| - Catie was sleeping when Barbara woke up and shouted "Ahhh"said Catie rolling of the bed and bumping into the floor "Catie,are you alright,come down"said Her mother Joy "Ok"said Catie well standing up and walked to the closet and picked out her clothes "Sorry,I was bored" Said Barbara "That's alright,just don't do it again"said Catie well putting on her clothes "There" Catie said well done getting dress "Boooooooooooooorrrrring"said Barbara "Want me to feed you to my little sister cat"said Catie "No-no i- will be good"said Barbara "Good"said Catie as they head down stairs Later afther breakfast "Alright our first day to brawl said Catie Yessaid Barbara As they walked Barbara was excited she talked and talked and talked for hours.When they got there Julie was reporting. "And so as Dan victory as victorias yesterday"said Julie "Man wished to see that huh"said Barbara "Yep"said Catie "Ok Catie right...your battle is with Dan kuso"said the registerater "Say what"said Catie "He waiting for you now"The registerater continued "Finally"said Babara "I think i'm gonna faint"said Catie well walking out into the arena "Nice to meet ya"said Dan "Me too...Please let me faint"said Catie "Gate card set,bakusky raider Jump!"said Dan "Let's get cracking"said Drago "Oh god,Gate card set,bakugan brawl! Barbara stand"said Catie "That's an new one"said Dan "Never seen anything like her before"said Drago "Bring...it...on!"said Barbara "But i like her"said Dan "Ability card activate! Dragon spur!"said Dan as drago turned red and acttaked Barbara "Shot!'said Catie as Barbara as she got hit "Ummm, Ability card activate! Axe Combo!"said Caite as Barbara went and acttaked Drago "Oh snap"said Dan as Drago got hit and crashed into the wall and went back into ball form "And Catie ringo is the winner"said The referre Afther the battle "Dan,I'm super sorry Drago got hurt"said Catie "No sweat, I was getting bored of winning"said Dan "And i hadn't had that much fun in years oh man we got to battle again"said Drago "Sure"said Catie Then Marocho and Shun came "Dan,nice try on winning"said Shun "No big deal"said Dan "Anyway are gonna asked miss Champion to be an part of the Battle brawlers"said Preyas as he came up "Shuttup"said Barbara "Jeez Louise"said Preyas and he went back into Marocho pocket "And the answer is yes"said Catie "Oh by the way what does Ringo mean"said Dan "Apple"said Catie "Ha-ha Apple!It means Apple!?Ha-ha"said Dan "Shuttup or i'll break your neck"said Barbara and Dan went silent "Thanks"said Catie "No problem"said Barbara