Plasma is the liquid component of blood, in which the blood cells are suspended. It is yellow in color. Plasma makes up about 55% of total blood volume, and is composed of mostly water (90% by volume). Plasma carries not only the blood cells but also nutrients (sugars, amino acids, fats, salts, minerals, etc.), waste products (CO2, lactic acid, urea, etc.), antibodies, clotting proteins (called clotting factors), chemical messengers such as hormones, and proteins that help maintain the body's fluid balance.
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- Blood Plasma
- Blood plasma
| - Es ist möglich, aus den ziemlich wertlosen Monster Parts, oder auch kurz Mopas, Blood Plasma herzustellen, was sehr viel mehr wert ist. Das Blood Plasma braucht man nicht, also kann man es verkaufen, und das am Besten in den Shoping Terminals. Nach Möglichkeit von einem Trader, aber erst wenn man mehrere Backpacks voll hat, oder an den Omni Shops, da es hier noch mal mehr Geld gibt. Claner können über Jobe ganz einfach nach Rome kommen und es dort in dem Shop, links neben dem Wompah, verkaufen. Oder man geht in den Miir-Shop in Newland, der auch als Omni-Shop zählt, in dem jeder sein Zeuch verkaufen kann. Viele Docs können die Mopas wandeln, aber auch Trader und Engis.
- Plasma is the liquid component of blood, in which the blood cells are suspended. It is yellow in color. Plasma makes up about 55% of total blood volume, and is composed of mostly water (90% by volume). Plasma carries not only the blood cells but also nutrients (sugars, amino acids, fats, salts, minerals, etc.), waste products (CO2, lactic acid, urea, etc.), antibodies, clotting proteins (called clotting factors), chemical messengers such as hormones, and proteins that help maintain the body's fluid balance.
- Blood plasma is a pale yellow liquid, which is mostly water. However, it does have other substances dissolved in it. These include:
* glucose
* amino acids
* inorganic ions
* hormones
* carbon dioxide
* urea The plasma carries these substances to everywhere in the body which needs them.
- It is possible to convert rather trashy Monsterparts into Blood Plasma, with quite a higher value. The Plasma itself has not much use, except for some other pharma tradeskills and can therefore be sold to shopping terminals. If possble try to get a trader to sell you whole backpacks full of plasma, or use Omni-Tek map shops, it will give a noticable increase in the amount of credits you get. Clans can get easily to the Rome shop left from the Jobe Whom-Pa. The processing is mostly done by Docs, Traders and Engis.
- Blood plasma was the liquid in which blood cells were suspended. When Dr. McCoy and Nurse Chapel were preparing for surgery on Sarek's heart, an operation that "would require tremendous amounts of blood for the patient", Chapel informed McCoy that she had checked the blood bank and told him that there was not enough Vulcan blood or plasma aboard the USS Enterprise for the operation, forcing them to look for alternate sources. (TOS: "Journey to Babel" )
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| - Es ist möglich, aus den ziemlich wertlosen Monster Parts, oder auch kurz Mopas, Blood Plasma herzustellen, was sehr viel mehr wert ist. Das Blood Plasma braucht man nicht, also kann man es verkaufen, und das am Besten in den Shoping Terminals. Nach Möglichkeit von einem Trader, aber erst wenn man mehrere Backpacks voll hat, oder an den Omni Shops, da es hier noch mal mehr Geld gibt. Claner können über Jobe ganz einfach nach Rome kommen und es dort in dem Shop, links neben dem Wompah, verkaufen. Oder man geht in den Miir-Shop in Newland, der auch als Omni-Shop zählt, in dem jeder sein Zeuch verkaufen kann. Viele Docs können die Mopas wandeln, aber auch Trader und Engis.
- It is possible to convert rather trashy Monsterparts into Blood Plasma, with quite a higher value. The Plasma itself has not much use, except for some other pharma tradeskills and can therefore be sold to shopping terminals. If possble try to get a trader to sell you whole backpacks full of plasma, or use Omni-Tek map shops, it will give a noticable increase in the amount of credits you get. Clans can get easily to the Rome shop left from the Jobe Whom-Pa. The processing is mostly done by Docs, Traders and Engis. Also note, Blood Plasma is a key element in making homemade treatment kits, which heal for a lot more than regular treatment kits, but have a somewhat longer recharge and blinds the user for a few seconds after use.
- Plasma is the liquid component of blood, in which the blood cells are suspended. It is yellow in color. Plasma makes up about 55% of total blood volume, and is composed of mostly water (90% by volume). Plasma carries not only the blood cells but also nutrients (sugars, amino acids, fats, salts, minerals, etc.), waste products (CO2, lactic acid, urea, etc.), antibodies, clotting proteins (called clotting factors), chemical messengers such as hormones, and proteins that help maintain the body's fluid balance.
- Blood plasma was the liquid in which blood cells were suspended. When Dr. McCoy and Nurse Chapel were preparing for surgery on Sarek's heart, an operation that "would require tremendous amounts of blood for the patient", Chapel informed McCoy that she had checked the blood bank and told him that there was not enough Vulcan blood or plasma aboard the USS Enterprise for the operation, forcing them to look for alternate sources. (TOS: "Journey to Babel" ) In 2371 during surgery on Bareil Antos, Dr. Bashir was forced to increase the plasma levels due to the loss of arterial pressure and the cardiac arrest issues after Bareil began hemorrhaging. (DS9: "Life Support") When Jake Sisko and Dr. Bashir found themselves on Ajilon Prime in the middle of a war zone in 2373, a Bolian orderly and a nurse were looking for blood plasma for transfusions as they cared for the injured from the attacks by the Klingons. (DS9: "Nor the Battle to the Strong")
- Blood plasma is a pale yellow liquid, which is mostly water. However, it does have other substances dissolved in it. These include:
* glucose
* amino acids
* inorganic ions
* hormones
* carbon dioxide
* urea The plasma carries these substances to everywhere in the body which needs them.