| - Ayaka was the 'property' of Gul Vega, a Corellian smuggler who 'bought' her in 5 ABY as part of an arrangement to free her mother, Shai'rei from her own owner. Shai abandoned her child with Vega for reasons unknown to her daughter. Vega raised her much as his own child, to be a compliment to his skills and a good companion. As such, Ayaka cannot dance but is exceptionally good at business and forgery. Gul Vega died in his sleep of heart failure at the end of Telona, 15 ABY. Ayaka was forced to sell off his ship and their gear to pay off debts pending from repairs needed after a previous bad run. Then, she found herself adrift and alone on Nar Shaddaa without the shelter Vega had provided. Ayaka met Del Marx, Kaitlin Mainwaring, Ewan Dain, Daana Roon, Enret Ruk'dren, and Draga the Hutt during her first weeks alone. She joined Del's smuggling crew but was intrigued by legitimate and illegitimate business opportunities better suited to her skills that were available to her through Dain's enterprises. It was through this channel that she accidentally stumbled upon the opportunity to act as COO of Starlight and CEO of Starlight Swoops. She remains attached to Del and Kaitlin and will not readily abandon their little cabal.