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| - MapleStory
- Maplestory
- MapleStory
- Maplestory
- Maplestory
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- MapleStory is a Korean side-scrolling MMORPG developed by Wizet. The game itself is free, but many items and gameplay enhancements can be purchased for real-world money via the Cash Shop. Like many other MMORPGs, this game is known for its level grind and monotony. MapleStory was among the first online game fads to sweep over the Tales forums. There were many generations of stickied threads in the Video Game forum dedicated to MapleStory-related discussion. It has since died down.
- MapleStory or more commonly referred to as "cancer" is a free to play MMOWEG (Massively Multiplayer Online Wallet Emptying Game) , produced by a group "wizet boss" then published by a company called 'Neckson' It is primarily based around repeatably slaying pixelated snails, advancing to the next stage and unlocking more abilities to once again, slay more snails. It is well known for its in game micro-transactions, distributing virtual currency referred to as "Neckson Cash" or "Ncks".
- MapleStory (koreaksi 메이플스토리, japaniksi メイプルストーリー (Meipuru Sutoorii), kiinaksi 楓之谷, jiddishiksi מייפל סטארי (Mile Staryy), hepreaksi מייפל סטורי, thaiksi เมเปิลสตอรี ja suomeksi VaahteraTarina) on korealaisen Wizet-yhtiön valmistama MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Plaiyng Game eli Valtava monen pelaajan internet-roolipeli. MapleStory on täysin ilmainen, lukuun ottamatta Cash Shop esineitä joita varten täytyy ostaa Nexon-käteistä, joka kirjeiste tai internetissä. Peli on animetyylinen ja kaksiulotteinen (2D).
- Click on the Following Links to go to the Catagories! MapleStory Locations MapleStory Monsters MapleStory Classes MapleStory Features MapleStory Patches MapleStory Equipment MapleStory Events MapleStory Quests These links above are links to in Computer Rpg wiki not external links!
- מייפל סטורי (בקוראנית 메이플 스토리, באנגלית MapleStory) הוא משחק תפקידים דו ממדי, מרובה משתתפים, המשוחק ברשת. המשחק פותח על ידי Wizet החברה הקוראינית. למשחק יש גרסאות מקומיות רבות בשפות שונות שמופצות בעולם על ידי מספר חברות. השתתפות במשחק אינה עולה כסף, אבל ניתן לרכוש בכסף אמיתי חפצים שקשורים למראה הדמות המשפרים את החוויה והכיף במשחק. למשחק יש למעלה מ-49 מיליון שחקנים בכל גרסאותיו, לגרסה הגלובלית (שזמינה לשחקן הישראלי) יש למעלה חמישה מיליון שחקנים.
- MapleStory is a free, two-dimensional, side-scrolling Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game developed by Wizet and distributed as several versions by various companies. The game takes place mainly in the "Maple World", where players must fight against monsters while completing quests. As in a typical online game, players can mold their characters to their liking by increasing their abilities and skills. Interaction between users is encouraged in a variety of ways, including chatting, trading, marriage and playing mini-games. __TOC__
- Requirements
* Microsoft Windows 98/ME/2K/XP
* Intel Celeron 500 MHz CPU, 64 MB RAM, 750 MB hard disk space (depends on version), Internet connection (at least 56 kbit/s) and Direct3D support
* Computer keyboard, Computer mouse
- MapleStory is an F2P, 2D, side-scrolling, MMORPG developed by the South Korean company Wizet. Several versions of the game are available for specific countries or regions, and each is published by various companies such as Wizet and Nexon. Although playing the game is free, character appearances and gameplay enhancements can be purchased from the "Cash Shop" using real money. MapleStory has a combined total of well over 100 million subscriber/user accounts in all of its versions. MapleStory North America (Global), for players mainly in North America and outside of East Asia, Southeast Asia and Europe, has over 10 million players.
- One of the most well-known MMOs around, MapleStory is both praised and reviled for its cutesy 2-D anime-esque graphics, long grind fests, and absurdly high level caps and damage numbers. For better or worse, it is one of the longest-running games of its kind that is still active globally. The plot gets a lot more complicated from then on out, with a half dozen different factions amongst the heroes and twists and character development abound. So what are you waiting for? Log in and play already!
- Maplestory on korealaisen Nexon yhtiön omistama ja Wizet yhtiön kehittämä 2D-Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG) Tämä on suomalainen wikipedia tästä pelistä.Pelistä on tehty useita erillaisia versiota,jotta monet ihmiset voiivat pelata sitä (Esim.Brasilialaisen voisi olla vaikea pelata Maplestoryä,mikäli pelistä olisi Eurooppa-versio tai Venäläisen mikäli pelistä pelkkä Japanin versio) Maplestory on täysin ilmainen,lukuun ottamatta Cash shopista saatavia maksullisia tavaroita.Peli julkaistiin vuonna 2003,ja sillä on jo 11 erillaista versiota: Maplestory Korea, Maplestory Japan ,Maplestory Taiwan, Maplestory Global jne.
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| - Nexon
- Nexon, Shanda, Asiasoft, Gamania
| - Massively multiplayer online role-playing game
| - Unrepetitive role playing
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Release Date(s)
| - --01-06
- --04-29
- --06-23
- --11-05
- --12-03
- --12-05
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| - PC running 8-bit Windows 97 , at least 1kb of ram
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- MapleStory is a free, two-dimensional, side-scrolling Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game developed by Wizet and distributed as several versions by various companies. The game takes place mainly in the "Maple World", where players must fight against monsters while completing quests. As in a typical online game, players can mold their characters to their liking by increasing their abilities and skills. Interaction between users is encouraged in a variety of ways, including chatting, trading, marriage and playing mini-games. Though the game is free to play, players may purchase various enhancements and upgrades in the Cash Shop using real money converted into the in-game currency. __TOC__
- MapleStory is a Korean side-scrolling MMORPG developed by Wizet. The game itself is free, but many items and gameplay enhancements can be purchased for real-world money via the Cash Shop. Like many other MMORPGs, this game is known for its level grind and monotony. MapleStory was among the first online game fads to sweep over the Tales forums. There were many generations of stickied threads in the Video Game forum dedicated to MapleStory-related discussion. It has since died down.
- Maplestory on korealaisen Nexon yhtiön omistama ja Wizet yhtiön kehittämä 2D-Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG) Tämä on suomalainen wikipedia tästä pelistä.Pelistä on tehty useita erillaisia versiota,jotta monet ihmiset voiivat pelata sitä (Esim.Brasilialaisen voisi olla vaikea pelata Maplestoryä,mikäli pelistä olisi Eurooppa-versio tai Venäläisen mikäli pelistä pelkkä Japanin versio) Maplestory on täysin ilmainen,lukuun ottamatta Cash shopista saatavia maksullisia tavaroita.Peli julkaistiin vuonna 2003,ja sillä on jo 11 erillaista versiota: Maplestory Korea, Maplestory Japan ,Maplestory Taiwan, Maplestory Global jne. Katso kaikki versiot täältä --> Maplestoryn Versiot "Ööö...Miten Maplestoryssä pääsee alkuun?" Mikäli et ole pelannut enne, aloitus-ohje löytyy tuolta ---> Aloitus-ohje -Lisäämme ohjeen elokuussa- Luokka:Oppaat
- MapleStory is an F2P, 2D, side-scrolling, MMORPG developed by the South Korean company Wizet. Several versions of the game are available for specific countries or regions, and each is published by various companies such as Wizet and Nexon. Although playing the game is free, character appearances and gameplay enhancements can be purchased from the "Cash Shop" using real money. MapleStory has a combined total of well over 100 million subscriber/user accounts in all of its versions. MapleStory North America (Global), for players mainly in North America and outside of East Asia, Southeast Asia and Europe, has over 10 million players. In the game, players travel the "Maple World", defeating monsters and developing their characters' skills and abilities as is typical in role-playing games. Players can interact with others in many ways, such as through chatting, trading, and playing minigames. Groups of players can band together in parties to hunt monsters and share the rewards. Players can also join a guild to interact more easily with each other.
- MapleStory or more commonly referred to as "cancer" is a free to play MMOWEG (Massively Multiplayer Online Wallet Emptying Game) , produced by a group "wizet boss" then published by a company called 'Neckson' It is primarily based around repeatably slaying pixelated snails, advancing to the next stage and unlocking more abilities to once again, slay more snails. It is well known for its in game micro-transactions, distributing virtual currency referred to as "Neckson Cash" or "Ncks".
- One of the most well-known MMOs around, MapleStory is both praised and reviled for its cutesy 2-D anime-esque graphics, long grind fests, and absurdly high level caps and damage numbers. For better or worse, it is one of the longest-running games of its kind that is still active globally. The plot begins centuries before the events of the game, when the Transcendence of Light, one of the three beings that govern Maple World, becomes corrupted by the power of Ultimate Light and Ultimate Darkness, becoming the Black Mage. He wreaks havoc across the entire world, but is stopped and sealed by the efforts of five (later revealed to be six) heroes who became known as the Legends. In the present-day, the seal that held the Black Mage is slowly becoming undone, and his followers, which include his many Commanders and the Black Wings, are trying to revive him. Its up to the Maplers, the denizens of Maple World, to take up the fight as Adventurers to defeat them and save Maple World from the clutches of evil. The plot gets a lot more complicated from then on out, with a half dozen different factions amongst the heroes and twists and character development abound. So what are you waiting for? Log in and play already!
- MapleStory (koreaksi 메이플스토리, japaniksi メイプルストーリー (Meipuru Sutoorii), kiinaksi 楓之谷, jiddishiksi מייפל סטארי (Mile Staryy), hepreaksi מייפל סטורי, thaiksi เมเปิลสตอรี ja suomeksi VaahteraTarina) on korealaisen Wizet-yhtiön valmistama MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Plaiyng Game eli Valtava monen pelaajan internet-roolipeli. MapleStory on täysin ilmainen, lukuun ottamatta Cash Shop esineitä joita varten täytyy ostaa Nexon-käteistä, joka kirjeiste tai internetissä. Peli on animetyylinen ja kaksiulotteinen (2D).
- Requirements
* Microsoft Windows 98/ME/2K/XP
* Intel Celeron 500 MHz CPU, 64 MB RAM, 750 MB hard disk space (depends on version), Internet connection (at least 56 kbit/s) and Direct3D support
* Computer keyboard, Computer mouse MapleStory (Korean language: 메이플스토리) is a free-of-charge, 2D side-scrolling Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game developed by the South Korean company Wizet. Several versions of the game are available for specific countries or regions, and each is published by various companies such as Wizet and Nexon. Although playing the game is free, many player appearances and gameplay enhancements can be purchased from the "Cash Shop" using real money. MapleStory has a combined total of over 83 million subscriber accounts in all of its versions. MapleStory North America (Global), for players mainly in North America and outside of East Asia, Southeast Asia and Europe, has over three million players. In the game, players walk around in the "Maple World" and defeat monsters and develop their character's skills and abilities, as is typical in role-playing games. Players can interact with others in many ways, such as through chatting, trading and playing minigames. Groups of players can band together in parties to hunt monsters and share the rewards. Players can also join a guild to interact more easily with each other.
- Click on the Following Links to go to the Catagories! MapleStory Locations MapleStory Monsters MapleStory Classes MapleStory Features MapleStory Patches MapleStory Equipment MapleStory Events MapleStory Quests These links above are links to in Computer Rpg wiki not external links!
- מייפל סטורי (בקוראנית 메이플 스토리, באנגלית MapleStory) הוא משחק תפקידים דו ממדי, מרובה משתתפים, המשוחק ברשת. המשחק פותח על ידי Wizet החברה הקוראינית. למשחק יש גרסאות מקומיות רבות בשפות שונות שמופצות בעולם על ידי מספר חברות. השתתפות במשחק אינה עולה כסף, אבל ניתן לרכוש בכסף אמיתי חפצים שקשורים למראה הדמות המשפרים את החוויה והכיף במשחק. למשחק יש למעלה מ-49 מיליון שחקנים בכל גרסאותיו, לגרסה הגלובלית (שזמינה לשחקן הישראלי) יש למעלה חמישה מיליון שחקנים.