__NOEDITSECTION__ [[English name::| ]][[English name (linked)::| ]][[Card image::| ]] [[Card type:: Card| ]][[Card type (short)::[[ Card|]]| ]][[Attribute::| ]][[Type::| ]] [[Lore::Cannot be destroyed by battle except with "Number" monsters. The effects of all Dragon-Type monsters your opponent controls are negated. While you control another Dragon-Type monster, this card cannot be targeted by effects or for attacks. If this card is the only Dragon-Type monster you control: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; Special Summon 1 Dragon-Type monster from your hand, ignoring the Summoning conditions. If this card is the only Dragon-Type monster you control and it has no Xyz Material: You can target 1 Dragon-Type monster your opponent controls; your opponent can pay half their Lif
Attributes | Values |
| - Number 46: Dragluon (anime)
| - __NOEDITSECTION__ [[English name::| ]][[English name (linked)::| ]][[Card image::| ]] [[Card type:: Card| ]][[Card type (short)::[[ Card|]]| ]][[Attribute::| ]][[Type::| ]] [[Lore::Cannot be destroyed by battle except with "Number" monsters. The effects of all Dragon-Type monsters your opponent controls are negated. While you control another Dragon-Type monster, this card cannot be targeted by effects or for attacks. If this card is the only Dragon-Type monster you control: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; Special Summon 1 Dragon-Type monster from your hand, ignoring the Summoning conditions. If this card is the only Dragon-Type monster you control and it has no Xyz Material: You can target 1 Dragon-Type monster your opponent controls; your opponent can pay half their Lif
| - * Cannot be destroyed by battle
* Manages attack targets
ja lore
| - このカードは「No.」と名のつくモンスター以外との戦闘では破壊されない。相手フィールド上に存在するドラゴン族モンスターの効果は無効化される。自分フィールド上にこのカード以外のドラゴン族モンスターが存在する限り相手はこのカードを攻撃対象に選択する事ができず、このカードはカードの効果の対象にならない。自分フィールド上にこのカード以外のドラゴン族モンスターしない場合、このカードのエクシーズ素材を1つ取り除いて発動する事ができる。自分の手札からドラゴン族モンスター1体を召喚条件を無視して特殊召喚する。自分フィールド上にこのカード以外のドラゴン族モンスターが存在ず、このカードのエクシーズ素材も存在しない場合、相手フィールド上に存在するドラゴン族モンスター1体を選択して発動する事ができる。選択した相手モンスターのコントロールを得る。この時、相手プレイヤーはライフポイントを半分払う事で、選択したモンスターを破壊する事ができる。
| - Cannot be destroyed by battle except with "Number" monsters. The effects of all Dragon-Type monsters your opponent controls are negated. While you control another Dragon-Type monster, this card cannot be targeted by effects or for attacks. If this card is the only Dragon-Type monster you control: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; Special Summon 1 Dragon-Type monster from your hand, ignoring the Summoning conditions. If this card is the only Dragon-Type monster you control and it has no Xyz Material: You can target 1 Dragon-Type monster your opponent controls; your opponent can pay half their Life Points to destroy that target, otherwise take control of that target.
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ja image
| - Number46Dragluon-JP-Anime-ZX.png
appears in zx
| - 9223372036854775807(xsd:double)
| - * Negates the effects of your opponent's Effect Monsters
* Cannot be targeted by card effects
* Destroys your opponent's Monster Cards
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Life points
| - * Halves the opponent's LP
* Your opponent pays Life Points for cost
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| - * 2 Xyz Materials
* Requires Type specific Xyz Materials
* Special Summons from your hand
* Ignoring the Summoning conditions
image nc
| - Number46Dragluon-JP-Anime-ZX-NC.png
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| - __NOEDITSECTION__ [[English name::| ]][[English name (linked)::| ]][[Card image::| ]] [[Card type:: Card| ]][[Card type (short)::[[ Card|]]| ]][[Attribute::| ]][[Type::| ]] [[Lore::Cannot be destroyed by battle except with "Number" monsters. The effects of all Dragon-Type monsters your opponent controls are negated. While you control another Dragon-Type monster, this card cannot be targeted by effects or for attacks. If this card is the only Dragon-Type monster you control: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; Special Summon 1 Dragon-Type monster from your hand, ignoring the Summoning conditions. If this card is the only Dragon-Type monster you control and it has no Xyz Material: You can target 1 Dragon-Type monster your opponent controls; your opponent can pay half their Life Points to destroy that target, otherwise take control of that target.| ]] [[?::| ]][[ string::| ]][[?Stars::| ]][[Stars string::| ]][[?ATK::| ]][[ATK string::| ]][[?DEF::| ]][[DEF string::| ]] Main card page: "[[Main card page::|]]" [[File:|link=File:|px]]
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is Card
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