanied her mistress to Toriafas to acquire the Exoi Kritocracy's worlds. After Rin killed the Exoi God-King, Chohwelk VII, Hataphri was among the Centurions who killed off the treacherous Acolytes of the God-King. Hataphri rotated out of the Royal Guard in 156 ABY and was immediately dispatched to Selkee's command during the First Stratos Contention. She often fought alongside Selkee, Aearbo Manitani, and Rajj-Yo during the brief war.