Inola is a character from Past Life and resident of Silent Hill in 1867. The Cherokee woman speaks of the "spirits". She appears to want to birth her daughter Awinita. She seems to wear medicine wheel earrings.
Inola es un personaje del cómic Past Life y residente de Silent Hill. La mujer Cherokee habla de los "espíritus" y parece querer dar a luz a su hija Awinita.
Inola is a character from Past Life and resident of Silent Hill in 1867. The Cherokee woman speaks of the "spirits". She appears to want to birth her daughter Awinita. She seems to wear medicine wheel earrings.
Inola es un personaje del cómic Past Life y residente de Silent Hill. La mujer Cherokee habla de los "espíritus" y parece querer dar a luz a su hija Awinita.
Inola is a character from Past Life and resident of Silent Hill in 1867. The Cherokee woman speaks of the "spirits". She appears to want to birth her daughter Awinita. She seems to wear medicine wheel earrings.